Practical applications of number theory?

In summary, number theory is a field of pure mathematics that has many applications in physics. Some of these applications are practical, but others are theoretical only. Parts of number theory have been found to have practical uses, but other parts are theoretical only.
  • #1
I am currently a college student who just started taking my first number theory course this week, and with all the stuff I am learning my only question is... are there practical applications to number theory?

I mean there are many theories in physics yet many of those have been put to practical use, but does the same apply to number theory? If so, then what situations could it apply too in the real world? I'm an engineering major so I'm really curious in knowing how this will help me in future engineering maths or the real world.
Physics news on
  • #2
  • #3
only_huce said:
I am currently a college student who just started taking my first number theory course this week, and with all the stuff I am learning my only question is... are there practical applications to number theory?

I mean there are many theories in physics yet many of those have been put to practical use, but does the same apply to number theory? If so, then what situations could it apply too in the real world? I'm an engineering major so I'm really curious in knowing how this will help me in future engineering maths or the real world.

Much of modern day cryptography uses number theory.
  • #4
I've heard some of the divisibility algorithms are used in computer science...

Otherwise, though, number theory is a field of math which is very "pure".
  • #5
Rather unfortunately, parts of number theory (even those once held as the pinnacle of esoteric) has succumbed to trivial applications.

The most immediate is in cryptography and cryptanalysis, then there are computer algorithms as was said and there are even, surprisingly enough, connections to physics! (mainly in the area of analytic regularizations in quantum theories)
  • #6
I think data compression as well. From data storage to data transmission, that is billions of dollars of a big deal.
  • #7
yasiru89 said:
Rather unfortunately, parts of number theory (even those once held as the pinnacle of esoteric) has succumbed to trivial applications.

The most immediate is in cryptography and cryptanalysis, then there are computer algorithms as was said and there are even, surprisingly enough, connections to physics! (mainly in the area of analytic regularizations in quantum theories)

quoting Yasiru, Number theory has lots of applications in physics

- Selberg Trace formula, is very similar to Gutzwiller formula for the trace of resolvent
[tex] (E-H+i\epsilon)^{-1} [/tex]

- Negative values of Zeta function [tex] \zeta (-m) [/tex] or Bernoulli Numbers (related to negative value of Zeta) can be used to compute divergent series and integrals

- Combinatorial problems of Number theory has application to Bose-Einstein or Fermi-Dirac statistics

to know more:
  • #8
Wow, mhill I have to say the link you gave definitely answered all my questions.

I really appreciate everyones responses. I'm an engineering major taking number theory because I wanted to strengthen my math skills and I always think that's a point that all engineers need to work on. However, being as theoretical as the course was I got more than what I expected and kind of got lost in it all. So by finding out all the practical applications everyone has given me I have definitely gained a better appreciation for the course.
  • #9
Yeah the link mhill gave has it all; as an engineer explicit number theory knowledge will only come in useful in telecommunication and perhaps computer science. The uses in physics are largely theoretical, so unless you get into a physics technology sector chances of coming across applications of number theory is still pretty low.

FAQ: Practical applications of number theory?

1. What are some real-world examples of practical applications of number theory?

Number theory has a wide range of practical applications, including cryptography, coding theory, and computer science. Some specific examples include using prime numbers in encryption algorithms, using modular arithmetic in error-correcting codes, and using number theory to optimize algorithms for data sorting and searching.

2. How is number theory used in cryptography?

Number theory plays a crucial role in modern cryptography, particularly in the field of public key encryption. The security of many encryption algorithms, such as RSA, is based on the difficulty of factoring large numbers, which is a problem rooted in number theory. Additionally, number theory is used to create secure random number generators, which are essential for generating strong encryption keys.

3. What is the connection between number theory and computer science?

Number theory is fundamental to many areas of computer science, including algorithms, data structures, and coding theory. Many algorithms and data structures rely on number theory concepts, such as prime numbers, to efficiently solve problems. Additionally, number theory is used in coding theory to create error-correcting codes that are essential in the reliable transmission of data over noisy channels.

4. How does number theory contribute to modern technology?

Number theory has a significant impact on modern technology, particularly in the fields of cryptography, coding theory, and computer science. Without the concepts and algorithms developed in number theory, many of the technologies we rely on today, such as secure online transactions, data encryption, and error-free data transmission, would not be possible.

5. Can number theory be applied to other fields besides mathematics and computer science?

Yes, number theory has practical applications in a variety of fields, including physics, engineering, and economics. For example, number theory is used in physics to study the behavior of electrons in a magnetic field, and in engineering to optimize signal processing algorithms. In economics, number theory concepts are used in the study of financial markets and stock trading.

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