The Wisest Fool: An Unfamiliar Phrase

  • Thread starter SW VandeCarr
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In summary, Socrates was saying that the wiser person knows they are foolish, but they are still foolish.
  • #1
SW VandeCarr
I was doing a translation exercise when this phrase popped into my head. The English version is: The wisest fool knows he is a fool, but he is a fool nonetheless.

I was writing some random sentences in French for translation: The French version for any francophones here is: L'imbécile le plus sage sait qu'il est un imbécile, mais il est un imbécile pourtant.

I looked online for a while and only found matches for "the wisest fool." Has anyone heard this phrase before?
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  • #2
It sounds like Socrates. He insisted the only thing he knew was that he didn't know and declared that true wisdom is knowing you don't know. What he meant by the first part is debatable, but the second half he meant quite literally. For example, knowing that you don't know how to swim makes you wiser than a fool who only thinks he knows how to swim. It's what I sometimes call "ignorant wisdom" for want of a better term.
  • #3
wuliheron said:
It sounds like Socrates. He insisted the only thing he knew was that he didn't know and declared that true wisdom is knowing you don't know. What he meant by the first part is debatable, but the second half he meant quite literally. For example, knowing that you don't know how to swim makes you wiser than a fool who only thinks he knows how to swim. It's what I sometimes call "ignorant wisdom" for want of a better term.

OK. Thanks. I found this quote from Socrates. It's second on the list. However, as you suggest, if the only thing you know is that you know nothing, then how can you know that you know nothing?

A fool that knows he is a fool at least knows something.
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  • #4
SW VandeCarr said:
OK. Thanks. I found this quote from Socrates. It's second on the list. However, as you suggest, if the only thing you know is that you know nothing, then how can you know that you know nothing?

A fool that knows he is a fool at least knows something.

hmmm... My nick, OmCheeto, means; "I know nothing", in Cantonese.

My Soviet friends, upon learning my silly hobby, said I that I should expand the phrase, and learn to quote Socrates in Russian; "Ya znaio shto, you niechevo nie znaio" = "I only know, that I know nothing"

I interpret the phrase as meaning; "The more one knows, the more one realizes how little one knows"

Which of course, describes me to a T.
  • #5
SW VandeCarr said:
OK. Thanks. I found this quote from Socrates. It's second on the list. However, as you suggest, if the only thing you know is that you know nothing, then how can you know that you know nothing?

A fool that knows he is a fool at least knows something.

Like I said its debatable what Socrates meant by that statement. We only have second hand accounts of the man and some of them may have taken a bit of literary licence. My own view is that he was uncharacteristically waxing poetic and making a skeptical statement that the only thing he could be sure of was his own fallibility. It was both his own personal awareness and a deliberate posture he assumed as a moral imperative and which, by definition, any extrapolation on could only risk confusing the issue. As Wittgenstein might say, "Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must not speak."
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  • #6
As a man's circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of his ignorance. :smile:
  • #7
Socrates didn't write anything down, so as wuliheron points out, we must rely on others to tell us what he said. For instance, in 'Apology', Plato has Socrates saying "I neither know nor think that I know." This is a bit different from the logical conundrum that others turn it into. Plato was a student of Socrates.


I haven't found the 'wisest fool' quote, but it is somewhat cynical and so seems modern to me.
  • #8
I'm a "rusty" French native speaker and the sentence "L'imbécile le plus sage sait qu'il est un imbécile, mais il est un imbécile pourtant." might be grammatically correct though I find it sounds weird to my ears.
I'd have said "L'imbécile le plus sage sait qu'il est [STRIKE]un[/STRIKE] imbécile, mais il est [STRIKE]un[/STRIKE] imbécile tout de même."
The removal of "un" might not be important but the "pourtant" is the stuff that sounds weird to me.
And for my own taste although less litteral from your English sentence: "L'imbécile le plus sage sait qu'il est imbécile, mais il demeure un imbécile."
  • #9
This is IMO, but I think Socrates tried to convey the dangers of being what Sun Tzu termed "haughty" which is synonymous with arrogance and un-necessary confidence.

The idea of being continually filled with doubt in the most extreme way is definitely going overboard IMO.

The sweet spot is knowing to stand up for what you think but also be able to know when you are out of your depth, over confident, completely arrogant, and don't know when to seek the wisdom and judgement of another.

The truth is that no one can possible know everything in their own limited experience, but they can definitely become a lot wiser if they just shutup and listen to people opinions whether they have any amount of truth at all in them.

It's our hard task of trying to sift truth from fiction, and in the process we will come across everything in all forms that have mixtures of truth and fiction, and knowing how to decide the truths usually comes from trying to expand awareness by looking not only at our own experiences, but the experiences of others in a way that is unbiased and where some suspension of disbelief is required to even consider at least initially what another person has said is true.

Recall that in basic logic 101 (Usually taught in 1st year mathematics courses in the form of Discrete Mathematics), one of the most powerful ways to prove something is to assume that it's true and then find a contradiction.

Psychologically this distinction is very subtle, because it forces the arguer to suspend their disbelief and accept at least initially that it is potentially true. In mathematics, we attain a level of truth within the boundaries of the system using this method time and time again.

To be filled with absolute and immense doubt would be a psychological nightmare for anyone including someone like a philosopher, and it's just going to be rife with problems to think that we know and will always know regardless of any experience absolutely nothing.

FAQ: The Wisest Fool: An Unfamiliar Phrase

1. What does the phrase "The Wisest Fool" mean?

The phrase "The Wisest Fool" refers to someone who appears foolish or unintelligent, but in reality, they possess great wisdom and intelligence. It is often used as a paradox to describe a person who may not conform to societal norms or expectations, but possesses deep insights and knowledge.

2. Where did the phrase "The Wisest Fool" originate from?

The phrase is thought to have originated from the play "Henry VIII" written by William Shakespeare in the early 17th century. In the play, the character Cardinal Wolsey says, "In the corrupted currents of this world, Offence’s gilded hand may shove by justice, And oft 'tis seen the wicked prize itself Buys out the law. But 'tis not so above. There is no shuffling; there the action lies In his true nature, and we ourselves compell’d, Even to the teeth and forehead of our faults, To give in evidence."

3. What is the significance of the phrase "The Wisest Fool"?

The phrase highlights the idea that wisdom and intelligence can come in unexpected forms. It challenges our preconceived notions of what it means to be wise and reminds us not to judge others based on appearances or societal norms.

4. How is the phrase "The Wisest Fool" relevant in today's society?

In today's society, where appearances and social status are often prioritized, the phrase serves as a reminder to look beyond the superficial and to value wisdom and intelligence in all its forms. It also encourages individuals to embrace their unique qualities and not conform to societal expectations.

5. Can the phrase "The Wisest Fool" have different interpretations?

Yes, the phrase can have different interpretations depending on the context in which it is used. It can refer to a person who appears foolish but is actually wise, or it can also refer to someone who may be considered foolish by society's standards, but possesses a different kind of intelligence or insight. It can also be used as a metaphor for situations or events that may seem nonsensical or foolish, but ultimately have a deeper meaning or purpose.

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