The Sith is coming, and it's a

  • Thread starter arildno
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In summary: I haven't yet checked if there are still tickets to be gotten to May 19. here in Norway, but somehow, I doubt it..
  • #1
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The "Sith" is coming, and it's a...

GREAT FILM by all accounts so far.
I've only seen the first reviews at, but they are all glowing.
And surprise, surprise, here's what one critic has to say about a certain male's acting performance:
The biggest surprise though is Hayden Christiansen, who turns things up a notch to steal scenes from brilliant veteran actors like Ian McDiarmid. I’m not ready to declare him a great actor, but I think he’s finally nailed Anakin down. It’s not just reciting his lines either, he’s taken on an incredibly imposing physical presence, with Lucas going out of his way to make pre-Vader Anakin feel like the powerful, hulking figure he’ll become once he puts on that suit.

Eh, hello?
Hayden Christensen an actor?
That's really good news..:biggrin:
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  • #2
I am psyched about this movie. I wasn't too terribly excited about the last two, but I am anxious to see this one. The trailers I have seen look very good. Lucas' own admission that this movie "is not be for the kids" is also a great endorsement. This is the only one that is getting a PG-13 rating. It's going to be such a downer, yet such a good one at the same time (I hope).
  • #3
The one thing I thought worked splendidly in 1&2 was Ian McDiarmid's performance as Palpatine. This is the movie of Palpatine's great triumph, and the trailers show that McDiarmid is, if anything, even better in this movie.

It is a very pleasant surprise to me that Hayden Christensen seems capable enough to handle the difficult task he has in this movie.
  • #4
The one thing I wish they would have gone into a bit more, and perhaps they do it in this movie, is why the Jedi became so weak. They never really go into it except to say that the dark side was hiding everything. Oh well.

Perhaps the money Hayden Chrisensen made from EPII paid for some acting classes.
  • #5
FredGarvin said:
The one thing I wish they would have gone into a bit more, and perhaps they do it in this movie, is why the Jedi became so weak. They never really go into it except to say that the dark side was hiding everything. Oh well.

Some of the theories I have seen being tossed around speak to the balance of power in the force being like a pendulum or a see-saw. The good have had their time and now with the appearance of the Sith, the power is shifting to the dark side and it will dominate for Episodes 3.5, 4, 5 and part of 6. It is said numerous times that Vader is the one to "bring balance to the force", perhaps this is a nod to him playing both sides througout the entire six movies- good little Annie, teen-angst Anakin, evil Vader, restored father Anakin.

Edit: I am, also, really looking forward to a (hopefully) better movie than the previous two.
  • #6
I've had the EP 4, 5 and 6 on DVD for a while, but never watched them. Did you guys know that they went back and put Hayden Chrisensen in at the end of EP6 where Luke sees Obi-Wan, Yoda and Anakin (during the celebration)? That was a surprise to me. It helped tie things together I think.

Doc, I had never heard that. It makes sense, but I can't say I have ever heard that from any of the movies.
  • #7
has anyone got their tickets? I've got mine for the 12:01 may 19 show!
  • #8
FredGarvin said:
Doc, I had never heard that. It makes sense, but I can't say I have ever heard that from any of the movies.

It comes more from the fan base and discussions held therein, not directly from the movies. Plus, in addition to the movies, there are numerous books, video games, cartoons and other media that greatly extend the world of Star Wars and in many cases issues that are skimmed over in the movies are covered more deeply here.
  • #9
fourier jr said:
has anyone got their tickets? I've got mine for the 12:01 may 19 show!
Lucky you!
I haven't yet checked if there are still tickets to be gotten to May 19. here in Norway, but somehow, I doubt it..
  • #10
As excited as I am about the movie, I think I'll still wait a couple of days to let some of the hysteria die down. The last episode I saw late opening night and got stuck in front of a couple of geeks that insisted on talking and critiquing during the entire movie.
  • #11
FredGarvin said:
As excited as I am about the movie, I think I'll still wait a couple of days to let some of the hysteria die down. The last episode I saw late opening night and got stuck in front of a couple of geeks that insisted on talking and critiquing during the entire movie.

Yeah, I'm going to give it a couple of days too. Hopefully things will have died down by the weekend. Still, I can't wait!
  • #12
this will probably be the biggest movie release ever :D

FAQ: The Sith is coming, and it's a

What is "The Sith is coming"?

"The Sith is coming" is a phrase commonly used in reference to the rise or return of the Sith, a fictional organization of dark side Force users in the Star Wars universe.

What is the Sith?

The Sith are a group of individuals who use the dark side of the Force, a powerful and corruptive energy in the Star Wars universe. They are often portrayed as the main antagonists in the Star Wars franchise.

When is the Sith coming?

As a fictional concept, the timing of the Sith's arrival is determined by the creators of the Star Wars franchise. It can vary depending on the storyline and plot of the specific Star Wars media.

What does it mean for the Sith to come?

The arrival of the Sith can have different meanings depending on the context. It can signify the return of a powerful Sith leader, the beginning of a new era of darkness, or the intensification of conflicts between the dark and light sides of the Force.

Is the Sith coming for real?

No, the Sith is a fictional concept and is not a real organization or threat in the real world. It exists only in the Star Wars universe and its stories and media.

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