Speed of EM waves in a baseball park setting

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving the perception of sound and light in a baseball park. The problem involves finding the time interval between the sound of a bat hitting a ball and two people hearing it from different distances. The formula for the velocity of sound in air is given, and it is suggested to manipulate it to solve the problem. However, it is emphasized that complete solutions should not be provided without the questioner showing effort in solving the problem.
  • #1

Homework Statement

You and a friend are sitting in the outfield bleachers of a baseball park 140m from homeplate. The temperature is 20*C. YOur friend is listening to radio comentary with headphones while watching. There is a microphone located 17m from home plate to pick up the sound as the bat hits the ball. The sound travels as an EM wave a distance of 75000 KM by satilite from the ball park to the radio.

Homework Equations

When the batter hits the ball who will hear the "crack" of the bat first ? What is the shortest time interval between the bat hitting the ball and one of you hearing it ? How much later does the other person hear the sound?

The Attempt at a Solution

I am not sure where to start this problem. I know t can be found using d/c. However I do not know how to factor in the distance for the microphone and the satilites.

Should I be using c= 3x10^8 m/s?

any help would be fantastic

Thank you
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The batsman hears first!
The formula:
Velocity of sound in air = 331+(0.6)*temperature
I hope you can find a way to manipulate this (change 331 into 3*10^8 and 0.6 into..i don know.)
  • #3
You must find out how long it takes the SOUND to travel 17m (make sure to correct for the temperature), and then add that to the time it takes for the LIGHT to travel 75,000km. Compare that to the time it takes the sound to travel 140m to the outfield bleachers.
  • #4
Thank You Thank You :) your the best
  • #5
Guys. We guide. We don't feed members the answers.

This is in the rules, which you agreed to.
On helping with questions: Any and all assistance given to homework assignments or textbook style exercises should be given only after the questioner has shown some effort in solving the problem. If no attempt is made then the questioner should be asked to provide one before any assistance is given. Under no circumstances should complete solutions be provided to a questioner, whether or not an attempt has been made.

FAQ: Speed of EM waves in a baseball park setting

1. What is the speed of electromagnetic waves in a baseball park setting?

The speed of electromagnetic waves in a baseball park setting is the same as the speed of light in a vacuum, which is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second.

2. Does the speed of electromagnetic waves change in a baseball park setting?

No, the speed of electromagnetic waves does not change in a baseball park setting. It remains constant regardless of the medium it is traveling through.

3. How does the size of a baseball park affect the speed of electromagnetic waves?

The size of a baseball park does not affect the speed of electromagnetic waves. As mentioned before, the speed of electromagnetic waves is constant and does not depend on the medium or surrounding environment.

4. Can the materials used in a baseball park affect the speed of electromagnetic waves?

Yes, certain materials used in a baseball park, such as metal or water, can affect the speed of electromagnetic waves. This is due to their ability to reflect or absorb these waves, causing them to slow down or change direction.

5. How is the speed of electromagnetic waves measured in a baseball park setting?

The speed of electromagnetic waves can be measured using specialized equipment, such as a radar gun, which emits and receives electromagnetic waves. The time it takes for the waves to travel from the source to the target and back is used to calculate the speed.

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