How Much Weight Did You Gain Over the Holidays?

In summary, many people experienced weight fluctuations over the holiday season due to changes in diet and exercise habits. Some gained weight quickly, while others managed to maintain or even lose weight. Strategies for losing weight were discussed, such as increasing protein intake and engaging in aerobic activity. The temptation of holiday treats, such as pumpkin pie and chocolate covered cherries, were also mentioned.
  • #1
Over the holiday season I only ate poorly and didn't due my regular exercise for about 8 days. I managed to gain roughly 7 pounds or about a pound per day. It is amazing how fast fat can accumulate on my body yet it can be so hard to get rid of. I even went down about 10 pounds on my usually weight lifting routines. I think it was the pumkin pie that did it. That stuff is the devil's food!
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  • #2
I dropped 5 pounds. I bought a turkey and ate almost nothing but meat for two weeks.
  • #3
Evo said:
I dropped 5 pounds. I bought a turkey and ate almost nothing but meat for two weeks.

I'm the same way, Evo. I eat far more protein in winter, and usually drop weight. I'm really not a sweet food lover...except chocolate! But it only takes a little bit to satisfy...
  • #4
I don't have a scale, but I suspect that I've lost about 4 kg. If so, that puts me about about 58. I've got to start eating more.
  • #5
I lost a few pounds. I don't really like turkey and that's just about all we had at my parents house. I probably ate 1000 calories a day of almost all protein and some fat for a week and a half.

EDIT: I like how trends on PF are so different from everywhere else. Everyone seems to have dropped in weight (except for OP).
  • #6
Nothing. Its almost impossible for me to gain weight -.-
  • #7
I'm exactly the same weight, I don't know how I do it :confused:
  • #8
So the poll results are in:

Me & Topher are normal.
Evo, lisab, Danger, moose Denton and Monique are great big dinks.
  • #9
It really sucks being normal Dave. I wish it was difficult for me to put on weight. If I eat more than 1500 calories in one day then I start packing on the pounds.
  • #10
Yeah, I seem to have lost some weight over break and since Thanksgiving. Not the best for me when I could do with gaining 10 or 15 pounds.
  • #11
I have stayed at the same weight, probably due to the Judo classes I have started attending.

I actually have to lose around 10lbs before I go to my first Judo tournament next month. Any advice from you "easy losers?"
  • #12
G01 said:
I have stayed at the same weight, probably due to the Judo classes I have started attending.

I actually have to lose around 10lbs before I go to my first Judo tournament next month. Any advice from you "easy losers?"
Steamed broccoli, steamed spinach (or other greens), baked potato (no butter, but spice them up by baking garlic cloves with the potatoes, and squeezing garlic into the potatoes after they are split), baked chicken breast...

30+ minutes a day of aerobic activity to burn fat.
  • #13
I have eaten so much over the holidays and have gained nothing!
I probably should still exercise.
  • #14
I will confess I ate like a pig relatively speaking. Boxes of chocolate covered cherries - 44 of the little delicacies consumed in one week - the only week a year I permit myself - plus banana bread, feasting meals and other assorted desserts, a couple of pounds of peanut M&Ms from bowls set out to munch on just in case - all downed over the holiday week.

I figured I was going to be a bloated blimp on the scale and didn't bother weighing the whole week. I was shocked, truly shocked, to see I had only gained 1 lb. I was sure that my naughtiness had brought me a plague of pounds that I would need to chase away through unpleasant restraint for weeks if not months.

But no. One day of my Dr. Pepper only diet and I was back at equilibrium.
  • #15
turbo-1 said:
Steamed broccoli, steamed spinach (or other greens), baked potato (no butter, but spice them up by baking garlic cloves with the potatoes, and squeezing garlic into the potatoes after they are split), baked chicken breast...

30+ minutes a day of aerobic activity to burn fat.

I think saying 30+ minutes of aerobic activity is kind of vague. 30 minutes of jogging will give you nowhere near the results of 30 minutes of HIIT. However, backed potatoes are freaking great. :)

For snacks, eat raw carrots and celery.
  • #16
Chocolate covered cherries - food of the Gods. I especially love the European ones in real liquor.

I will do anything for a box of those. Since I broke up with my source of fine European candies, life almost isn't worth living. :frown:
  • #17
Topher925 said:
Over the holiday season I only ate poorly and didn't due my regular exercise for about 8 days. I managed to gain roughly 7 pounds or about a pound per day. It is amazing how fast fat can accumulate on my body yet it can be so hard to get rid of. I even went down about 10 pounds on my usually weight lifting routines. I think it was the pumkin pie that did it. That stuff is the devil's food!
Yikes, I don't think I've ever gained weight that fast in my life - and I wrestled in high school!

I'm up about 5 lb since the summer - I haven't been working out as regularly as I like to. So odds are, that's more like 10lb more fat and 5 lb less muscle.
  • #18
One point during last semester I lost around 5 pounds over the course of 3 days. I was eating less than 2000 calories a day and running far more than I normally do. I gained it all back relatively quickly.
  • #19
I don't think I lost nor gained any weight over the holidays. Now that college starts back on Monday, I'll be losing way more weight again.(I learned, parking in the far back lot and walking, will give you plenty of exercise:biggrin:
  • #20
Evo said:
Chocolate covered cherries - food of the Gods.

They are inexorably wedded to my Christmas experience. Santa always gave me a box, and I alternately either binged on Christmas day or was parsimonious and rationed them out to last as long as I could resist. Usually just a couple of days. Never to the New Year. I am certain I have not had a Christmas I can remember that didn't include the devilish delights.

I suppose I could lounge about and pop them like bon-bons as an occupation, if there ever was such a need. And I suppose that I could get them year round, but really I discipline myself to only at Christmas and only for the memories that each bite promotes. (When I bite into one I can see the bubble lights on the tree and I can hear the bells of Santa's sleigh echoed across the years.)
  • #21
LowlyPion said:
They are inexorably wedded to my Christmas experience. Santa always gave me a box, and I alternately either binged on Christmas day
I always wondered why they were called binge cherries...
  • #22
DaveC426913 said:
I always wondered why they were called binge cherries...

  • #23
Over the course of my exams and the holidays, I've gained about 4 kilos, 8.8lbs? I started going back to the gym after almost two months, dropped lifting about 5 kilos there and my body aches!
  • #24
My mother made hand-dipped chocolates every year for Christmas. Usually, she kept them separated, but sometimes she would mix them, so you'd get a variety. Cherry, maple-walnut, peanut butter, and peppermint were regulars. Every year she'd try another flavor or two.

Of course, we had home-made Needhams (chocolate dipped potato/coconut bars) every year, along with caramel corn with peanuts and other treats. We didn't get much for presents at Christmas, but my mother would scrimp and save so that we could have lots of home-made sweets over the holidays. I never gained an ounce. Shoveling the snow off the local beaver-bog and playing lots of one-on-one hockey with neighborhood kids burned all the calories that I could pack in. I always had hand-me-down skates, and one year, I had to make do with a pair of white figure skates from an older girl who'd outgrown them. Pretty interesting. After learning how to avoid full-on face plants from leaning into the toe-picks, I actually got pretty good at figure-skate hockey.

Sorry for the diversion. I have never had much of a problem with weight-gain during the winter holidays. Elevated metabolism in the cold weather combined with some activity has always kept things on an even keel. One exception was the year that a friend and I built him and his wife a house out of field-stone and mortar (and I cut, split, and stacked the ~15 cords of hardwood that it took to heat the old brick farmhouse that my wife and I rented). That weight-gain was not unwelcome. I was a bit stringy going into that winter. Donnie and I could not have weighed 250# together, soaking wet.
  • #25
I ate all the goodies over holidays with no weight change.. still 11 stone. I did acquire sinusitis though (never had it before). no fun :frown:
  • #26
Ouabache said:
still 11 stone.

What's that in English? :rolleyes:
  • #27
I lost 5 pounds shoveling snow for the mailman in anticipation of the arrival of Borek's October post card.

Thank you Borek. Jenny Craig should hire you as a consultant.
  • #28
Thats just water weight Cheeto, not fat or muscle. I've lost about 1 lb since I started by diet on new years day. Only 7 left to go until I'm back where I was.
  • #29
Danger said:
What's that in English? :rolleyes:

14 x 11 pounds, or conveniently 70 kilos is a tiny bit over 11 stone. I gained a few pounds, I'm now 130. I think it was the christmas pudding that did it.
  • #30
As soon as I stopped going to the gym I started gaining weight. My "puppy" broke my scale. Its funny because he's huge, but its not his weight that broke it. He carried it out to the living room and dropped it down the stairs. Luckily it still weighs you it just lies and says youre much lighter than you are. I like it, I think I am going to keep it. I didnt eat any extra food, but I need to work out a LOT to lose weight. Its funny because I am a really healthy eater.

FAQ: How Much Weight Did You Gain Over the Holidays?

1. How much weight did you gain during your experiment?

The amount of weight gained during an experiment can vary greatly depending on the specific experiment and individual factors such as diet and exercise. It is important to keep track of weight gain for research purposes, but it is also important to prioritize overall health and well-being.

2. Is weight gain a common occurrence in scientific experiments?

Weight gain can be a common occurrence in some scientific experiments, especially those involving changes in diet or exercise. However, it is not always a necessary or desired outcome and should be monitored and managed carefully.

3. Does weight gain affect the validity of the experiment?

In some cases, weight gain may affect the validity of an experiment if it is not accounted for or controlled. However, it is important for scientists to carefully consider the potential impact of weight gain and make adjustments as needed to ensure accurate and reliable results.

4. How do you manage weight gain during an experiment?

To manage weight gain during an experiment, scientists may monitor and track weight changes, adjust diet and exercise as needed, and carefully consider the potential impact on the experiment's results. It is also important for scientists to prioritize their own health and well-being while conducting experiments.

5. Can weight gain during an experiment be reversed?

In some cases, weight gain during an experiment may be temporary and can be reversed through changes in diet and exercise. However, it is important for scientists to prioritize their health and well-being and to consult with a healthcare professional if necessary.

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