Video: Scientist plans Time Machine - Is this possible?

In summary, the person in the video is trying to use an odd byproduct of the difference in reference frames between a rotating object of light and a stationary (ok, relatively stationary) object to create a stable, um, wormhole to the future and past. However, the underlying problems of power requirements, space, and time make this a theoretical possibility that is far from a fact.
  • #1
Please watch the video first. Its only about 5 minutes long:

Thats really fascinating to me but I feel that somethings strange about it.

Can you imagine this? As soon as he turns the machine on he could get messages from the future!

What do you think?
Physics news on
  • #2
I think, therefor I doubt.
  • #3
I remember as a young man in my twenties being an observer in a round table discussion between a physicist, two theoretical mathematicians, and a combnitorist discussing a similar problem as a result of, at the time, a young Stephen Hawking's ideas and how they related to time travel and recall quite clearly the subtle issues of how time travel might be thoeretically possible for information while being lethal to all but almost elementary particles, let alone complex organic compounds.

After viewing the video..Bottom Line?.. While theoretically possible in a number of ways the underlying problems of power requirements, space, to do it..

It would appear that in the video the proponent is using an odd byproduct of the difference in reference frames between a rotating object of light and a stationary (ok, relatively stationary) object. This can create a difference of apparent time, but whether it creates a stable, um, wormhole for lack of a better word, to the future and past, is no where near a fact let alone a strong theoretical possibility.

It would be nice, but I would need a lot more of the science before I would buy into funding it even if I were a philathropist just begging for a place to spill my dollars.
  • #4
this looks like it was filmed back in the 80's or something. It's taking him too long :) Maybe he already tries it and failed, and that's why we didn't hear about it since?
  • #5
Mephisto said:
this looks like it was filmed back in the 80's or something. It's taking him too long :) Maybe he already tries it and failed, and that's why we didn't hear about it since?

Y that's what i think too, he knows that he has only 1 shot, and he knows the lasers aren't going to cut it. So he's stalling for time and trying to find and escape route or a different direction to go into.

We'll know that he's done it when he starts guessing the superbowl winners each year.
  • #6
I have my own Time-Machine. Unfortunatley it is limited to uni-directional motion through time.


  • #7

i wonder if these too are related? personally i could never seen time travel being possible, perhaps we could travel to the future (as we are doing already but at a faster rate) but if we could ever travel backwards (in the pulp-sci-fi sense) we would know by now.

even if we could travel to the future faster perhaps that would not be a good thing, the entire human race disappearing over a few years as people get access to this device? we'd just turn up on Earth 20 years down the line where all the cities have degraded through 20 years of neglect.

although this would be interesting if we jumped couple of thosand of years, died out, new intellegent life evolved and became archelogists and tried to fathom why humans ceased to exist for 2 thousands years before returning again :).
  • #8
Devious Squir said:

i wonder if these too are related? personally i could never seen time travel being possible, perhaps we could travel to the future (as we are doing already but at a faster rate) but if we could ever travel backwards (in the pulp-sci-fi sense) we would know by now.

even if we could travel to the future faster perhaps that would not be a good thing, the entire human race disappearing over a few years as people get access to this device? we'd just turn up on Earth 20 years down the line where all the cities have degraded through 20 years of neglect.

although this would be interesting if we jumped couple of thosand of years, died out, new intellegent life evolved and became archelogists and tried to fathom why humans ceased to exist for 2 thousands years before returning again :).

Suddenly the end of the Mayan civilization makes sense...
  • #9
ha! ha!
applying time diliation for velocities above light is like applying laws of gases for solids.

FAQ: Video: Scientist plans Time Machine - Is this possible?

What is a time machine?

A time machine is a hypothetical device that would allow a person to travel through time, either to the past or the future.

Can time travel really be possible?

At this point in time, time travel is still only a concept and has not been proven to be possible. Many scientists believe that the laws of physics, particularly the concept of causality, make it unlikely that time travel will ever be possible.

What are the challenges in creating a time machine?

The biggest challenge in creating a time machine is overcoming the laws of physics. Time travel would require the ability to manipulate time and space, which is currently beyond our capabilities.

What are some theories about time travel?

There are several theories about time travel, including the theory of relativity, which suggests that time travel could be possible through the manipulation of space-time. Other theories involve the use of wormholes, parallel universes, and the concept of time dilation.

Why is the idea of time travel so fascinating?

The idea of time travel has captured the imagination of people for centuries. It allows us to explore the unknown, revisit the past, and possibly even change the course of history. It also raises philosophical questions about the nature of time and our place in the universe.
