Simplfication of a sigma notation

  • #1

Homework Statement

1/1(4) + 1/4(7) + 1/7(10)+...+ 1/(3n-2)(3n+1)

and the sigma notation is pretty obvious

Homework Equations

nothing really..

The Attempt at a Solution

I can see an obvious pattern its n(n+3) but n cannot be 2,3,5,6 etc.. and the second digit in the first term becomes the first digit in the next term. I think its fairly simply but I've just been staring at it blankly and i think I've passed that point where I am doing any useful thinking so an answer or even a hint would be great.
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  • #2
Hi AerospaceEng! :smile:

Are you asking how to write it with a ∑ ?

If so, the answer's in the question: it's ∑ 1/(3n-2)(3n+1) :wink:

(and btw the next step is probably to use partial fractions)
  • #3
no lol but thank you, i definitely know how to write it in sigma but now that i have it in a "complex" sigma form I need to change it to a more simplified sigma notation so like i tried:

∑ 1/(n)(n+3) but that doesn't work for 2,3 and so on like i mentionned before

and then after wards i have to prove that my simplification works by the principle of mathematical induction. But i can do that part its just changing the sigma
  • #4
oh good! :biggrin:

in that case, it is partial fractions …

ie, ∑ [ A/(3n-2) + B/(3n+1)) ] :wink:
  • #5
no, I don't think so. well not in my case anyways I haven't learned that.
Thanks for trying, I'll post the answer once I figure it out to clarify what i needed.
  • #7
Okay so I have the answer now the sum of the series is equal to n/(3n+1) that's what i needed. but thanks anyways tim I really appreciate it