Trying to understand the normalisation of the scale factor to be 1 today

In summary: And then the expression for the density would be:\rho = {1 \over 6 \pi G t_0^2} \left({t_0 \over t}\right)^2 So there is no conflict between the time-dependence of \rho and a(t) in this scheme, because t_0 is just a constant. In summary, the scale factor can be normalised by setting it equal to the ratio of proper distances at two different times, making it dimensionless. However, normalising the time variable can mess with the relationship between the scale factor and density. To avoid this issue, one option is to put all times in terms of t_0, the current age of the universe, as
  • #1
Heldo Jelbar
Hello all! I'm trying to understand the standard normalisation of the scale factor to be set to 1 at today's time. Looking at the first Friedmann Equation for a spatially flat Robertson Walker metric with no cosmological constant gives

[tex] \frac{\dot{a}^2}{a^2} = \frac{8\pi G}{3}\rho [/tex]

If we wanted to see how the density of the universe changed from the beginning of the matter dominated era to today, we would set

[tex] a(t) = t^{2/3} [/tex]

This means that,

[tex] \frac{\dot{a}^2}{a^2} = \frac{4}{9t^2} [/tex]

inserting this back into the Friedmann Equation, we get

[tex] \rho = \frac{1}{6\pi Gt^2} [/tex]

So we see that in a expanding universe the density decreases as [itex] 1/t^2 [/itex], which is sensible. But my question is this: if we normalise the scale factor [itex] a(t) [/itex] such that [itex] a(t_0) = 1 [/itex], where [itex] t_0 [/itex] is today's time, then one way of doing this is to use units where [itex] t_0 = 1 [/itex]. This then would make [itex] a(t_0) = 1 [/itex] straightforwardly for any power law expansion of scale factor. But normalising the scale factor in this way messes with the density time relation. As all times in the past have [itex] t< 1 [/itex], a [itex] 1/t^2 [/itex] relation will actually show that the density is INCREASING in time as the universe expands, as [itex]t[/itex] is less than one before today. But this is no longer sensible.

So does anyone know how to correctly normalise the scale factor to avoid this issue? Any answers with their justifications would be great, and a reference to where I can read more about this would be even better! Many many thanks in advance!
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  • #2
What are you talking about? If the density ~ 1/t^2, the density will always be decreasing as t increases, regardless of whether t>1 or t<1.
  • #3
Sorry, you're right. There was a deeper reason I was asking however. There seem to be two different ways in which the scale factor can be normalised, at least as far as I can see. Either you can:

1) Change your units of time such that [itex] t_0 = 1 [/itex], and use [itex] a(t) = t^{2/3}[/itex]

2) Normalise the scale factor by setting [itex] a(t) = \left(\frac{t}{t_0}\right)^{2/3} [/itex]

I'm not sure which is the correct one. In the first case simply changing the units means that the scale factor has dimensions, time to the power 2/3. In the second case the scale factor is dimensionless. I think the correct answer is the second one, and I was trying to think of why the option 1) wouldn't be allowed, which made me make the mistake you pointed out. I think that the scale factor has to be dimensionless.

Does anyone know how exactly the scale factor is normalised? Is the normalisation factor as simple as in option 2), or are there more terms? Do you know where I can find out more? For instance, how is the value of [itex] t_0 [/itex] calculated?
  • #4
Well, I'm not saying this is the only way to do it, but I think the convention is that the scale factor is defined to be a ratio between the proper distance at time t and the proper distance at time t0. As such it is dimensionless, and the scale factor at time t0 = 1.0. It is then arbitrary what time is defined as t0, but it is usually taken as t0 = today.
  • #5
Heldo Jelbar said:
So we see that in a expanding universe the density decreases as [itex] 1/t^2 [/itex], which is sensible. But my question is this: if we normalise the scale factor [itex] a(t) [/itex] such that [itex] a(t_0) = 1 [/itex], where [itex] t_0 [/itex] is today's time, then one way of doing this is to use units where [itex] t_0 = 1 [/itex]. This then would make [itex] a(t_0) = 1 [/itex] straightforwardly for any power law expansion of scale factor. But normalising the scale factor in this way messes with the density time relation. As all times in the past have [itex] t< 1 [/itex], a [itex] 1/t^2 [/itex] relation will actually show that the density is INCREASING in time as the universe expands, as [itex]t[/itex] is less than one before today. But this is no longer sensible.

So does anyone know how to correctly normalise the scale factor to avoid this issue? Any answers with their justifications would be great, and a reference to where I can read more about this would be even better! Many many thanks in advance!
Well, setting [itex]a(t_0) = 1[/itex] is a trivial operation, because the scale factor has no units. However, setting [itex]t_0 = 1[/itex] is not a trivial operation, because [itex]t_0[/itex] has units. If you are using kilograms-meters-seconds units, for instance, performing the manipulations as you have above essentially ends up setting [itex]t_0 = 1s[/itex], not [itex]t_0=1[/itex]. And arbitrarily setting the current age of the universe to one second is obviously wrong.

One simple way to take care of this would be to just put every time in the past in terms of [itex]t_0[/itex]. This would be equivalent to Heldo Jelbar's second equation:

[tex]a(t) = \left({t \over t_0}\right)^{2 \over 3}[/tex]

FAQ: Trying to understand the normalisation of the scale factor to be 1 today

What is the scale factor and why is it important?

The scale factor refers to the ratio of the current size of the universe to its size at a particular point in time. It is important because it helps us understand the expansion of the universe and its evolution over time.

How is the scale factor normalized to be 1 today?

The scale factor is normalized to be 1 today by using the current size of the universe as the reference point. This means that the current size of the universe is considered to be 1, and the previous sizes are measured in relation to this value.

What does it mean for the scale factor to be 1 today?

When the scale factor is normalized to be 1 today, it means that the universe has expanded to its current size since the beginning of time. This also signifies that the universe is currently in an accelerating expansion phase.

How does the normalization of the scale factor relate to the Big Bang theory?

The normalization of the scale factor is closely related to the Big Bang theory. This theory states that the universe began as a singularity and has been expanding ever since, with the scale factor being used to measure this expansion. The normalization of the scale factor to be 1 today supports the idea of a finite and expanding universe.

Are there any other methods of normalizing the scale factor?

Yes, there are other methods of normalizing the scale factor, such as using the age of the universe or the density of matter and energy in the universe. However, normalizing it to be 1 today is the most commonly used method and is consistent with observations and predictions based on the Big Bang theory.

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