Strontium and Ammonia: Forming Sr[NH3]6

  • Thread starter Puchinita5
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In summary, Strontium and Ammonia: Forming Sr[NH3]6 is a chemical reaction that results in the formation of a complex ion with the formula Sr[NH3]6. The chemical equation for this reaction is Sr2+ + 6NH3 → Sr[NH3]6. Ammonia plays a crucial role in this reaction as a ligand and stabilizer for the complex ion formed. The resulting compound is colorless, odorless, and water-soluble with high melting and boiling points. It has various applications in industries, such as in the production of fireworks and red signal flares, as well as in laboratory settings for analytical purposes.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I had a problem in inorganic chemistry that required I know what forms when strontium dissolves in ammonia. Looking at the answer, it says that

Sr + NH3 ---> Sr[NH3]6

I'm not sure how I would have been able to predict that this is what formed.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
You can't. Its an ammide complex. You need to know it.

FAQ: Strontium and Ammonia: Forming Sr[NH3]6

What is Strontium and Ammonia: Forming Sr[NH3]6?

Strontium and Ammonia: Forming Sr[NH3]6 is a chemical reaction that occurs when strontium ions (Sr2+) and ammonia molecules (NH3) combine to form a complex ion with the formula Sr[NH3]6.

What is the chemical equation for Strontium and Ammonia: Forming Sr[NH3]6?

The chemical equation for this reaction is Sr2+ + 6NH3 → Sr[NH3]6.

What is the role of ammonia in this reaction?

Ammonia acts as a ligand, meaning it binds to the strontium ions to form a coordination compound. It also helps stabilize the complex ion formed by providing electron pairs to the strontium ion.

What are the properties of Strontium and Ammonia: Forming Sr[NH3]6?

Strontium and Ammonia: Forming Sr[NH3]6 is a colorless, odorless, and water-soluble compound. It has a high melting and boiling point and is stable under normal conditions.

What are the applications of Strontium and Ammonia: Forming Sr[NH3]6?

This complex ion has various uses in industries, such as in the production of fireworks, as a component in red signal flares, and as a catalyst in organic synthesis reactions. It is also used in laboratory settings for analytical purposes.

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