There will be a Part 2 about a related mathematical problem.
I use Premiere to generate updated versions of old-fashioned slide shows. Not much video is involved, mostly stills that I transform to bring them alive – pans, zooms, rotations.
The Mathematics
In Premiere, an image appears in what...
This clip shows a voice coach demonstrating a 5-note scale and capturing it on a spectrogram. He notes that there is a cluster of frequencies at the high end that remain pretty much fixed, even while the actual sung note traverses the scale, tracked by the first several harmonics...
What does the scale read? At first I thought it might be zero as the two weights would cancel out. However, when thinking a bit further I wonder what the scale really reads. Is it the tension?
A kid is standing on a scale and holding a rope that goes through a pulley, on the other side the rope is connected to a spring and then to a 50N mass item.
Assume that the kid's weight is 700N
1. While in static mode - what will the scale show?
2. The kid is now pulling the rope to get the mass...
If you have say a 15 centimetre long piece of rigid plastic and the weighing scale's tray is only 10 centimetres, what is an estimate of the error that introduces in the measurement assuming the weight is still within normal parameters for the weighing scale. I was wondering what the approximate...
I have tried a web search and poked through some scales and chord set using an instrument, but I cannot make formal sense of a song which uses Dminor, Gmaj, Cmaj, and seems to but not sure also includes B flat majr. My musical knowledge is limited. What key or scale relies on this set of...
In another thread the concept of how many seconds in a year came up and it made me think of putting milestones of a human lifetime on a log scale. Units are seconds. Please feel free to amend or change or just make it better. Maybe an actual plot? What strikes me is most of life is in the last...
I sometimes get surprised by things that do not seem to exist in this world. For example, as far as I know, nobody has ever, during the entire history of photography, made a photographic time-lapse of lunar libration. There are plenty of computer renderings, but no photographic time-lapse...
Here's my question:
Two spent hourglasses that weigh exactly the same on a balance scale. You flip one over so that it's running. What happens to the balance?
Any help to understand how the authors of this paper
Fine Tuning Problem of the Cosmological Constant in a Generalized Randall-Sundrum Model
calculted this size of the extra dimension Equ. (3.8) from the scale factor defined by Equ. (3.3) ? Specifically, this paragraph after Equ. (3.8)
I'm having some trouble getting my head around the scale at which capillary flow and contact line dynamics are important. In the simple case of liquid rise in a capillary tube, a smaller tube will allow for greater rise since a larger height is required to achieve an equal weight of the liquid...
if I move a weight upwards, will the force exerted on my feet change? I tried standing on scales and lifting a weight but nothing changed as the force seemed to be all in my arm muscles and no change in the weight on the scales...
So I'm trying to understand the sound horizon measured at recombination and the sound horizon measured with BAO. Here is what I've gathered (PLEASE tell me if I'm wrong and if you could please explain, I've been trying to read but can't find a clear explanation):
~r(z*) is measured using CMB...
Can I understand that light energy contains heat energy?
or Do I have to separate between two concepts? because light energy from the sun makes heat energy after absorption of molecular?
The force exerted downwards on the scale by the chain when it is kept on it would be
Fg= Mg
=λLg where λ is the linear mass density
However when the chain is dropped onto the scale it exerts an additional force due to its change in momentum
The force exerted by each part of the chain would...
Here is the image the answer is say 100 but why. Why isn't it 0. Is it because of the pulley but even with the pulleys the tensions in both ropes are 100 N.
so my question is a little dumb, if an object on a scale has a weight that points downwards and the scale exert normal force on the object upwards cancelling the forces acted on the object then what does the scale read? also the action-reaction pair to the normal force is supposed to be the...
[Moderator's note: Spin-off posts from previous thread have been included in this new thread. Also, the OP's re-post of the scenario for discussion has been moved to this top post for clarity.]
Physically, scales measure a force (and indirectly the energy) in their frame. Consider the...
This is the paper and here is the video. As far as I know, this is an entanglement related experiment done so far in such a large scale. I want to know whether entanglement related experiment has been done so far on a larger scale and what can be the possible use of such phenomenons.
So if I have a tubular reactor for nanoparticle synthesis (PTFE tubes ID:2mm). The tubes are heated in a furnace. liquid Reagents at room temperature are pumped by a syringe pump and directed toward the furnace. The reagents decompose to form nanoparticles once they reach the steady-state...
knowing the coordinates of two points: ##(x_1,y_1)## and ##(x_2,y_2)## on a linear scale plot, I can use linear interpolation to get ##y## for a point of known ##x## using the formula below: $$y=y_1+(x−x_1) \frac{(y_2−y_1)}{(x_2−x_1)}$$
But how does it look like in the case of logarithmic...
So here is what I'm trying to do. The values on x-axis are from 10000, 20000, 30000, ... 100000. I'm trying to write it like this: 10, 20, 30, 40, ... 100 (only x axis)
But how do I do this? I've tried those two examples How to scale the axis in Gnuplot, How to scale the axes in Gnuplot but...
Is the scale factor a scalar?
I think that the answer is no but I want to check because god (or the universe) has been playing tricks on me...
At Sean Carroll's invitation I wanted to check that the tensor$$
K_{\mu\nu}=a^2\left(g_{\mu\nu}+U_\mu U_\nu\right)
$$was a Killing tensor...
I want to begin by writing the problem and drawing its sketch to make things clearer on what is being asked for.
Given : In the sketch shown to the right, the density profile of air with increasing ##z## is given by ##\rho=\rho_0 \exp(-z/z_0)##. Since we know the value of atmospheric pressure...
In high school physics I learned how to convert between Celcius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, and Reaumur scale of temperature. While the first three scales are highly used, why do we learn the fourth scale (Reaumur) when there aren't any practical use of it? Just for formality?
Does scale factor must be continuous(Con.) and differentiable (Diff.) ? Or can it be one of them or neither ? Physically one expects it to be Con. and Diff. but is there a more rigorous proof.
And as a separate question, if ##\dot{a}## is not continuous/differentiable in some case, does that...
So I've been hunting google for an answer but i cannot find a definitive one.
If 0 Kelvin is the coldest temperature and it is where atoms cease to move does this mean that a photon in a vacuum is the hottest particle because it is in turn moving at the fastest speed possible?
Second question...
I am trying to develop a relation between scale factor (a(t)) and ##\Omega##. The relation came out to be evolve as ##\Omega_i=\Omega_io * a^{-n}## but my graph isn't right it's giving values of ##a(t)## to higher extent.
I consulted my instructor he only added that I should include ##H_o##...
First and foremost, I've studied voltmeters and ammeters on my own, and online there aren't many resources to do so... forgive me in advance for eventual silly questions/doubts :)
I managed to calculate(intuitively) a tension of ##30.0V## per resistor, with basic procedures.
However, I'm...
In the plane, using Cartesian coordinates ##x## and ##y##, an equation (or a function) is a relationship between the ##x## and ##y## variables expressed as ##y=f(x)##. The variable ##y## is usually the dependent variable while ##x## is the independent variable.
The polar coordinates...
Star magnitudes of brightness seem to use inverse logarithmic scales, is there a benefit to this? Why was this chosen, i can understand logarithmic might make it easier to interpret data in same way we do similar for earthquakes etc.
But why inverse ? When i look at a HR diagram for example (...
What is the scale of magnitude of gravity, that a modern Cavendish like laser detector of gravity pull between small daily size objects can detect in comparison to the magnitude of gravitational wave a LIGO like detector can detect?
Will such a modern Cavendish like device measurements be...
I am still rather new to renormalising QFT, still using the cut-off scheme with counterterms, and have only looked at the ##\varphi^4## model to one loop order (in 4D). In that case, I can renormalise with a counterterm to the one-loop four-point 1PI diagram at a certain energy scale. I can...
Hello, What is the most accurate weighting scale in existence and what kind to look for if you want accuracy. The other day I got this scale. I put a known 7.6 pound book. It showed up as 7.730 lbs so I returned it. I need something that can show exactly the weight. What kinds of scale must I...
I recall hearing once a very intuitive explanation as to why inflation is thought to lead to a nearly scale invariant power spectrum but i can't recall it. Can anyone offer an explanation that might help me? Why is it nearly scale invariant and not perfectly scale invariant? many thanks
As we all learned a long time ago, the trajectories of individual air molecules can't be predicted, but the behavior of macroscopic air masses can be predicted--if imperfectly, as with weather forecasts.
Similarly, the behavior of human individuals isn't always predictable. The less well...
Actually i was solving a basic physics problem that says : an atom has nucleus size 10^-15m and it is scaled upto the tip of pin 10^-5m . tell the size of atom. I saw this ques already solved here but i just can't understand how size of nucleus can be increased,...
[mentor note: edited for clarity]
The man weighs 100kg.
All constructions, ropes, universal joints, rollers, fans, etc are massless.
Friction between weight scale and feet or construction is enough to hold side forces...
The red line is the rope.
What will the weight scale show? <100kg...
Hello guys!
I just started to learn Special Relativity though a Stanford youtube channel, and I had some problems already in the first class :oops:
The teacher drew a graph with one spatial dimension (x-axis) and one temporal dimension (t-axis). Where X is the horizontal axis, T is the vertical...
Hi all,
For my studies I chose a course on scaling up and down of industrial processes (mostly focussed on the chemical industry), but for our project we (a group of students who knew almost nothing about nuclear reactors) chose to look if the approach (dimensional analysis) can be applied to...
The author, John Burn-Murdoch, shows here ( ) how the logarithmic scale can give a better "sense" of what is happening. In linear scales, some countries' data is squashed to almost nonexistent, while others explode out of control.
I suppose spring compression to be X when jumpping from 1m. Therefore gravational potential mgh=760(1+X) and my cal:760(1+X)=0.5kX²
why the solution manual state that 760=0.5kX²+760X