Q: How does the speed of thinking affect our perception and sense of self?

In summary, the speed of thinking is limited and variable, and can be affected by factors such as distraction and the complexity of the task at hand. The computational power of the human brain, while not fully utilized, is still far greater than that of any computer currently in existence. However, the brain's ability to continuously process at high speeds for extended periods of time is limited, as some functions must constantly be maintained to keep the body alive.
  • #36
well actually i DID insert a chip right up my... NO NO NO!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #37
1) Please read the figures already provided. You may learn something.

2) Please check through the material here: http://www.calstatela.edu/faculty/nthomas/mi-lnks.htm and here: http://www.calstatela.edu/faculty/nthomas/index.htm You may learn something.
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  • #38
...i stopped learning a long time ago, i have everything i will ever need to know. Anyway, I'm a child of the 21st century, we don't learn, we churn. Who needs to remember things when you can look on the net and find it when you need it. God bless Al Gore for inventing it.
  • #39
you are absolutely right jp
Gates bless Al Gore
  • #40
Hi! I forgot to mention my openion. I think it is infinite.
  • #41
There is a psychatric illness in which one feels that his mind is being read by others and he tries his best not to transmitt it or to hide his innerself and he ends up with the realization that his mind has been emptyed.
This was the case with me and now I'm used to it.