Post the Funnest/Hardest Academic Semester you had in university

In summary, Mine would be 3rd year 1-2 term and 4th year term 1. Funnest/Hardest was the MCAT, which was nearly killed me but I survived; easies was biochemistry. Last year undergraduate, double major physics/mathematics. Funnest would have been AI, but the course was worse than any I have taken and the teacher was bad. Hardest was the final year undergraduate, double major physics/mathematics.
  • #1
Mine would be 3rd year 1-2 term and 4th year term 1

3.1 Funnest/Hardest-(woke up at 9am and slept at like 3am)
Computer Graphics
Neuropsych I
Astrophysics: Stellar
Quantum I
Probability Theory
Number Theory

3.2 Easiest
Theory of Computation
Automata and Langauge Theory
Computational Geometry
Psych Modelling Project: Reinforcement Learning

4.1 Would have been my funnest
AI(worse course I ever took/teacher was bad but other courses were good)
Neuropsych II
Math Phys
Physics news on
  • #2
Mmm, hardest?

Last year undergraduate, double major physics/mathematics

Fuctional Analysis
Statistics, Probability & Measure theory
Analytical Mechanics
Intro to Quantum Mechanics
Special Relativity & Electrodynamics
Numerical Analysis
Intro to astronomy
Advanced labwork

Nearly killed me, but I survived :biggrin:
  • #3
Dimitri Terryn said:
Mmm, hardest?

Last year undergraduate, double major physics/mathematics

Fuctional Analysis
Statistics, Probability & Measure theory
Analytical Mechanics
Intro to Quantum Mechanics
Special Relativity & Electrodynamics
Numerical Analysis
Intro to astronomy
Advanced labwork

Nearly killed me, but I survived :biggrin:

You took ALL of those during the same semester? Or are you talking about an academic year?
  • #4
ok, let's see:

Calculus 2
Algebra based physics 2 (someone told me that you couldn't pass calculus based physics 2 without taking calculus 2, total BS BTW)
Biochemistry 2
biochemistry lab
gross anatomy + lab
organic chemistry lab
a public speaking class
intro to native American literature

Pile on top of that:
working 30 hours per week
6+ hours per week training and competing in MA
spending 6 hours per week in a MCAT prep course
spending 10+ hours per week studying for the MCAT itself for the following spring

OH YEA, and the ultimate "in your face"
Fiancée of 2.5 years dumped me for a 42 year old, lazy, part time substitute school teacher who managed to lose $200k day trading in the stock market in about 6 months. The reason for the dumping? I didn't know to get her moose tracks ice cream while watching movies, so I couldn't possible "KNOW" her like he does.

About half way through that semester, I just stopped going to class or showing up for tests. I took the MCAT the following spring and scored a 32, not bad considering. I got a full time job and had to work for 5 years before I realized what a huge mistake I had made by leaving school.

WOW, as painful as that was to type, I feel oddly better.
  • #5
kdinser said:
OH YEA, and the ultimate "in your face"
Fiancée of 2.5 years dumped me for a 42 year old, lazy, part time substitute school teacher who managed to lose $200k day trading in the stock market in about 6 months. The reason for the dumping? I didn't know to get her moose tracks ice cream while watching movies, so I couldn't possible "KNOW" her like he does.
You were dumped over ice cream? I think that guy did you a favor. :wink:
  • #6
Maxwell said:
You took ALL of those during the same semester? Or are you talking about an academic year?

One semester. If you add up the hours, it basically amounted to the amount of coursework one normally does in a year.

I'm really looking forward to my next semester, though

A course on integral equations
Elementary Particles Theory (standard model)
QFT (path integral formalism)
General Relativity
  • #7
damn 10 courses in one semester? even engineers don't take that much. how did you fit in all the exams?
  • #8
I spent a year at our military academy.

On top of 25 odd contact hours (Aero eng), I had 8 hours of military classes (leadership etc), 2 hours of drill and several hours of just random ****.

Couple that with all the other things that go along with it, like keeping rooms perfect, perfect uniforms etc, it was probably my hardest year. I had no desire to stay in the RAAF, so now I am out enjoying civvy uni.

  • #9
neurocomp2003 said:
damn 10 courses in one semester? even engineers don't take that much...

Physicists are tougher then engineers :-p

neurocomp2003 said:
how did you fit in all the exams?

Well, over here we have a three week exam period. Also, numerical analys didn't have an exam, just projects. I managed to do my thermo and astro exams before the official examinations period as well. You can get away with a lot if you're a little creative...
  • #10
Ha! And here I am questioning whether 5 math classes, with nothing else, will be too much in one semester! Yeah you guys are insane :smile:
  • #11
Well in one year I had to do the remaining halves of 2 full language degrees, finish a degree in mathematics and applied physics and also do training for the army.

I had literally not 1 day off for 6months.

  • #12
I've found that not having a single day off is what really burns me out when I pulling insane hours like 80+ per week. I could stand working 13.5 hours per day, 6 days a week, a lot longer then I could do 11.5 hours per day 7 days a week.
  • #13
Mine toughest was last semester (spring) and this one (summer).

Diff Eq
PHY II with lab
ENGR designing with autocad (loads of homework)
Writing class


Add to that 40 hrs/week of work.

FAQ: Post the Funnest/Hardest Academic Semester you had in university

1. What made your "funnest" academic semester in university stand out?

There were a few factors that made my "funnest" academic semester in university stand out. First, the course material was interesting and engaging, making it easier to stay motivated and focused. Second, the professors were dynamic and passionate, which made the learning experience more enjoyable. Lastly, I was able to form study groups with like-minded peers, creating a positive and supportive learning environment.

2. How did you manage to make the "hardest" academic semester in university more bearable?

The key to making the "hardest" academic semester in university more bearable was effective time management and prioritization. I made a schedule for myself and stuck to it, ensuring that I had enough time to complete assignments and study for exams. Additionally, I sought help from professors and classmates when needed and took breaks to avoid burnout.

3. Did you face any challenges during your "funnest/hardest" academic semester in university?

Yes, I faced challenges during both my "funnest" and "hardest" academic semesters in university. For the "funnest" semester, the main challenge was balancing my workload with extracurricular activities and social events. As for the "hardest" semester, the challenge was managing a heavy course load and maintaining a good GPA.

4. How did your "funnest/hardest" academic semester in university impact your future academic and professional pursuits?

My "funnest/hardest" academic semester in university definitely had an impact on my future academic and professional pursuits. The "funnest" semester helped me develop a love for my field of study and motivated me to pursue further education in that area. The "hardest" semester taught me valuable time management and study skills that have been beneficial in my future academic and professional endeavors.

5. What advice do you have for students going through a "funnest/hardest" academic semester in university?

My advice for students going through a "funnest/hardest" academic semester in university is to stay organized, stay motivated, and seek help when needed. It's also important to take breaks and take care of your mental and physical health. Remember that it's okay to struggle and make mistakes, as long as you learn from them. And most importantly, don't forget to have fun and enjoy the learning experience!

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