Are Democrats' Homeland Security Plans Effective or Wasteful?

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  • Thread starter Rach3
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In summary, Democrats in Congress have proposed a bill to strengthen homeland security and implement 9/11 Commission recommendations. This includes requiring private companies to prepare for terrorism, inspecting cargo, giving airport screeners whistle-blower protection, setting aside money for technology to detect explosives, and establishing an appeals process for passengers mistakenly on terrorist watch lists. Some criticize this as costly and bureaucratic, while others see it as a political move to gain support and increase state power over corporations.
  • #1
I used to believe in the stereotype, that Democrats were wasteful spenders and Republicans were the more fiscally responsible; six years of this administration, though, has proven me wrong. The administration of Star Wars, DHS, and Iraq has set a high bar for the olympic sport of money-hurling. But the Democrats are going for gold!

Democrats set homeland security changes

WASHINGTON - Hours after taking control of Congress, House Democrats disclosed a plan they said would strengthen homeland security after five years of complaining that Republicans weren't doing enough.

Democrats say their legislation bill would implement the unfinished 9/11 Commission recommendations that fall under the
Homeland Security Committee's jurisdiction.

The bill would require private companies to prepare for terrorism and the government would have to inspect cargo on passenger planes and shipping containers leaving the largest ports. Airport screeners would be given whistle-blower protection, money would be set aside to develop technology for detecting explosives at checkpoints and an appeals process would be established for airline passengers mistaken for terrorists on watch lists.

Sounds expensive! Let's parse this:

The bill would require private companies to prepare for terrorism
More aimless bureaucracy.

and the government would have to inspect cargo on passenger planes
typical strategy - spend big money addressing just one of the trillion vulnerabilites that exist in the modern world, as if it's a smart use of money (as opposed to crass political posturing)

and shipping containers leaving the largest ports.
cause the smallest ones ain't got no money...

Airport screeners would be given whistle-blower protection,
while all other government agencies keep on policing themselves

money would be set aside to develop technology for detecting explosives at checkpoints
we're already setting aside billions for that; it shouldn't read "money would be set aside" but "yet more money would be set aside"

and an appeals process would be established for airline passengers mistaken for terrorists on watch lists.
once you were presumed guilty; but now - you get a chance to prove yourself innocent! What a great deal!
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  • #2
It's a ploy, no doubt they hope to cash in on disillusioned Republican voters and increase state power over corporations at the same time. It's win-win!
  • #3

I have to agree with the concerns raised in this response. While homeland security is important, blindly throwing money at various measures without a clear plan or strategy is not a responsible approach. It is important to carefully evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of proposed measures and prioritize spending accordingly. Additionally, it is crucial to address the root causes of terrorism and not just focus on reactionary measures. I would urge the Democrats to consider a more comprehensive and evidence-based approach to strengthening homeland security.

FAQ: Are Democrats' Homeland Security Plans Effective or Wasteful?

1. What is the purpose of the Democrats' Plan for Homeland Security?

The purpose of the Democrats' Plan for Homeland Security is to strengthen measures and increase spending in order to better protect the United States from threats and attacks.

2. How does the plan aim to strengthen measures for homeland security?

The plan includes increasing resources for border security, implementing stricter background checks and screenings for individuals entering the country, and enhancing cybersecurity measures to protect against cyber attacks.

3. How much additional funding is allocated for homeland security in the Democrats' Plan?

The Democrats' Plan for Homeland Security includes an additional $1.2 billion in funding for various measures such as improving infrastructure, enhancing emergency response capabilities, and increasing training for law enforcement and first responders.

4. Will this plan have any impact on immigration policies?

While the Democrats' Plan for Homeland Security does not directly address immigration policies, it does include measures to strengthen border security and improve the vetting process for individuals entering the country. However, any changes to immigration policies would need to be addressed separately.

5. How does this plan differ from previous plans for homeland security?

This plan differs from previous plans in its focus on increasing funding for measures such as cybersecurity and emergency response, as well as its emphasis on strengthening border security. It also includes provisions for increased oversight and accountability to ensure effective use of resources.

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