Questions You Hate: STAii's Response "Do You Recognize Me?

  • Thread starter MSI
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In summary, a lot of people hate being asked certain questions, such as "do you recognize me?", "do you love me?", "why do you hate me?", "A/S/L?", "Do I look fat in this?", "What time is it?", "Cold isn't it?", "Hot isn't it?", "So, what's up?", "How are you?", and "Can I see your driver's license and registration please?". These questions can be annoying and serve little purpose, and many people do not really care about the answers. Some people also dislike internet slang and mundane small talk. However, some people do not mind being asked questions and find it helpful in getting to know others.
  • #1
a lot of people hat to be asked some questions ad example STAii hates to be asked : "do you recognize me?"

just wondering what questions you hate

for me i hate that a girl ask me "do you love me?" i immediatly awnser "no" (weather i love her or not!) and if she asked "why do you hate me?" i awnser "go and buy your self a lolly pop!"
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  • #2
  • #3
"Do I look fat in this?"
  • #4
I ahte it when a Girl comes up to me and asks me if I am the Key Master.
  • #5
Originally posted by Kerrie
Same here.
  • #6
What does "A/S/L" mean?

  • #7
Originally posted by Dissident Dan
What does "A/S/L" mean?

It means age/sex/location
  • #8
"What time is it?"

"Cold isn't it?"

"Hot isn't it?"

"So, what's up?"

"How are you?"

Just a few, but NO, I do NOT hate them, they are just questions that I tire of, as they serve little purpose, and most people don't really care "How I am", if it's "hot" or "cold", what really "is up", (the ceiling!) they are simply ways of people trying to make small talk, trite, banal, irrelevant noise, to know that they are still alive, by hearing the sounds of their own voices...I suspect.
  • #9
"Can I see your driver's license and registration please?"
  • #10
Originally posted by damgo
"Do I look fat in this?"

LOL! You must be married. For me even worse is, "which of these [fill in the blank __________ shoes, purse, outfits, etc.] do you like better" because it means I am about to be asked to reassure her about her latest purchase , over and over and over and . . . (darling, if you are reading this -- just kidding!).
  • #11
Ha, no, I haven't been trapped yet. But yes, any of those lose-lose questions are terrible: like "you think such-and-such is attractive, don't you?" or "do you think it's a problem that we never fight?" (yes, I actually got that one.) I mean, what do you say? If you do what you're supposed to and say of course not, then you just get a stream of "you're just saying that" and disbelieving looks. But God save the poor guy who is naive enough to think it might be good idea to just be honest and say, eg "yes I think she's cute but it doesn't matter cause I love you." :)
  • #12
My guy's in the mood MUCH more than I am so I'm starting to dread the "wanna do it?" question.
  • #13
Originally posted by Stephanie
My guy's in the mood MUCH more than I am so I'm starting to dread the "wanna do it?" question.

just tell he you want to do him SM style, he'll might leave you alone then. Ask him absurd questions like: you like high voltage electric shock on your testicles and say it really turns you on or tell him to dress up as a woman. Nuff said! Glad I could help you out!

Anyways... might fav hate thing is "Honey can you take the damn trash out!"
Dx :wink:

PEACE OUT! "The Dxman Cometh!"
  • #14
Originally posted by Dx
just tell he you want to do him SM style, he'll might leave you alone then. Ask him absurd questions like: you like high voltage electric shock on your testicles and say it really turns you on or tell him to dress up as a woman.

Yes, but DX, what if when she asks him this his eyes light up, and he runs to get the cattle prod and panties?
  • #15
"So, when do you think you can pay this account by, keeping in mind that you have only 7 days and failing payment by then, your service shall be disconnected and you will receive a 50 dollar re-connection fee on top of the outstanding debt?"
  • #16
hmm..can't say i hate being asked certain questions...

i just dislike people caught up in all the crappy internet slang..when they ask me questions in slang i get annoyed. What is wrong with propper english?
  • #17
I hate being asked "what'ya readin'?". Almost invariably, the person couldn't care less about what I'm reading, and will make themselves seem completely retarded (once I tell them) by saying, "whoah, that's way over my head", or, "you can actually understand that stuff?".
  • #18
i know what you mean, mentat.

i also hate the completely mundane talk such as: 'what's up?' 'how are you doing?' (and you know almost no one gives a rat's a** about how you're doing).
  • #19
Originally posted by maximus
i know what you mean, mentat.

i also hate the completely mundane talk such as: 'what's up?' 'how are you doing?' (and you know almost no one gives a rat's a** about how you're doing).

I'm not stalking you...just looked up your profile to see if I want to grant you any CREDIBILITY.

Sounds as tho you've been to Yahoo's Physics Forum. What a lowly group of toads!

More than one of them called me a "crackpot"! Can you BELIEVE it? Me. A crackpot.

I called them "morons" -- with apologies to clinically ordained morons -- and referred to the place as "Airheads Seeking Eggheads".

I was about the give up when I found THIS place. And some say there is no God.
  • #20
stalk away, buddy. have i offended you in any way?

oh, and when you're done, can you tell me if I'm credible?
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  • #21
Originally posted by maximus
stock away, buddy. have i offended you in any way?

oh, and when you're done, can you tell me if I'm credible?

Why would you think you offended me? I just wanted to get a sense of who you are. Guess I'll let your future posts determine your credibility. OK?
  • #22
Originally posted by M. Gaspar
Why would you think you offended me? I just wanted to get a sense of who you are. Guess I'll let your future posts determine your credibility. OK?

deal. oh, and i'll be researching you. naturally.
  • #23
Originally posted by maximus
deal. oh, and i'll be researching you. naturally.

I'm going to UNSUBSRIBE to this thread...but will see you elsewhere.

  • #24
Originally posted by Cummings
hmm..can't say i hate being asked certain questions...

i just dislike people caught up in all the crappy internet slang..when they ask me questions in slang i get annoyed. What is wrong with propper english?
One thing about it is that it's spelled with a capital "E." Sorry! :wink:
  • #25
Originally posted by Iacchus32
One thing about it is that it's spelled with a capital "E." Sorry! :wink:

yes yes, i don't like internet slang but i don't care about things like typing and spelling errors. As long as you can make out what they are saying...but then you can make out what they are saying when they use slang...

meh, its to hot.
  • #26
most recently:

"So what's it like being 21?" - THE SAME AS IT DID LAST WEEK! ARGH!


"So what do you study at university?" - uh, medical physics. INstant geek label

I can envisage in a few years:

"Where so babies come from?" - ask your mother, she's a biologist...
  • #27
I hate it when people ask me to do dirty things, whilst they're holding a revolver to a kitten's head.

It happens quite a lot. Even when I go out shopping.
  • #28
Originally posted by LW Sleeth
Yes, but DX, what if when she asks him this his eyes light up, and he runs to get the cattle prod and panties?

YES! Please disregard, OUCH! What a horrible thought.
  • #29
Oh, I thought of another question I don't like being asked: "Whaddya think of her?". IMO, that's just a stupid question, as it asks one (who hadn't been doing so) to observe another human being, in what is, IMO, a degrading manner.
  • #30
Originally posted by Mentat
...IMO..., ...IMO...

what does IMO stand for?
  • #31
onther question i used to hate when i was at school when mom tell me "why don't you go and study your exam?" that question was making me mad ..
if i was really going to study and i was asked that question i don't study

in university if one of my friends tell me to go and study i bring him my cat to his house ... my friends hate it
  • #32
Originally posted by maximus
what does IMO stand for?

In My Opinion or In My Humble (probably falsely stated...But?) Opinion. but that's IMHO!

FAQ: Questions You Hate: STAii's Response "Do You Recognize Me?

1. What is STAii's response to the question "Do You Recognize Me?"

STAii's response to the question "Do You Recognize Me?" is a set of pre-programmed responses that are designed to mimic human-like behavior and communication. It is not capable of recognizing individuals in the same way that humans do.

2. Can STAii recognize specific people or faces?

No, STAii is not capable of recognizing specific people or faces. Its responses are based on programmed algorithms and data, rather than visual recognition.

3. How does STAii respond to the question "Do You Recognize Me?"

STAii's response to the question "Do You Recognize Me?" may vary depending on its programming and the context in which the question is asked. It may respond with a generic statement or ask for more information to better understand the question.

4. Is STAii's response to the question "Do You Recognize Me?" always accurate?

No, STAii's response to the question "Do You Recognize Me?" is not always accurate. It may give incorrect or nonsensical responses due to limitations in its programming or lack of understanding of the question.

5. Can STAii learn to recognize individuals over time?

As an AI, STAii has the ability to learn and improve over time. However, its learning is limited to the data and algorithms it is programmed with and it is not capable of recognizing individuals in the same way that humans do.

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