So the equation becomes u' + (1/x)u = x

In summary, the homework statement equation proposed becomes an equation with 1st order linear differential type, where p(x) and q(x) are unknowns.
  • #1

Homework Statement

equation (1) y' + (ylny)/x = xy

we set y(x)= eu(x)
Equation (1 ) proposed becomes an equation
1st order linear differential type : equation (2) u ' + p( x) u = q ( x)

a) Find the equation ( 2) using the change of variable proposed above.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

equation (1) y' + (ylny)/x = xy
y' + (eu(x)ln eu(x))/x = x*eu(x)

y' + (eu(x)ln eu(x)) = x2*eu(x)

pretty much after that, I have no idea how to proceed, please help :)
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  • #2
I think they want you to say what p(x) and q(x) are.

Your second line in section 3 is correct, but your 3rd is not. Go back to the second line and continue substituting ##e^{u(x)}## for ##y##, by differentiating it wrt ##x## and replacing y' by that. Then do what's necessary to make that equation have the same form as (2).
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Likes masterchiefo
  • #3
andrewkirk said:
I think they want you to say what p(x) and q(x) are.

Your second line in section 3 is correct, but your 3rd is not. Go back to the second line and continue substituting ##e^{u(x)}## for ##y##, by differentiating it wrt ##x## and replacing y' by that. Then do what's necessary to make that equation have the same form as (2).
eu(x)' + (eu(x))ln eu(x))/x = x*eu(x)
(eu(x))' + ((u(x))*eu(x))/x = x*eu(x)

Like that ?
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  • #4
No. The division by x in the 2nd term on the LHS has disappeared. Why? If you want to multiply everything by x, you need to multiply all other terms by x.

Also, what do you mean by eu(x)'? What you have written is ambiguous. If you mean e[u(x)'] then that's incorrect. Alternatively, if you mean [eu(x)]' then that's correct, but you need to take the next step of performing the differentiation (wrt x).
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Likes masterchiefo
  • #5
andrewkirk said:
No. The division by x in the 2nd term on the LHS has disappeared. Why? If you want to multiply everything by x, you need to multiply all other terms by x.

Also, what do you mean by eu(x)'? What you have written is ambiguous. If you mean e[u(x)'] then that's incorrect. Alternatively, if you mean [eu(x)]' then that's correct, but you need to take the next step of performing the differentiation (wrt x).
I am not sure how to do the differentiation (wrt x).

and I fixed the mistake in my last reply, sorry.
  • #6
The first term is ##(e^{u(x)})'## which means ##\frac{d}{dx}e^{u(x)}##. To perform the differentiation, use the chain rule.
  • #7
andrewkirk said:
The first term is ##(e^{u(x)})'## which means ##\frac{d}{dx}e^{u(x)}##. To perform the differentiation, use the chain rule.
I need to use the chain rule only for (d/x)*eu(x)?
  • #8
Where else would you use it? That's the only differentiation you need to do, because that's the only prime (') in the equation. Prime after a term means differentiate that term.
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Likes masterchiefo
  • #9
andrewkirk said:
The first term is ##(e^{u(x)})'## which means ##\frac{d}{dx}e^{u(x)}##. To perform the differentiation, use the chain rule.
it gives me that
  • #10
andrewkirk said:
Where else would you use it? That's the only differentiation you need to do, because that's the only prime (') in the equation. Prime after a term means differentiate that term.
eu(x)*(d/x)*(u(x)) + ((u(x)*eu(x)))/x = x*eu(x)

(d/x)*(u(x)) + (((u(x)*eu(x)))/x )/eu(x)= (x*eu(x))/eu(x)

(d/x)*(u(x)) + u(x)*/x= x

P(x) = 1/x

FAQ: So the equation becomes u' + (1/x)u = x

What is a linear differential equation?

A linear differential equation is a mathematical equation that involves derivatives of a function and the function itself in a linear fashion. This means that the highest power of the function and its derivatives is 1 and there are no products or powers of the function and its derivatives.

How is a linear differential equation solved?

To solve a linear differential equation, we use techniques such as separation of variables, integrating factors, and variation of parameters. These techniques involve manipulating the equation to isolate the dependent and independent variables and then integrating to find the general solution.

What is the order of a linear differential equation?

The order of a linear differential equation is determined by the highest derivative present in the equation. For example, if the equation contains a third derivative, it is a third-order linear differential equation.

Can a linear differential equation have multiple solutions?

Yes, a linear differential equation can have multiple solutions. This is because the general solution of a linear differential equation contains a constant of integration which can take on different values, resulting in different specific solutions.

How are linear differential equations used in science?

Linear differential equations are used in many areas of science to model and understand various phenomena. They are especially useful in physics, engineering, and economics, where many natural and man-made processes can be described by linear differential equations.
