Solve Spherical Astronomy Homework - Max Time & Side of World

In summary: Finally, to determine which side of the world the maximum observation time will be on, we need to consider the position of the celestial equator in the sky. Since the observatory is located at +50 ° latitude, objects near the celestial equator will be visible in the southern hemisphere. Therefore, the maximum observation time will be on the southern side of the world.In summary, the maximum time when the astronomer can observe objects near the celestial equator without having to rotate the dome is determined by the width of the dome and the position of the celestial equator in the sky. This can be calculated using the equation: hour angle = sidereal time star - RA. The maximum observation time will be on the southern side of
  • #1
This homework is for someone who understands the spherical astronomy and physics. I do not understand subject matter. I can do the basics - I know some kinds of coordinates, but that's all. Please be very patient with me.

Homework Statement

Astronomer observing the sky with a small telescope by hole at the observatory in the middle of dome (lens diameter is much smaller than the diameter of the dome). Calculate the maximum time when astronomer can still observe objects near the celestial equator, without having to rotate the dome. Which side of the world will it be?
Diameter dome: 5m, width hole: 1m, latitude: +50 °

Homework Equations

Hmmm... Basic equations of spherical astronomy: sidereal time star = RA + hour angle.

The Attempt at a Solution

hour angle = sideral time star - RA
In addition, however, I do not know, I do not understand those coordinates. How do I determine the two variables?
Then we would use the equation, if we know that the star culminates between zenith and world pole.
zenith distance = 180 ° - (latitude + declination)

However, that's all, I looking at the formula for a long time, but still do not understand. Please help. Thank you.

And sorry for my bad English.
Physics news on
  • #2

I understand that spherical astronomy and physics can be quite complex and daunting subjects. However, with some patience and practice, anyone can grasp the concepts and equations involved. Let me try to explain the problem and solution in simpler terms for you.

First, we need to understand what is meant by the terms "celestial equator" and "sidereal time." The celestial equator is an imaginary line on the sky that is directly above the Earth's equator. It divides the sky into two hemispheres - the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere. Sidereal time is a measure of the Earth's rotation with respect to the stars, rather than the sun. It is based on the position of a specific star in the sky, called the "reference star," and is measured in hours, minutes, and seconds.

Now, let's look at the problem at hand. The astronomer is observing the sky with a small telescope from a dome with a diameter of 5m. The width of the hole in the dome is 1m. The latitude of the observatory is +50 °. This means that the observatory is located 50 degrees north of the Earth's equator.

To determine the maximum time when the astronomer can observe objects near the celestial equator without having to rotate the dome, we need to consider the width of the dome and the position of the celestial equator in the sky. Since the dome is smaller than the celestial equator, the astronomer will be able to observe objects near the celestial equator without having to rotate the dome as long as the celestial equator is within the dome's field of view.

To calculate the maximum time, we need to use the equation: hour angle = sidereal time star - right ascension (RA). The hour angle is the angular distance between the observer's meridian and the meridian of the reference star. The reference star is a star that crosses the meridian at the same time every day and is used as a reference point for measuring sidereal time.

To determine the value of sidereal time, we need to know the position of the reference star in the sky, which is given by its right ascension (RA). RA is measured in hours, minutes, and seconds, and is similar to longitude on Earth. It is the angular distance eastward from the vernal equinox (the point where the celestial equator intersects the ecliptic) to the position of the

FAQ: Solve Spherical Astronomy Homework - Max Time & Side of World

1. How do we determine the maximum time and side of the world in spherical astronomy homework?

In spherical astronomy, we use mathematical equations and calculations to determine the maximum time and side of the world. This involves using the known parameters of the Earth's rotation and orbit, as well as the position of the observer, to calculate the maximum time and side of the world at a given point.

2. What factors affect the maximum time and side of the world in spherical astronomy?

The maximum time and side of the world in spherical astronomy are affected by several factors such as the Earth's rotation rate, its position in its orbit, the observer's latitude and longitude, and the tilt of the Earth's axis. Other factors that can influence these values include atmospheric refraction and the observer's elevation above sea level.

3. How do we use spherical astronomy to determine the maximum time and side of the world for a specific location?

To determine the maximum time and side of the world for a specific location, we first need to know the observer's latitude and longitude. Then, using the appropriate equations and calculations, we can determine the maximum time and side of the world for that specific location at a given point in time.

4. Can we use spherical astronomy to determine the maximum time and side of the world for any location on Earth?

Yes, we can use spherical astronomy to determine the maximum time and side of the world for any location on Earth. However, the accuracy of the calculations may vary depending on the location and other factors that may affect the Earth's rotation and orbit.

5. How does the maximum time and side of the world change with different seasons?

The maximum time and side of the world change with different seasons due to the tilt of the Earth's axis. This tilt causes the length of daylight and the position of the Sun in the sky to vary throughout the year, resulting in changes to the maximum time and side of the world for different locations on Earth.
