Trying to understand electric and magnetic fields as 4-vectors

  • #1
Homework Statement
Assuming that the first pair of equations given below are correct, how do I show that the electric and magnetic fields obtained transform correctly under general Lorentz boost?
Relevant Equations
The relevant equations are provided below.
I was trying to show that the field transformation equations do hold when considering electric and magnetic fields as 4-vectors. To start off, I obtained the temporal and spatial components of ##E^{\alpha}## and ##B^{\alpha}##. The expressions are obtained from the following equations:

$$E^{\alpha}=F^{\alpha\beta}U_{\beta},\: B^{\alpha}=\frac{1}{2c}\epsilon^{\alpha\beta\mu\nu}F_{\beta\mu}U_{\nu}$$

I obtained:
B^{i}&=\frac{1}{2c}\epsilon^{i\beta\mu 0}F_{\beta\mu}U_{0}+\frac{1}{2c}\epsilon^{i\beta\mu j}F^{\beta\mu}U_{j}=\gamma(u)\left[\vec{B}-\frac{\vec{u}}{c^2}\times\vec{E}\right]^{i}

I interpreted the above components as that of fields observed by a stationary observer. To show that the fields transform correctly I have to show that:
$$\vec E' = \gamma \left( \vec E + c\vec \beta \times \vec B\right) - \frac{\gamma^2}{\gamma +1} \vec \beta \left( \vec\beta \cdot \vec E \right )$$
$$\vec B' = \gamma \left( \vec B - \frac{\vec \beta}{c} \times \vec E\right) - \frac{\gamma^2}{\gamma +1} \vec \beta \left( \vec\beta \cdot \vec B \right )$$

i.e. I have to show that I am able to construct the RHS from the components I have found. However, I do not seem to be able to show that using the Lorentz transformation equations under general boost. The Lorentz transformation equations under general boost is given as:

How should I proceed?
Physics news on
  • #2
The formula without ##\gamma^2## terms seem correct Lorentz transformation. How do you estimate these terms necessary ?
  • #3
What do you mean?
  • #4
\vE¯∥=\vE∥,\vE¯⊥=γ(\vE⊥+\vv×\vB⊥)I am sorry to say my post #1 was wrong.

Electric fields and magnetic fields from electromagnetic tensor comes from
[tex]E_{i}=cF_{0i},\ B_i=-\frac{1}{2}\epsilon_{ijk}F^{jk}[/tex]

I wonder whether it is same as your formula in post #1 and what are ##E^0## and ##B^0##?