- #1
- 11
- 1
- Homework Statement
- Consider the spherically symmetric potential energy $$\frac {2\mu V\left( r \right)} {\hbar^2} = \gamma \delta \left(r-a \right)$$ where ##\gamma## is a constant and ##\delta \left( r-a \right)## is a Dirac delta function that vanishes everywhere except on the spherical surface specified by ##r=a##.
a.) Show that the S-wave phase shift ##\delta_0## for scattering from this potential satisfies the equation $$\tan \left( ka + \delta_0 \right) = \frac {\tan ka} {1+\left( \frac \gamma k \right) \tan ka}$$
b.) Evaluate the phase shift in the low-energy limit and show that the total cross section for S-wave scattering is $$ \sigma \cong 4\pi a^2 \left( \frac {\gamma a} {1+\gamma a} \right)^2$$
- Relevant Equations
- $$\tan \left( ka + \delta_0 \right) = \frac {\tan ka} {1+\left( \frac \gamma k \right) \tan ka}$$
$$k = \sqrt{\frac {2mE} {\hbar^2}}$$
a.) The potential is a delta function, so ##V \left( r \right) = \frac {\hbar^2} {2\mu} \gamma \delta \left(r-a \right)##, therefore ##V \left( r \right) = \frac {\hbar^2} {2\mu} \gamma ## at ##r=a##, and ##V \left( r \right) = 0## otherwise. I've tried a few different approaches:
1.) In examples of hard sphere scattering which are easy to find online, the equation ##\frac {-\hbar^2} {2m} \frac {d^2 u \left(r \right)} {dr^2} = Eu\left( r \right)## is used for outside the hard sphere, ##r \gt a##. I'm not sure how this would apply to a delta function potential however, so I got stuck using this approach.
2.)I found that for a spherically symmetric potential, the incoming and outgoing waves would accumulate the phase difference ##e^{i\delta_l}##. So for ##\Psi_1 = Ae^{ikr}+Be^{-ikr}## describing the left side of the potential (##r \lt a##) and ##\Psi_2 = Ce^{ikr}##, I could try to use the boundary conditions (not sure what they would be though, maybe ##\Psi_1 \left(a \right) = \Psi_2 \left( a \right)## and ##\Psi_1' \left( a \right) = \Psi_2' \left( a \right)## ?) to solve for the phase difference by looking at the ratio of coefficients, maybe ##A/B## or ##A/C##?
3.) I also found an equation ##a_l \left(k \right) = \frac {e^{i\delta_l}} k \sin \delta_l ## where ##a_l \left(k \right)## is a coefficient that depends on the value of the energy. I'm not sure how to determine that coefficient, so this was a dead end too.
b.) I've seen the equation ##\sigma = \frac {4\pi} {k^2} \sin^2 \delta_0##, so if this is the right equation I could just plug in ##\delta_0## once I've found it in part a, and check that it matches the solution given in the problem? Does this address the low-energy limit as specified in the problem?
1.) In examples of hard sphere scattering which are easy to find online, the equation ##\frac {-\hbar^2} {2m} \frac {d^2 u \left(r \right)} {dr^2} = Eu\left( r \right)## is used for outside the hard sphere, ##r \gt a##. I'm not sure how this would apply to a delta function potential however, so I got stuck using this approach.
2.)I found that for a spherically symmetric potential, the incoming and outgoing waves would accumulate the phase difference ##e^{i\delta_l}##. So for ##\Psi_1 = Ae^{ikr}+Be^{-ikr}## describing the left side of the potential (##r \lt a##) and ##\Psi_2 = Ce^{ikr}##, I could try to use the boundary conditions (not sure what they would be though, maybe ##\Psi_1 \left(a \right) = \Psi_2 \left( a \right)## and ##\Psi_1' \left( a \right) = \Psi_2' \left( a \right)## ?) to solve for the phase difference by looking at the ratio of coefficients, maybe ##A/B## or ##A/C##?
3.) I also found an equation ##a_l \left(k \right) = \frac {e^{i\delta_l}} k \sin \delta_l ## where ##a_l \left(k \right)## is a coefficient that depends on the value of the energy. I'm not sure how to determine that coefficient, so this was a dead end too.
b.) I've seen the equation ##\sigma = \frac {4\pi} {k^2} \sin^2 \delta_0##, so if this is the right equation I could just plug in ##\delta_0## once I've found it in part a, and check that it matches the solution given in the problem? Does this address the low-energy limit as specified in the problem?