Request for Data- Band gap of CdSe quantum dots against size

In summary, David Cunnah, a PhD student studying opto electronics at Cardiff University, is looking for data on the band gap of colloidal CdSe quantum dots with a ZnS shell and HDA capping. He is specifically interested in finding relevant information from articles and asks for recommendations on search engines. One helpful suggestion is to use Web of Science in addition to Google Scholar. Two articles that may contain the desired data are also provided.
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Would anybody be able to provide me with data concerning the band gap of colloidal CdSe quantum dots against their size?? I am currently using CdSe dots with a ZnS shell, capped with HDA. Any relevant information would be much appreciated.
Many thanks,
David Cunnah
(studying PhD in opto electronics (physics) in Cardiff University, Wales, UK)
Physics news on
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You might find something in the references from one of these:

1. "Lateral Patterning of Luminescent CdSe Nanocrystals by Selective Dewetting from Self-Assembled Organic Templates", N. Lu, et al Nano Letters 4, 885 (2004)

2. "Highly emissive colloidal CdSe/CdS heterostructures of mixed dimensionality" D. V. Talapin , et al Nano Letters 3, 1677 (2003)
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Very helpful! Thank you!
Out of interest are there any search engines other than googlescholar you recommend for searching for articles??
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