Speed & Distance of Sliding Bar on Rails - Get Help

  • Thread starter Sir_Pogo
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In summary, a conducting bar is placed on conducting rails with a resistor on one end and a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the rod and rails. The velocity of the rod induces an emf and current, which in turn causes a backward force. To solve for the final velocity and distance traveled, equations involving flux, emf, current, force, and acceleration must be used. The force is proportional to the velocity, so calculus is needed to solve for the final velocity.
  • #1
Can i get some help on this problem?
A conducting bar of length L = 25.6 cm and mass M = 35.0 g lies across a pair of conducting rails. The contact friction between the bar and the rails is negligible, but there is a resistor at one end with a value R = 45.0 Ohms. Initially the rod is given an initial speed of v0 = 41.0 meters per second. There is a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the plane containing the rod and rails of magnitude B = 1.4 T.
What is the speed of the rod at time t = 23.297 s?
How far does the rod slide before coming to rest?
Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
  • #3
the velocity induces an emf, the emf gives a current, and
the current gives a backward force F=ILB
How do i set it up to solve for the final velocity?I can't figure out how to do part two either because
setting v to zero, you cannot solve for t because ln (0)
is undefined.
  • #4
Sir_Pogo said:
the velocity induces an emf, the emf gives a current, and
the current gives a backward force F=ILB
How do i set it up to solve for the final velocity?

I can't figure out how to do part two either because
setting v to zero, you cannot solve for t because ln (0)
is undefined.
The movement of the bar changes the flux through the loop in a way that depends on the velocity. The emf and the current are related to the rate of change of the flux. The force is related to the current and the strength of the field. The rod decelerates in proportion to the force. Start writing the equations that describe these phenomena and see if you can come up with an equation for the acceleration of the rod.
  • #5
which equation is the one that deals with flux and velocity, i was trying to use these ones to solve:
  • #6
Sir_Pogo said:
which equation is the one that deals with flux and velocity, i was trying to use these ones to solve:
For a constant magnetic field perpendicular to a loop, flux through the loop is Φ = BA where A is the area enclosed by the loop. The induced emf is proportional to the rate of change of flux through the loop (Faraday's Law). In this problem there is a current loop whose area is changing as the rod moves. An emf is induced, so a current flows, and the current carrying rod experiences a force that is proportional to its velocity and the field strength.

Your equations come from application of these ideas to this problem. If you combine the equations you find that the force (and hence the acceleration) is proportional to the velocity. From there you need to do some calculus to solve the problem. What function (for the velocity) do you know that is proportional to its own derivative (acceleration)?

FAQ: Speed & Distance of Sliding Bar on Rails - Get Help

1. How does the angle of the rails affect the speed and distance of the sliding bar?

The angle of the rails can greatly affect the speed and distance of the sliding bar. A steeper angle will result in a faster speed and shorter distance, while a shallower angle will result in a slower speed and longer distance. This is due to the force of gravity, which pulls the bar downward along the steeper slope, resulting in a quicker descent.

2. Does the weight of the sliding bar impact its speed and distance?

Yes, the weight of the sliding bar can have an impact on its speed and distance. A heavier bar will require more force to overcome its weight and accelerate down the rails, resulting in a slower speed and shorter distance. Conversely, a lighter bar will require less force and therefore have a faster speed and longer distance.

3. How does friction affect the speed and distance of the sliding bar?

Friction plays a role in the speed and distance of the sliding bar. The more friction between the bar and the rails, the slower the speed and shorter the distance traveled will be. This is because friction acts as a resistance to the motion of the bar, slowing it down. To minimize the effects of friction, the rails should be smooth and the bar should be well lubricated.

4. Can the length of the rails affect the speed and distance of the sliding bar?

Yes, the length of the rails can have an impact on the speed and distance of the sliding bar. The longer the rails, the greater the distance the bar can travel. However, the speed may not necessarily be affected unless the angle of the rails is also changed. As the length of the rails increases, the angle can be decreased to maintain a similar speed and distance.

5. How does air resistance affect the speed and distance of the sliding bar?

Air resistance, also known as drag, can have a significant impact on the speed and distance of the sliding bar. The more streamlined the bar is, the less air resistance it will experience, resulting in a faster speed and longer distance. A less streamlined bar will experience more air resistance, slowing it down and reducing its distance traveled.
