World's Most Expensive Coffee: Kopi Luwak from Indonesian Palm Civet

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In summary, Kopi Luwak is a rare and expensive coffee made from beans that have been passed through the digestive system of a palm civet, a cat-like animal found in Southeast Asia. The beans are said to have a unique flavor that makes them desirable among coffee drinkers. This coffee can cost up to $300 a pound and there is also a similar version made from weasel vomit. The origins of this unusual coffee are unknown, but it is believed to have been discovered by someone in need of caffeine. Despite its unconventional production, Kopi Luwak remains a popular choice among coffee connoisseurs.
  • #1
The World's Most Expensive Coffee is From Beans Cycled Through an Indonesian Monkey's Digestive System-Truth!

Summary of eRumor:
Kopi Luwak is a rare and gourmet coffee from Indonesia that is made from beans passed through the digestive system of monkeys.

The Truth:
Kopi Luwak does exist, is very expensive, and is made from coffee beans passed through the digestive system of an Indonesian animal, but it's more like a cat than a monkey. According to a feature article by the Manila Coffee House, which sells the stuff, the people who harvest the digested beans don't really have to pick through cat litter to get it. The animal processes the beans and excretes them whole, unscratched, and without dung.

The animal is a palm civet, a dark brown tree-dwelling cat-like creature found throughout Southeast Asia. The scientific name is paradoxurus hermaphroditus.

According to the Manila Coffee House, the palm civet just happens to like to ingest the ripest and reddest coffee beans, which also happen to be the ones best for brewing. The cat eats the outer covering of the beans in the same way that is accomplished by de-pulping machines. Something happens to the beans in the journey through the cat's intestines that gives it a flavor that is celebrated by coffee drinkers.

At this point, most of the beans are purchased by Japanese buyers

Just in case you were wondering this "gourmet" coffee cost $300.00 a pound. Who says the wealthy have class?
Physics news on
  • #2
Yes, saw this on TV, once.
  • #3
If I recall correctly, Stephen Fry presented Charles and Camilla with beans made from Cambodian weasel vomit as a wedding gift - this is also quite pricey, I imagine.
  • #4
How desperate for a coffee was someone who discovered this. I remember Fry saying something like the weasel vomit coffee beans on QI Gokul and he insisted they were expensive.
  • #5
Once again one has to wonder: Who first tried this, and why? Did someone see a weasel vomit up coffee beans and think to himself, mmmmmmmm, those look tasty; and I bet they would make a great cup of brew?
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  • #6
Ivan Seeking said:
Once again one has to wonder: Who first tried this, and why?

If that darn cat just ate the last of your coffee beans, and you really need that caffeine fix, you just might consider it! :smile:
  • #7
Coffee, weasel vomit, same difference.
  • #8
Kurdt said:
I remember Fry saying something like the weasel vomit coffee beans on QI Gokul and he insisted they were expensive.
That's where I heard it too!

C'mon Ivan...if your pet weasel (or skunk) threw up into a pot of hot water...wouldn't you, you know...assuming there's no one watching?

FAQ: World's Most Expensive Coffee: Kopi Luwak from Indonesian Palm Civet

What is Kopi Luwak and why is it so expensive?

Kopi Luwak is a type of coffee made from the beans of coffee berries that have been eaten and digested by the Asian palm civet, a small mammal native to Indonesia. The coffee beans are collected from the civet's feces, cleaned, and roasted. The unique process and limited supply of this coffee make it highly sought after and therefore more expensive than other types of coffee.

Is Kopi Luwak safe to drink?

Yes, Kopi Luwak is safe to drink. The digestion process of the civet's stomach removes any harmful bacteria from the coffee beans. However, it is important to ensure that the coffee is ethically sourced and the civets are not mistreated in the production process.

What does Kopi Luwak taste like?

Kopi Luwak has a unique and distinct taste due to the fermentation process that occurs in the civet's stomach. It is often described as smooth, less bitter, and with hints of chocolate and caramel flavors.

How much does Kopi Luwak cost?

Kopi Luwak is considered one of the most expensive coffees in the world, with prices ranging from $100 to $600 per pound. The high cost is due to the limited supply and labor-intensive process of producing this coffee.

Is there a concern for animal welfare in the production of Kopi Luwak?

There have been concerns in the past about the treatment of civets in the production of Kopi Luwak. It is important to ensure that the coffee is ethically sourced from wild civets and not from farms where the animals are kept in captivity and mistreated. Look for certifications from organizations such as the Specialty Coffee Association and Rainforest Alliance to ensure that the coffee is ethically produced.
