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This is for my independent game development project. I am aiming to simulate simple environmental properties in grid-based world. I have world made of cells (or blocks) and I consider each physical property to be constant and uniform in given cell. Some properties spread from a cell to neighbouring cells in update steps. Processes I want to simulate: oxygen partial pressure, inert partial pressure (co2, vapor, others), temperature, fire. I also consider adding toxig gases, vapor (as separate item), radiation and radioactive contamination (radioactive elements).
I want to ask you about some things about combustion. My current model (not implemented yet) goes like this: A block has given mass (kgs) of flammable material and an ignition temperature. Upon reaching this temperature, it will ignite and start consuming flammable material and oxygen and start producing heat (energy). This heat is generated into the same block where the combution happens. This does not only sustain the fire in this block but beause the heat propagates to neighbouring cells, it can possibly causing them to ignite too. There are three ways in which the fire can stop: 1. oxygen depletion, 2. flammable material depletion, 3. heat propagates to neighbouring cells too fast (faster than what is created by combustion) and the temperature of this cell goes under ignition temperature.
So now my questions:
1. What influences ignition (autoignition) temperature? Is it good low resolution aproximation to say that it depends on a) material (property of the material, one number) and b) partial pressure of oxygen (linear dependency, the higher oxygen level, the lower ignition temperature)? This would mean that with extremely high oxygen pressure, anything will ignite in any temperature. I read on wikipedia that ignition temperature depends on oxygen level and pressure, is it ok to conflate them together and say that it depends (instead of on these two) only on partial pressure of oxygen?
2. How to easiest compute / aproximate oxygen consumption rate? Could I use just [oxygen consumed] = [energy created] * [flamable material related constant]? Or does it even depend on the material?
3. Can be energy created per time constant for given material (aproximately)? Or should it depend on oxygen partial pressure? And how should it depend?
Thank you for your advices. Formulas would be apperciated. I just was not ready to spend whole day aggregating all formulas about combustion to get the dependencies I want. I thought it would be nice to once ask someone with more knowledge about this to tell me something about the dependencies between those values.
Thx again,
This is for my independent game development project. I am aiming to simulate simple environmental properties in grid-based world. I have world made of cells (or blocks) and I consider each physical property to be constant and uniform in given cell. Some properties spread from a cell to neighbouring cells in update steps. Processes I want to simulate: oxygen partial pressure, inert partial pressure (co2, vapor, others), temperature, fire. I also consider adding toxig gases, vapor (as separate item), radiation and radioactive contamination (radioactive elements).
I want to ask you about some things about combustion. My current model (not implemented yet) goes like this: A block has given mass (kgs) of flammable material and an ignition temperature. Upon reaching this temperature, it will ignite and start consuming flammable material and oxygen and start producing heat (energy). This heat is generated into the same block where the combution happens. This does not only sustain the fire in this block but beause the heat propagates to neighbouring cells, it can possibly causing them to ignite too. There are three ways in which the fire can stop: 1. oxygen depletion, 2. flammable material depletion, 3. heat propagates to neighbouring cells too fast (faster than what is created by combustion) and the temperature of this cell goes under ignition temperature.
So now my questions:
1. What influences ignition (autoignition) temperature? Is it good low resolution aproximation to say that it depends on a) material (property of the material, one number) and b) partial pressure of oxygen (linear dependency, the higher oxygen level, the lower ignition temperature)? This would mean that with extremely high oxygen pressure, anything will ignite in any temperature. I read on wikipedia that ignition temperature depends on oxygen level and pressure, is it ok to conflate them together and say that it depends (instead of on these two) only on partial pressure of oxygen?
2. How to easiest compute / aproximate oxygen consumption rate? Could I use just [oxygen consumed] = [energy created] * [flamable material related constant]? Or does it even depend on the material?
3. Can be energy created per time constant for given material (aproximately)? Or should it depend on oxygen partial pressure? And how should it depend?
Thank you for your advices. Formulas would be apperciated. I just was not ready to spend whole day aggregating all formulas about combustion to get the dependencies I want. I thought it would be nice to once ask someone with more knowledge about this to tell me something about the dependencies between those values.
Thx again,