- #1
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Homework Statement
A car (particle) with mass m = 1 t drives into a barrier with a height of 1 m and a thickness of 3 m. The kinetic energy shall be sufficient to get classically over a barrier with half of the height. Derive an equation for the tunnelling probability. What is the probability to tunnel through the barrier?
Homework Equations
Tunneling probability is given by
(i) T = (|A'|/|A|)^2 = (1−E/Vo)/[1 − E/Vo + (Vo/4E) sinh2(bα] ; where
α = √[2m(Vo − E)]/(h/2π) , b=3 m the barrier thickness, Vo: barrier potentail and E: particle's (car's) energy.
This is an experimental physics homework. So I should be getting some numbers at the end. I have the equation (i) and I know how to use it. But, I'm not sure what "the potential barrrier to having a height of 1 m" mean unit-wise. In other words, I don't know which units I should use for the energy while calculating α? Feels like I should be using Joules but it's a just an intiution. If so, why?
Apologies for not being able to use LaTeX.