Vector Space, dimensions and kernal rank

In summary, the conversation is discussing how to find the dimension of the kernal of a matrix T, given its derivative and the field it is operating in. The suggested methods are to find the dimension of the image space and use the dimension theorem, or to solve the homogenous system of linear equations to find a basis for the nullspace. The correct dimension is determined to be 2, in the finite field F3.
  • #1
Please could someone help me with this question, thank you.

Find dim[Ker(D^2 -D: P_3(F_3) ==>P_3(F_3))]

Where dim is dimension, Ker is kernal

D is the matrix

D^2 is the derivative of D is it equals


And F_3 is the field subscript3

so D^2 -D

Should equal


But where do I go from here? I have tried reducing this matrix to row echelon form however this doesn't seem logical, do you have any ideas on finding the dimension of the kernal?

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  • #2
I will write T = D2 - D.

Well, the dimension of the image space of T is the number of independent columns in a matrix of T (indeed, the image space is spanned by the columns of the matrix); from what you have found, clearly dim(im T) = 2 (you can be sure of this by reducing the matrix to column echelon form). But since the domain of T, P3(F3), has dimension 4, we have 4 = dim(im T) + dim(ker T).

Equivalently, dim(ker T) is the number of zero columns in a column echelon form of a matrix of T.
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  • #3
zcomputer5 said:
so D^2 -D

Should equal

Don't think this is right. Recheck your working again.

But where do I go from here? I have tried reducing this matrix to row echelon form however this doesn't seem logical, do you have any ideas on finding the dimension of the kernal?

One way to do it, as adrian suggested, would be to find dim(R(T)) and then use the dimension theorem to find dim(ker(T)) or nullity. The other way would be to let a vector v = (w x y z)^T. Then solve the homogenous system of linear equations Tv = 0, to find a basis for nullspace(T). Then simply count the number of vectors in that basis for the answer.
  • #4
Defennder said:
Don't think this is right. Recheck your working again.

It is correct. Remember that we're working in the finite field F3.
  • #5
Yeah, you're right. Silly me.

FAQ: Vector Space, dimensions and kernal rank

1. What is a vector space?

A vector space is a mathematical structure consisting of a set of objects called vectors, which can be added together and multiplied by scalars (numbers). These operations satisfy certain properties, such as closure, commutativity, and associativity, among others.

2. What does the dimension of a vector space represent?

The dimension of a vector space is the number of linearly independent vectors needed to span the entire space. In other words, it is the minimum number of vectors required to represent any vector in the space.

3. What is the kernal of a linear transformation?

The kernel of a linear transformation is the set of all vectors that are mapped to the zero vector by the transformation. In other words, it is the subspace of the domain that is mapped to the zero vector in the codomain.

4. How is the rank of a linear transformation related to its kernal?

The rank of a linear transformation is equal to the dimension of the image of the transformation, which is also known as the column rank. The dimension of the kernal, also known as the nullity, is equal to the number of linearly independent vectors that are mapped to the zero vector. Therefore, the rank plus the nullity of a linear transformation is equal to the dimension of the domain.

5. Can a vector space have more than one dimension?

Yes, a vector space can have any number of dimensions. In fact, the dimension of a vector space is not limited to whole numbers and can be any real number or even infinity. This allows for a wide range of vector spaces with different properties and applications in mathematics and other fields.

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