How Do You Solve a Second Order ODE Using Reduction of Order?

  • Thread starter praecox
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In summary, the conversation involves a person seeking help with a 2nd order ODE reduction of order problem. They set up the equation and substitute in a variable, but get stuck at t4v'' = 0. They try using an integrating factor and separating variables, but it doesn't work. Finally, they realize that v(t) is linear and choose v(t) = t, leading to the solution y = t3.
  • #1
Hey, guys. I'm having a hard time with a 2nd ODE reduction of order problem.

The DE is
t2y'' - 4ty' + 6y = 0, with y1 = t2.

So I set up my y = t2v(t); y' = t2v' + 2tv; y'' = t2v'' + 4tv' + 2v.
I then substituted back in and got:
t4v'' = 0

This is where I'm getting stuck. The book says that the answer I'm looking for is y2 = t3, but I can't seem to get there from here.

I don't think I can use an integrating factor here (if I'm wrong there let me know), so I tried separating the variables, but that got me no where. I think I did it wrong though.

Here was my separation of variables attempt:
letting w = v', so w' = v'':
t4dw/dt = 0
dw = t-4 dt
Integrating both sides (and taking constants of integration to be zero):
w = -1/3 t-3
since w = v':
dv = -1/3 t-3 dt
Integrating again to find v and still no where near t3.

Any ideas? Anybody? :/
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  • #2
Let y=tn
n=2 or 3
  • #3
praecox said:
Hey, guys. I'm having a hard time with a 2nd ODE reduction of order problem.

The DE is
t2y'' - 4ty' + 6y = 0, with y1 = t2.

So I set up my y = t2v(t); y' = t2v' + 2tv; y'' = t2v'' + 4tv' + 2v.
I then substituted back in and got:
t4v'' = 0

Any ideas? Anybody? :/

v"(t)=0 hence v(t) is linear. Choose v(t)=t so that y = t2v(t)=t3.
  • #4
That makes so much sense now! Thank you so much! :D
  • #5

Hello there,

I understand your frustration with this reduction of order problem. It can definitely be a tricky concept to grasp at first. Let's take a closer look at your approach and see if we can figure out where things went wrong.

First, you correctly set up the substitution of y = t^2v(t). This is a common method for solving second order differential equations. However, when you substituted back into the original equation, you made a mistake. The correct substitution should be:

t^4v'' - 4t^3v' + 6t^2v = 0

You missed the t^3 term in the second term. This small mistake is what caused you to get stuck later on.

Now, let's continue with your separation of variables attempt. You correctly substituted w = v' and then integrated both sides. However, when you integrated both sides, you forgot to include the t term in the integration of the left side. It should be:

∫ t^4dw = ∫ t^-3dt

This will give you:

t^4w = -1/2 t^-2 + C

Now, when you solve for w, you should get:

w = -1/2 t^-6 + C

Remember, w = v', so we need to integrate one more time to find v. This gives us:

v = -1/10 t^-5 + Ct + D

Finally, we can substitute this back into our original substitution:

y = t^2v = t^2(-1/10 t^-5 + Ct + D) = -1/10 t^-3 + Ct^3 + Dt^2

This is the general solution to the differential equation. Now, we can use the initial condition y1 = t^2 to find the specific solution. Plugging in t^2 for y and solving for C and D, we get:

C = 0 and D = 1

Therefore, the specific solution to the differential equation is:

y = t^3

I hope this helps you understand the reduction of order method better. Keep practicing and don't get discouraged. As a scientist, perseverance is key in solving problems and finding solutions. Good luck!

FAQ: How Do You Solve a Second Order ODE Using Reduction of Order?

1. What is the Reduction of Order Problem?

The Reduction of Order Problem is a mathematical concept that involves reducing the order of a higher-order differential equation to a lower-order equation. This is typically done by finding a new independent variable that is a function of the original independent variable.

2. Why is the Reduction of Order Problem important?

The Reduction of Order Problem is important because it allows us to simplify complicated higher-order differential equations into more manageable lower-order equations. This makes it easier to analyze and solve the equation, and can also provide insight into the behavior of the system described by the equation.

3. How is the Reduction of Order Problem solved?

The Reduction of Order Problem is typically solved by using a substitution method. This involves choosing a new independent variable and then substituting it into the original equation to create a new equation with a lower order. The new equation can then be solved using traditional methods such as separation of variables or integrating factors.

4. What are some applications of the Reduction of Order Problem?

The Reduction of Order Problem has many applications in physics, engineering, and other scientific fields. It is commonly used in the study of dynamic systems and can be applied to problems involving motion, heat transfer, and electrical circuits. It is also used in the solution of differential equations that arise in quantum mechanics and relativity.

5. Are there any limitations to the Reduction of Order Problem?

While the Reduction of Order Problem is a useful tool, it does have some limitations. It can only be applied to linear differential equations, meaning equations where the dependent variable and its derivatives appear only to the first power. Additionally, the substitution method may not always lead to a simpler equation, and in some cases, it may be more efficient to use other methods to solve the original equation.
