Variational Principle: Solving a Sawtooth Wave Potential

In summary, the question is about finding an appropriate trial function for approximating a given potential, specifically a sawtooth wave. The suggested approach is to use a periodic trial wavefunction, such as a linear combination of sine and cosine functions, and use variational methods to determine the coefficients. This approach is based on the function's relationship to Fourier series.
  • #1

Homework Statement

If I'm given a potential say A(x/a-m) m an integer, (this is the sawtooth wave)
What kind of trial function should I use to approximate this?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I do recall this function arising in Fourier series. Should I actually solve for the Fourier coefficients to get a trig function? Maybe I'm making this more complicated, is there a simpler way to do this?
Physics news on
  • #2
Sorry, I don't really understand what the question. Is this a quantum mechanics problem -- i.e. find an estimate of the ground state and its energy using the variational method?
  • #3
Yes my bad.
  • #4
If you have a periodic potential, it means sense to choose a periodic trial wavefunction. Try using a linear combination of sin and cos at the periodicity of the potential, and use variational methods to find the coefficients.

FAQ: Variational Principle: Solving a Sawtooth Wave Potential

1. What is a variational principle?

A variational principle is a mathematical principle used to find the most optimal solution or state of a system. It involves minimizing a certain functional, such as the energy of a system, to find the most accurate solution.

2. How does the variational principle apply to solving a sawtooth wave potential?

The sawtooth wave potential is a type of wave-like function that is commonly used to model physical systems. The variational principle can be applied to this potential to find the most accurate description of the system by minimizing the energy of the system.

3. What is the significance of solving a sawtooth wave potential using the variational principle?

Using the variational principle to solve a sawtooth wave potential allows us to accurately describe the behavior and properties of physical systems. This can help us understand and predict the behavior of these systems in real-world applications.

4. What are some examples of systems that can be modeled using a sawtooth wave potential?

The sawtooth wave potential can be used to model a variety of physical systems, including quantum mechanical systems, electrical circuits, and even financial markets. It is a versatile tool for understanding and analyzing complex systems.

5. What are the limitations of using the variational principle to solve a sawtooth wave potential?

While the variational principle can provide accurate solutions for a wide range of systems, it does have some limitations. It may not be suitable for highly complex systems, and the solutions obtained may not always be exact. Additionally, the accuracy of the solutions depends on the choice of trial functions used in the variational method.
