Well has any one noticed it is a bit quiet upstairs?

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary, the downstairs area has been relatively quiet lately, with all the crackpots apparently having retreated. It's summertime, so the crackpots must be grooming their shuttlecock pens. Russ was apparently trying to run away when he saw the biology forum Moderator, but he was unsuccessful. Apparently, there is something new involving super brains and cold temperatures. Patty is needed to help raise the heat over in New York, and Cronxeh may need to be frozen until Christmas.
  • #1
Gold Member
Dearly Missed
Well has anyone noticed it is a bit quiet upstairs? Have all the crackpots
retreated? or is there nothinig new.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Its summer time, there off grooming there shuttlecocks
  • #3
can he really say shuttlecocks instead of a birdie.. :rolleyes:
  • #4
Anyone taking bets on how long cronxeh survives after calling hypatia 'he'? :bugeye:
  • #5
I have a theory that super brains only work when cold, something to do with
BEC, but why should tennis have anything to do with science?
  • #6
hmmm yes it should be a slow...yet gratifying death :devil:
  • #7
hypatia said:
hmmm yes it should be a slow...yet gratifying death :devil:

Roasted cronxeh anyone?
  • #8
wolram said:
I have a theory that super brains only work when cold, something to do with
BEC, but why should tennis have anything to do with science?

Well, see, there's the whole flaw in your theory, she was talking about badminton, not tennis. :-p

Yes, I noticed it's been quiet upstairs too, and all mixed up to boot! Last night, I spent most of the night in the engineering forum, and then checked in on the biology forum to find all the engineers hanging out there! Russ must have been trying to run and hide when he saw me in engineering after I've been giving him such a hassle about girls vs women. :smile:
  • #9
wolram said:
Roasted cronxeh anyone?

Hmm, I think I need to wait for Patty to help me with the spell to raise the heat over there in NY. With the two of us together, we got it up to 300 F in Philly, but I don't think I can do that without her help; I can only get it up to a measly 150 F on my own. :-p Well, unless Hypatia also has those powers and she and I can make it nice and toasty for Cronxeh.
  • #10
Moonbear said:
Well, see, there's the whole flaw in your theory, she was talking about badminton, not tennis. :-p

Yes, I noticed it's been quiet upstairs too, and all mixed up to boot! Last night, I spent most of the night in the engineering forum, and then checked in on the biology forum to find all the engineers hanging out there! Russ must have been trying to run and hide when he saw me in engineering after I've been giving him such a hassle about girls vs women. :smile:

Girls vs women? no one in my circle would call a women a girl :biggrin:
  • #11
But with BEC won't the cold only sink to there feet? ahhh I get it, they think on there feet?
  • #12
well..as youknow, I'm a northern girl...so you and Patty cook him, and I'll freeze him until this the Christmas time.
Maybe Danger will toss in some old moose..and we could have a moose and cronxeh buffet!
  • #13
hypatia said:
But with BEC won't the cold only sink to there feet? ahhh I get it, they think on there feet?

Oh no you don't, its all to do with super conductivity you see, brains work
best when cold, some thing to do with fridged synapses, what ever they are.
  • #14
Well then freezing cronxeh just may be the answer to all his problems.
  • #15
hypatia said:
Well then freezing cronxeh just may be the answer to all his problems.

Dont be cruel, the poor guy just did pho par.
  • #16
Thats true, forgive me ..it could even be a type-o...or perhaps he honestly just didn't know.

But what shall I have for Christmas?
  • #17
hypatia said:
Thats true, forgive me ..it could even be a type-o...or perhaps he honestly just didn't know.

But what shall I have for Christmas?

Santa claws of course.

FAQ: Well has any one noticed it is a bit quiet upstairs?

1. Why is it so quiet upstairs?

There could be a few reasons for this. It could be that everyone is out or asleep, or they may be in a part of the house that is further away from where you are currently located. It could also be that they are engaged in an activity that doesn't involve making much noise.

2. Is there something wrong with the house or the people upstairs?

Not necessarily. As mentioned before, there could be a variety of reasons for the quiet. However, if this is a sudden change in behavior and you are concerned, it may be worth checking in with the people upstairs to make sure everything is okay.

3. Should we be concerned about this quietness?

It depends on the context. If this is out of the ordinary and you have reason to believe something may be wrong, then it may be worth checking in with the people upstairs. Otherwise, it may just be a normal occurrence and there is no need for concern.

4. What types of activities could be going on upstairs that would cause such quietness?

There are a variety of activities that can be done quietly, such as reading, studying, watching TV or movies with headphones, or even taking a nap. It may also be possible that the people upstairs are trying to be considerate of those who may be sleeping or working downstairs.

5. Is there anything we can do to make it less quiet upstairs?

This depends on the situation. If you are trying to encourage more noise and activity, you could try engaging in a group activity or suggesting a fun game. However, if the quietness is intentional and necessary for the people upstairs, it may be best to respect their privacy and let them continue their activities in peace.

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