Realism from Locality? Bell's Theorem & Nonlocality in QM

In summary, Bricmont, Goldstein, and Hemmick wrote two papers presenting a Bell-like theorem that involves only perfect correlations and does not involve any inequalities. They claim that this version proves nonlocality and that the theorem cannot be interpreted as a disproof of realism. The authors define realism as non-contextual value-maps, and state that such value-maps cannot exist. Therefore, it is not a choice between locality and realism, as both are incompatible. The authors are Bohmians and accept contextual realism. This view fits with the anti-philosophical attitude, as the minimal interpretation is not complete enough for those inclined towards philosophy. However, it is not new and has been discussed on forums like PF many
  • #106
akvadrako said:
Thanks for your review. I was trying to select the most focused paper to demonstrate the way local splitting works; next time I'll pick a different one. I was only talking about the initial part though; nothing past equation 11.
The point is though that his entire argument that non-locality doesn't exist is based on assuming the validity of Bohmian mechanics, which is an explicitly non-local theory. Carrying out this argument as a logical derivation therefore leads to a contradiction and so quite ironically actually proves that non-locality does exist.

Moreover, Tipler despite being a serious physicist with a professorship is a known crackpot, with his work on theological physics rivalling only Polkinghorne. This just goes to show that even the best pedigree in physics means almost nothing.
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  • #107
A. Neumaier said:
The preparation is the local cause for the later statistical correlations of measurements.

No problem with this statement. More or less what the minimal statistical interpretation - if correctly understood – says: The square amplitude of the wave function is the probability that certain statistical correlations will be found if corresponding measurements are made on entangled quantum systems.

Thinking of the post-measurement situation in a statistical way, however, doesn’t allow to infuse statistical considerations into the thinking of the pre-measurement situation: “The deeper reason for the circumstance that the wave function cannot correspond to any statistical collective lies in the fact that the concept of the wave function belongs to the potentially possible (to experiments not yet performed), while the concept of the statistical collective belongs to the accomplished (to the results of experiments already carried out).”(V. A. Fock)

A collective of identically prepared entangled quantum systems can thus not be understood as a “statistical collective”; that’s what has been unambiguously proven by Bell. The term “ensemble” denotes a “statistical collective“; otherwise, no physicist would use this term as it is connoted to the “Gibbs ensemble” reasoning. Thus, any ensemble interpretation is nonsensical when viewed from the standpoint of Bell’s proof.

A. Neumaier said:
But there is no question that the probability of paired outcomes of measurements on pairs of entangled photons is fully determined (and fully controllable, hence causally determined) by the preparation and every anticipated measurement setting.

Where is the corresponding deterministic physical model which proves this statement?
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  • #108
vanhees71 said:
the experimental setup is defined in some reference frame (say, the "lab frame")

If every single piece of experimental apparatus is at rest relative to every other piece, then yes, one can pick out a "lab frame" that is picked out in some meaningful physical way. But if Alice and Bob are on spaceships light-years apart, with curved spacetime in between so there isn't even an invariant notion of them being "at rest" relative to one another, let alone a global reference frame covering both of them with the properties that would be required, QM still predicts the same Bell inequality violating correlations. So I don't think the statement you make here is a valid one to rely on.
  • #109
A. Neumaier said:
The preparation of the entangled state is done locally

Not necessarily; in entanglement swapping experiments, qubits can be entangled that have never encountered each other locally.
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  • #110
akvadrako said:
See for example Quantum nonlocality does not exist. The splits happen locally and only spread via interactions.

If the MWI is true and the rest of Tipler's reasoning is valid. I haven't reviewed the paper and Tipler has published some other rather outlandish claims. But in any case, his claim is certainly interpretation dependent since it requires the MWI to be true.

akvadrako said:
there doesn't seem to be any reason MWI doesn't also work in the relativistic case. For example, see Observers and Locality in Everett Quantum Field Theory.

I'll take a look. But once again, showing that MWI -> locality is not the same as showing that QM -> locality. MWI is only one interpretation of QM.
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  • #111
PeterDonis said:
If every single piece of experimental apparatus is at rest relative to every other piece, then yes, one can pick out a "lab frame" that is picked out in some meaningful physical way. But if Alice and Bob are on spaceships light-years apart, with curved spacetime in between so there isn't even an invariant notion of them being "at rest" relative to one another, let alone a global reference frame covering both of them with the properties that would be required, QM still predicts the same Bell inequality violating correlations. So I don't think the statement you make here is a valid one to rely on.
While QFT in curved spacetime is really difficult to formulate and even more complicated to interpret, that's not the case for special relativistic QFT. You can describd an experiment in any given reference frame. If Alice and Bob are in relative motion to each other, just choose thd restframe of either one. Where should there be a problem with a Poincare-covariant theory? Do you have an example, where problems occur?
  • #112
Tendex said:
it's just admitting the statistical terms in which the theory is presented,

See comment #107
  • #113
Lord Jestocost said:
See comment #107
Do you mean mixed states shouldn't be part of quantum mechanics?
  • #114
vanhees71 said:
Yes, that's what I said.
Tendex said:
How calling it prescribed instead of imprinted by preparation makes any difference here beats me.

To say it clearer:
Regarding an entangled system in the singlet state: One might say that the perfect anti-correlations found at equal angles might be prescribed or imprinted by the preparation, but this cannot hold for the statistical correlations found at unequal angles; otherwise on should be able to present a corresponding statistical physical model.
  • #115
Tendex said:
Do you mean mixed states shouldn't be part of quantum mechanics?

What the heck has this question to do with my comment #107?
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  • #116
vanhees71 said:
You can describd an experiment in any given reference frame.

Yes, which means none of them are picked out as being preferred, which means you can't rely on "space" and "time" having a unique well-defined meaning. But in the original post I was responding to in this subthread (which was not yours, it was #83 by @akvadrako), the poster was making an argument that implicitly assumed that "space" and "time" do have a unique well-defined meaning (because it implicitly assumed that spacelike separated measurements have a well-defined ordering).
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  • #117
A. Neumaier said:
The preparation of the entangled state is done locally, hence is a local cause.
But isn't by your own account that the spin EV is zero, so then how does measurement grantees anti-correlation? Maybe I misunderstood something.
  • #118
PeterDonis said:
Not necessarily; in entanglement swapping experiments, qubits can be entangled that have never encountered each other locally.
The entanglement swapping is just a second local cause for correlations that needs to be taken into account in the causal analysis.
  • #119
ftr said:
But isn't by your own account that the spin EV is zero, so then how does measurement grantees anti-correlation? Maybe I misunderstood something.
Spin eigenvalues of a 2 state system cannot be zero. You confuse it with the q-expectation.
  • #120
A. Neumaier said:
Spin eigenvalues of a 2 state system cannot be zero.

Do you mean a single qubit or a system of two entangled qubits?

For a two-qubit system in the singlet state, the operator ##Z_A \otimes I_B + I_A \otimes Z_B##, for example, has eigenvalue zero (i.e., the system is in an eigenstate of that operator with eigenvalue zero).
  • #121
PeterDonis said:
Do you mean a single qubit or a system of two entangled qubits?

For a two-qubit system in the singlet state, the operator ##Z_A \otimes I_B + I_A \otimes Z_B##, for example, has eigenvalue zero (i.e., the system is in an eigenstate of that operator with eigenvalue zero).
2 entangled qubits form a 4 state system.
  • #122
A. Neumaier said:
2 entangled qubits form a 4 state system.

Ok, so you meant a single qubit. But I think @ftr in the post you were responding to, #117, was talking about a 2-qubit system. Otherwise talking about anti-correlation as he did would make no sense; a single qubit can't be anticorrelated with itself.
  • #123
PeterDonis said:
Ok, so you meant a single qubit. But I think @ftr in the post you were responding to, #117, was talking about a 2-qubit system. Otherwise talking about anti-correlation as he did would make no sense; a single qubit can't be anticorrelated with itself.
Then I don't know what he means by my ''own account''.
  • #124
vanhees71 said:
That's the problem: Still in the 21st century many people, particularly philosophers, cannot accept the probabilistic and epistemic interpretation of the quantum state and then of course have a lot of troubles given the success of Q(F)T
They can accept its truth, but not its completeness. They want to know what happens behind the curtain.

On the other hand, those who are satisfied with the purely epistemic interpretation either
(i) don't care about things behind the curtain, or
(ii) care a little bit but don't think that it is a scientific question, or
(iii) claim that there is nothing behind the curtain at all.
Those in the category (i) have a mind of an engineer, which would be OK if they didn't claim that they are not engineers but scientists. Those in the category (ii) often hold double standards because in other matters (unrelated to quantum foundations) they often think that questions about things behind the curtain are scientific. Those in the category (iii) are simply dogmatic, which contradicts the very essence of scientific way of thinking.
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  • #125
vanhees71 said:
While QFT in curved spacetime is really difficult to formulate and even more complicated to interpret
What is complicated to interpret about QFT in curved spacetime?
  • #126
Lord Jestocost said:
To say it clearer:
Regarding an entangled system in the singlet state: One might say that the perfect anti-correlations found at equal angles might be prescribed or imprinted by the preparation, but this cannot hold for the statistical correlations found at unequal angles; otherwise on should be able to present a corresponding statistical physical model.
The state (any state, i.e., pure or mixed, all described by statistical operators) describes the statistics about the outcome of measurements of all possible observables. You can freely choose the observables you want to measure, subject to what's possible to measure (i.e., all definable observables of the system).

Of course you can measure the polarization of one photon at an arbitrary angle (relative to some arbitrary direction in space) and that of the other one at another arbitrary angle. If the photons are polarization entangled, then you'll also find the correlations, which are not 100% anymore in general. That's also the way how the violation of Bell's inequality gets confirmed with overwhelming significance.
  • #127
PeterDonis said:
Yes, which means none of them are picked out as being preferred, which means you can't rely on "space" and "time" having a unique well-defined meaning. But in the original post I was responding to in this subthread (which was not yours, it was #83 by @akvadrako), the poster was making an argument that implicitly assumed that "space" and "time" do have a unique well-defined meaning (because it implicitly assumed that spacelike separated measurements have a well-defined ordering).
Of course, but that's also the case within classical relativistic physics. There's no problem whatsoever in this. I don't understand what your point is. In the real world experiments are defined by real-world experimental setups, and they are described in some (and thus also in any) frame of reference.

Of course space-like separated events do not have a frame-independent temporal ordering, and that's why within relativistic spacetime such events cannot be causally connected, and that's why one constructs local QFTs, i.e., QFTs which fulfill the microcausality principle. That's why I always insist on the fact that, as long as some experiment like all the beautiful quantum-optics experiments we are discussing here can be described by a local relativistic QFT there cannot be (by construction!) a contradiction to Einstein causality, i.e., if there are space-like separated measurement events (here clicks of a photo detector) they are not causing anything mutually to each other. This is demonstrated in many experiments today, where you can post-select subensembles with given properties by applying these properties in the selection process after the observable considered is measured (see the experiment with four photons by Jennewein et al in one of the other ongoing debates in this forum).
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  • #128
Demystifier said:
They can accept its truth, but not its completeness. They want to know what happens behind the curtain.

On the other hand, those who are satisfied with the purely epistemic interpretation either
(i) don't care about things behind the curtain, or
(ii) care a little bit but don't think that it is a scientific question, or
(iii) claim that there is nothing behind the curtain at all.
Those in the category (i) have a mind of an engineer, which would be OK if they didn't claim that they are not engineers but scientists. Those in the category (ii) often hold double standards because in other matters (unrelated to quantum foundations) they often think that questions about things behind the curtain are scientific. Those in the category (iii) are simply dogmatic, which contradicts the very essence of scientific way of thinking.
Well, I can easily accept the claim that QT or any other physical theory is (or may be as long as no empirical facts hint at it) is incomplete. I only deny the existence of problems which are not there. It's disadvantageous for the progress of science debating about pseudoproblems of little to no relevance. E.g., in connection with the foundations of QT it's quite true that "The Hippies Saved Physics" (referring to Kaiser's book), but they also endangered the entire business by invoking relations to esoterics.

Concerning your items above:

ad (i) There may be something behind the curtain, but from a scientific point of view there's not the slightest hint in connection with the here discussed (pseudo-)issues. If there's any hint, it's the lack of understanding of quantum gravity, but there's no hint within the realm of standard quantum physics, i.e., QM and relativistic QFT. I've no problem being called and engineer though I doubt that engineers would consider me being one ;-)).

ad (ii) and (iii) see (i).
  • #129
Demystifier said:
What is complicated to interpret about QFT in curved spacetime?
E.g., start with the only apparently simple question what a particle might be. In special-relativistic (standard) QFT it's allready a non-trivial thing, but you can define it thinking hard about the "asymptotic free states". In a general spacetime this recipe is usually not applicable. It's possible for some particularly simple space times of high symmetry (like (anti-)de Sitter spacetime), but not for the general case (and I'm only talking about QFTs in a given "background spacetime").
  • #130
vanhees71 said:
E.g., start with the only apparently simple question what a particle might be.
What about the answer that a particle is a click in a particle detector? This answer is widely (though not universally) accepted in the curved spacetime QFT community, and I would expect that you find such an answer satisfying.
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  • #131
vanhees71 said:
I only deny the existence of problems which are not there.
Consider, for instance, the question how to make Bohmian mechanics compatible with relativistic QFT. Would you say that this problem exists or would you deny its existence?
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  • #132
vanhees71 said:
I've no problem being called and engineer
OK, I'll keep it in mind. 😉
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  • #133
Demystifier said:
What about the answer that a particle is a click in a particle detector? This answer is widely (though not universally) accepted in the curved spacetime QFT community, and I would expect that you find such an answer satisfying.
Yes, that's in fact a very nice definition. Of course you have to describe it somehow with the formalism. I don't know much about QFT in curved spacetime, but I had the impression that's a pretty tough subject when it comes to the physical interpretation.
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  • #134
vanhees71 said:
Yes, that's in fact a very nice definition. Of course you have to describe it somehow with the formalism. I don't know much about QFT in curved spacetime, but I had the impression that's a pretty tough subject when it comes to the physical interpretation.
Its pretty tough only if one does not accept that there is nothing more about a particle than a click in a detector. And guess what, many experts in the field do not accept it.
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  • #135
Hm, do you have some paper about how to define particles as "clicks" in a detector in a curved spacetime?

Maybe, I'm willing to accept your definition so easily, because I'm pretty much a phenomenologist. In my field of research, relativistic heavy-ion collisions, we have no "Standard Model" though the HEP Standard Model is the "fundamental theory" we deal with, but it's more about many-body Standard Model than "vacuum QFT". So we cannot afford to ignore what's measureable and what the really observed phenomena are. In fact one of the most important tasks of us theorists in this field is to help the experimentalist to find the interesting observables to learn about strongly interacting matter!
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  • #136
Demystifier said:
What about the answer that a particle is a click in a particle detector?
vanhees71 said:
Yes, that's in fact a very nice definition. Of course you have to describe it somehow with the formalism.
Demystifier said:
Its pretty tough only if one does not accept that there is nothing more about a particle than a click in a detector.
How do you prepare such a particle? How can a click have spin or mass?
  • #137
Well, how do you measure spin and mass in practice? For spin there's the Stern-Gerlach experiment. At the end it's a "click" registering the "particle" at a certain place. From the position of the click you infer the value of the spin component (or more precisely the magnetic moment) you measure.

For mass, e.g., you measure energy and momentum of the particle and then use ##E^2-p^2=m^2##. Also this is done by using a detector which clicks at a given position.
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  • #138
vanhees71 said:
Well, how do you measure spin and mass in practice? For spin there's the Stern-Gerlach experiment. At the end it's a "click" registering the "particle" at a certain place. From the position of the click you infer the value of the spin component (or more precisely the magnetic moment) you measure.

For mass, e.g., you measure energy and momentum of the particle and then use ##E^2-p^2=m^2##. Also this is done by using a detector which clicks at a given position.
But this does not give the click a mass, but the entity producing the clicks! This proves that a click is quite different from a particle.
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  • #140
vanhees71 said:
Of course space-like separated events do not have a frame-independent temporal ordering, and that's why within relativistic spacetime such events cannot be causally connected

No, that's why measurements at spacelike separated events must commute. But "must commute" is not the same as "cannot be causally connected". It means that if such events are causally connected, you can't specify which one comes first. That violates many people's intuition that causally connected events should have a definite ordering, with the "cause" coming before the "effect", but there is nothing in the physics that requires that to be the case. And if measurements at such events have correlations that violate the Bell inequalities, that certainly suggests that there is some kind of causal connection between them.

This is one of many examples where ordinary language is inadequate to describe what our physical theories and the math involved in them actually say.
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