Vector Cross Product Formula in Spherical & Cylindrical Coordinates

In summary, the conversation is about the vector cross product formula in spherical and cylindrical coordinates. The person is asking for help in finding the formula and mentions that they have looked through math books but couldn't find it. Another person suggests using a similar determinant with different unit vectors.
  • #1
Hello all,

it might be funny! but i am stuck to it! what is the vector cross product formula in spherical and cylindrical coordinates?!

I know for Cartesian coordinate we have that nice looking determinant. but what about the other coordinates. I had looks to all the math books (like Botckov, Arfken ,...) that i knew but i couldn't find it. all i had found was for curl of vectors in different coordinates.

I appreciate your help in advance,
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  • #2
The same type of determinant works with r, theta, phi unit vectors.