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Scientific error expected in displacement vs time graph and velocity vs time graph
When I used a sensor to measure my movements of walking, during the graph of displacement vs time, I received a slope of -0.742 meters/second, and on the velocity vs time graph the mean I received -0.2774 meters/second.
Do you consider these values to be the same within experimental error? Is this what is scientifically expected? Explain why or why not.
I answered yes, but I don't know why. Is it because I didn't walk in a perfectly straight line or is it because I moved my body to the extent that the wavelengths from the sensor hit me too early/late? Thanks.
Homework Statement
When I used a sensor to measure my movements of walking, during the graph of displacement vs time, I received a slope of -0.742 meters/second, and on the velocity vs time graph the mean I received -0.2774 meters/second.
Do you consider these values to be the same within experimental error? Is this what is scientifically expected? Explain why or why not.
I answered yes, but I don't know why. Is it because I didn't walk in a perfectly straight line or is it because I moved my body to the extent that the wavelengths from the sensor hit me too early/late? Thanks.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
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