- #1
- 4,859
- 6
PF Version quiz
[ZapperZ] 10:31 am: We will begin now.. again, please stop all chats in this room.
[ZapperZ] 10:31 am: 1. What is the name of the Michael Jackson's album that contained the hit songs "Rock With You", and "Don't Stop Till You Get Enough"?
[Gokul43201] 10:32 am: thriller
[marlon] 10:32 am: thriller
[Gokul43201] 10:32 am: is the wrong answer
[Kurdt] 10:32 am: off the wall
[RetardedBastard] 10:32 am: billy jean
[ZapperZ] 10:32 am: Kurdt: correct[/color]
[ZapperZ] 10:33 am: 2. What popular group is depicted in the hit musical "The Jersey Boys"?
[Gokul43201] 10:34 am: 4 seasons
[ZapperZ] 10:34 am: Gokul: correct [/color]
[ZapperZ] 10:34 am: 3. In Star Wars - A New Hope, what was the name of the planet that Princess Leia told Darth Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin as having the Rebel base?
[Astronuc] 10:35 am: Tatui (s;?)
[Gokul43201] 10:35 am: alderaan
[Hootenanny] 10:35 am: Tantueen
[slider142] 10:36 am: Tatooine?
[Astronuc] 10:36 am: or Tatueen?
[marlon] 10:36 am: tatooine
[siddharth] 10:36 am: endor?
[ZapperZ] 10:36 am: Time's up. Answer: Dantooine [/color]
[ZapperZ] 10:37 am: 4. Madonna's hit single "Hung Up" contains a sampling of a hit song from a 70's supergroup. Name this group.
[marlon] 10:37 am: abba
[ZapperZ] 10:37 am: marlon: correct [/color]
[ZapperZ] 10:38 am: 5. B.J. Thomas's had a big hit with "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head". The song also won an Academy Awards for Best Song. In what movie did this song appeared?
[Gokul43201] 10:38 am: butch cassidy 7 the sundance kid
[Astronuc] 10:38 am: Butch Cassady & Sundacne Kid
[Ivan Seeking] 10:38 am: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
[George Jones] 10:38 am: butch cassidy and the sundance kid
[Gokul43201] 10:38 am: 7=&
[Hootenanny] 10:38 am: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
[ZapperZ] 10:38 am: Gokul : correct [/color]
[Borek] 10:38 am: Spy Hard
[Borek] 10:39 am: it was in Spy Hard too
[ZapperZ] 10:39 am: 6. What Verdi's opera takes place in Egypt and describes the conflict between Egypt and Ethiopia?
[marlon] 10:39 am: aida
[ZapperZ] 10:39 am: marlon: correct [/color]
[ZapperZ] 10:40 am: 7. Name the artist and the title of the largest selling album of all time.
[marlon] 10:40 am: michael Jackson
[RetardedBastard] 10:40 am: michael jackson thriller
[marlon] 10:40 am: thriller
[Hootenanny] 10:40 am: Thriller
[ZapperZ] 10:40 am: RetardedBastard: correct [/color]
[Hootenanny] 10:40 am: Michael Jackson Thriller
[RetardedBastard] 10:41 am: Wooohoooo!
[marlon] 10:41 am: dammit
[Ivan Seeking] 10:41 am: I thought that had been passed
[RetardedBastard] 10:41 am: Ivan, that is no way to refer to Michael Jackson's career!
[ZapperZ] 10:41 am: 8. This movie was predominantly filmed in Martha's Vineyard and had a mechanical shark named Bruce. Name this movie.
[George Jones] 10:41 am: jaws
[Astronuc] 10:42 am: Jasw
[marlon] 10:42 am: jaws
[ZapperZ] 10:42 am: George Jones: correct [/color]
[Gokul43201] 10:42 am: nice
[ZapperZ] 10:42 am: 9.Name the group "who let the dogs out".
[cristo] 10:43 am: baha men
[Hootenanny] 10:43 am: The Ba Ha men
[ZapperZ] 10:43 am: cristo: correct[/color]
[Hootenanny] 10:43 am: #$%^&* it, that's tiwce!
[cristo] 10:43 am: yes!
[ZapperZ] 10:44 am: 10. In which movie can you find Wesley Snipes, Patrick Swayze and John Leguizamo dressed in drag traveling across the country?
[Gokul43201] 10:44 am: girls just want to have fun
[RetardedBastard] 10:44 am: crossdressers
[Hootenanny] 10:44 am: marlon's fantasy
[siddharth] 10:44 am: white chicks?
[marlon] 10:45 am: To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar
[ZapperZ] 10:45 am: marlon: correct[/color]
[ZapperZ] 10:45 am: Can we have the current top 3 scores?
[RetardedBastard] 10:45 am: hmm
[RetardedBastard] 10:46 am: Is there a half-time peroid Zapper?
[ZapperZ] 10:46 am: yes.
[siddharth] 10:46 am: also, will you switch the topic?
[Hootenanny] 10:46 am: Gokul has two as well
[siddharth] 10:46 am: or, only next week?
[ZapperZ] 10:46 am: No, this will be the only topic this week.
[Gokul43201] 10:46 am: I think marlon had 3
[Evo] 10:46 am: sorry, marlon 3
[Janus] 10:46 am: Marlon 3, Gokul43201 2 , tie for third
[cristo] 10:47 am: cristo third: alphabetical order
[ZapperZ] 10:47 am: OK, we will continue...
[ZapperZ] 10:47 am: 11. This Rogers and Hammerstein's musical is "OK". Name the musical.
[Gokul43201] 10:48 am: ann
[Kurdt] 10:48 am: south pacific
[Gokul43201] 10:48 am: ie
[Astronuc] 10:48 am: oklahoma
[Gokul43201] 10:48 am: annie
[ZapperZ] 10:48 am: Astronuc: correct [/color]
[RetardedBastard] 10:48 am: Kansas
[ZapperZ] 10:49 am: 12. "I Will Always Love You", written by Dolly Parton, became a hit in two different movies and sung by two different artists. Name the two movies.
[Gokul43201] 10:49 am: bodyguard
[marlon] 10:50 am: the bodyguard and i will allways love you ?
[cristo] 10:50 am: "i will always love you" and " the bodyguard"
[Hootenanny] 10:50 am: I will always love you & body gard
[ZapperZ] 10:51 am: Astronuc: correct [/color]
[Gokul43201] 10:51 am: no half-points?
[ZapperZ] 10:51 am: no
[RetardedBastard] 10:51 am: May we congratualte the winner, Zapper?
[Gokul43201] 10:51 am: kidding
[ZapperZ] 10:52 am: 13. In what song did the singer drove his chevy to the levee but the levee was dry?
[RetardedBastard] 10:52 am: american pie
[Gokul43201] 10:52 am: american pie
[George Jones] 10:52 am: american pie
[cristo] 10:52 am: american pie
[marlon] 10:52 am: american pie
[Hootenanny] 10:52 am: American Pie
[Ivan Seeking] 10:52 am: American pie
[Kurdt] 10:52 am: american pie
[Kurdt] 10:52 am: smeg
[ZapperZ] 10:52 am: RetardedBastard: correct [/color]
[ZapperZ] 10:54 am: 14. In what movie can you see Marlon Brando making you an offer that you can't refuse?
[marlon] 10:54 am: godfather
[Gokul43201] 10:54 am: godfather
[Hootenanny] 10:54 am: The Godfather
[Kurdt] 10:54 am: godfather
[George Jones] 10:54 am: godfather
[marlon] 10:54 am: 1
[siddharth] 10:54 am: godfather
[ZapperZ] 10:54 am: marlon: correct [/color]
[ZapperZ] 10:55 am: 15. This dark stage musical about a barber taking his revenge on people and using their dead bodies to make meat pies was recently made into a movie staring Johnny Depp. Who wrote this musical?
[Hootenanny] 10:55 am: sweeny todd
[cristo] 10:55 am: sweeney tod
[siddharth] 10:55 am: fleet street
[siddharth] 10:56 am: sweeny todd and the barber of fleet street?
[marlon] 10:56 am: sondheim
[RetardedBastard] 10:56 am: saddam or something
[Hootenanny] 10:56 am: Stephen Sndheim
[marlon] 10:56 am: stephen
[ZapperZ] 10:56 am: marlon: correct [/color]
[siddharth] 10:56 am: ah. should read the question
[Hootenanny] 10:56 am: I know
[Kurdt] 10:56 am: stephen sondheim
[marlon] 10:56 am: hahaaa i am on fiirreeee
[marlon] 10:56 am: movie sucked tough
[marlon] 10:56 am: though
[ZapperZ] 10:57 am: 16. Name the album that spent the longest time on Billboard's Album charts.
[George Jones] 10:57 am: dark side of the moon
[ZapperZ] 10:57 am: George Jones: correct [/color]
[Gokul43201] 10:58 am: the wall
[Ivan Seeking] 10:58 am: Dark Side of the Moon
[marlon] 10:58 am: thriller
[Gokul43201] 10:58 am: nice, gj
[marlon] 10:58 am: wow, did not know that
[RetardedBastard] 10:58 am: WTG George!
[Ivan Seeking] 10:58 am: still using the damned caps!
[ZapperZ] 10:59 am: 17. For what movie did Cher won the Best Actress Academy Award?
[Astronuc] 10:59 am: mask
[George Jones] 10:59 am: moonstruck
[Hootenanny] 10:59 am: moonstruck
[RetardedBastard] 10:59 am: moonstruck
[ZapperZ] 10:59 am: George Jones: correct [/color]
[Gokul43201] 10:59 am: gj again
[RetardedBastard] 10:59 am: rats, so close
[RetardedBastard] 11:00 am: George!
[Evo] 11:00 am: Astro, please use white font
[ZapperZ] 11:02 am: Ok.. let's continue.
[ZapperZ] 11:02 am: 18. In this Six Flags commercial, identify the name of the tune that Mr. Six danced to (link to follow):...
[ZapperZ] 11:02 am: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3264461806848876717
[RetardedBastard] 11:03 am: venga bys
[RetardedBastard] 11:03 am: boys
[cristo] 11:03 am: we like to party
[ZapperZ] 11:03 am: cristo: correct [/color]
[marlon] 11:03 am: vengaboys : we like to party
[cristo] 11:03 am: I've not even got sound!
[marlon] 11:03 am: lol
[ZapperZ] 11:03 am: Of course!
[siddharth] 11:04 am: even before the music loaded
[Kurdt] 11:04 am: I hate music and movies I always get my friend for these at the pub quiz
[ZapperZ] 11:05 am: 19. What is another name given to Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 6?
[Astronuc] 11:05 am: 1812 Ov
[marlon] 11:05 am: pathetique
[ZapperZ] 11:05 am: marlon: correct [/color]
[marlon] 11:06 am: don't we just luuve classical ?
[Gokul43201] 11:06 am: damn, I typed into the google search bar
[Kurdt] 11:06 am: only you marlon
[ZapperZ] 11:07 am: 20. While this tune is most popularly associated with Sesame Street and the Muppets, it actually was initially written by an italian composer for a Swedish soft-porn movie (horrors!). Name the composer (link to follow): ...
[ZapperZ] 11:07 am:
[Kurdt] 11:07 am: piero umiliani
[ZapperZ] 11:07 am: Kurdt: correct [/color]
[Gokul43201] 11:07 am: nice kurdt
[Kurdt] 11:07 am: I know my swedish porn
[George Jones] 11:08 am: mahna mahna
[siddharth] 11:08 am: lol
[marlon] 11:08 am: lol
[RetardedBastard] 11:08 am: these links won't even open for me
[siddharth] 11:08 am: yeah. usually, flash is disabled for me too
[ZapperZ] 11:08 am: At this point, may we have the current top 3 standings?
[Gokul43201] 11:09 am: Marlon, Kurdt & George?
[Janus] 11:09 am: marlon 5 george jones 3 five way tie for third
[marlon] 11:09 am: i think i got 6
[ZapperZ] 11:09 am: Let's wait for our official scorekeeper Janus to report the score.
[Janus] 11:09 am: Sorry, 6 for marlon
[RetardedBastard] 11:10 am: Well done, Marlon
[marlon] 11:10 am: Thanks
[Janus] 11:11 am: the five way tie is between kurdt gokul retarded bastard cristo and astronuc
[RetardedBastard] 11:11 am: Janus, with 2 points?
[Janus] 11:11 am: yes two points each
[Gokul43201] 11:12 am: How many more questions, Zz?
[ZapperZ] 11:12 am: OK... we will continue... there will be 5 more questions before our half-time break.
[Gokul43201] 11:12 am: Wow!
[ZapperZ] 11:13 am: 21. Although Carol Channing won a Tony for her stage role in "Hello Dolly", she was not picked to star in the screen version of the musical. Which actress/singer stared in movie version of "Hello Dolly"?
[marlon] 11:13 am: lol dollly parton ?
[Kurdt] 11:13 am: barbra sreisand
[Gokul43201] 11:14 am: barbara streisand
[Kurdt] 11:14 am: streisand
[ZapperZ] 11:14 am: Kurdt: correct [/color]
[George Jones] 11:14 am: of course!
[marlon] 11:14 am: did not know this movie
[ZapperZ] 11:15 am: 22. What British artist rode his "Cars" with his Tubeway Army while asking "Are Friends Electric?"?
[George Jones] 11:15 am: gary newman
[Kurdt] 11:15 am: gary numan
[ZapperZ] 11:15 am: George jones: correct [/color]
[ZapperZ] 11:16 am: 23. Name the singer who has performed the most number of James Bond movie theme song.
[marlon] 11:16 am: angela basset
[Kurdt] 11:16 am: shirley bassey
[George Jones] 11:16 am: carli simon
[ZapperZ] 11:16 am: Kurdt: correct [/color]
[Gokul43201] 11:16 am: tina turner
[marlon] 11:17 am: lol i am going kuuraazzyy
[ZapperZ] 11:18 am: 24. Who was Mutt Williams' father in "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Skull"?
[marlon] 11:18 am: connery
[George Jones] 11:18 am: indiana jones
[ZapperZ] 11:18 am: George Jones: correct [/color]
[George Jones] 11:18 am: google was my friend
[ZapperZ] 11:19 am: 25. Sheena Easton had a #1 hit in the US with her song "Morning Train". However, this song originally had a different name in the UK and many parts of the world. What is the original name of this song?
[cristo] 11:20 am: 9 to 5
[Gokul43201] 11:20 am: 9 to 5
[marlon] 11:20 am: nine to 5
[Gokul43201] 11:20 am: blast
[ZapperZ] 11:20 am: cristo: correct [/color]
[Kurdt] 11:20 am: smeg
[ZapperZ] 10:31 am: We will begin now.. again, please stop all chats in this room.
[ZapperZ] 10:31 am: 1. What is the name of the Michael Jackson's album that contained the hit songs "Rock With You", and "Don't Stop Till You Get Enough"?
[Gokul43201] 10:32 am: thriller
[marlon] 10:32 am: thriller
[Gokul43201] 10:32 am: is the wrong answer
[Kurdt] 10:32 am: off the wall
[RetardedBastard] 10:32 am: billy jean
[ZapperZ] 10:32 am: Kurdt: correct[/color]
[ZapperZ] 10:33 am: 2. What popular group is depicted in the hit musical "The Jersey Boys"?
[Gokul43201] 10:34 am: 4 seasons
[ZapperZ] 10:34 am: Gokul: correct [/color]
[ZapperZ] 10:34 am: 3. In Star Wars - A New Hope, what was the name of the planet that Princess Leia told Darth Vader and Grand Moff Tarkin as having the Rebel base?
[Astronuc] 10:35 am: Tatui (s;?)
[Gokul43201] 10:35 am: alderaan
[Hootenanny] 10:35 am: Tantueen
[slider142] 10:36 am: Tatooine?
[Astronuc] 10:36 am: or Tatueen?
[marlon] 10:36 am: tatooine
[siddharth] 10:36 am: endor?
[ZapperZ] 10:36 am: Time's up. Answer: Dantooine [/color]
[ZapperZ] 10:37 am: 4. Madonna's hit single "Hung Up" contains a sampling of a hit song from a 70's supergroup. Name this group.
[marlon] 10:37 am: abba
[ZapperZ] 10:37 am: marlon: correct [/color]
[ZapperZ] 10:38 am: 5. B.J. Thomas's had a big hit with "Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head". The song also won an Academy Awards for Best Song. In what movie did this song appeared?
[Gokul43201] 10:38 am: butch cassidy 7 the sundance kid
[Astronuc] 10:38 am: Butch Cassady & Sundacne Kid
[Ivan Seeking] 10:38 am: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
[George Jones] 10:38 am: butch cassidy and the sundance kid
[Gokul43201] 10:38 am: 7=&
[Hootenanny] 10:38 am: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
[ZapperZ] 10:38 am: Gokul : correct [/color]
[Borek] 10:38 am: Spy Hard
[Borek] 10:39 am: it was in Spy Hard too
[ZapperZ] 10:39 am: 6. What Verdi's opera takes place in Egypt and describes the conflict between Egypt and Ethiopia?
[marlon] 10:39 am: aida
[ZapperZ] 10:39 am: marlon: correct [/color]
[ZapperZ] 10:40 am: 7. Name the artist and the title of the largest selling album of all time.
[marlon] 10:40 am: michael Jackson
[RetardedBastard] 10:40 am: michael jackson thriller
[marlon] 10:40 am: thriller
[Hootenanny] 10:40 am: Thriller
[ZapperZ] 10:40 am: RetardedBastard: correct [/color]
[Hootenanny] 10:40 am: Michael Jackson Thriller
[RetardedBastard] 10:41 am: Wooohoooo!
[marlon] 10:41 am: dammit
[Ivan Seeking] 10:41 am: I thought that had been passed
[RetardedBastard] 10:41 am: Ivan, that is no way to refer to Michael Jackson's career!
[ZapperZ] 10:41 am: 8. This movie was predominantly filmed in Martha's Vineyard and had a mechanical shark named Bruce. Name this movie.
[George Jones] 10:41 am: jaws
[Astronuc] 10:42 am: Jasw
[marlon] 10:42 am: jaws
[ZapperZ] 10:42 am: George Jones: correct [/color]
[Gokul43201] 10:42 am: nice
[ZapperZ] 10:42 am: 9.Name the group "who let the dogs out".
[cristo] 10:43 am: baha men
[Hootenanny] 10:43 am: The Ba Ha men
[ZapperZ] 10:43 am: cristo: correct[/color]
[Hootenanny] 10:43 am: #$%^&* it, that's tiwce!
[cristo] 10:43 am: yes!
[ZapperZ] 10:44 am: 10. In which movie can you find Wesley Snipes, Patrick Swayze and John Leguizamo dressed in drag traveling across the country?
[Gokul43201] 10:44 am: girls just want to have fun
[RetardedBastard] 10:44 am: crossdressers
[Hootenanny] 10:44 am: marlon's fantasy
[siddharth] 10:44 am: white chicks?
[marlon] 10:45 am: To Wong Foo Thanks for Everything, Julie Newmar
[ZapperZ] 10:45 am: marlon: correct[/color]
[ZapperZ] 10:45 am: Can we have the current top 3 scores?
[RetardedBastard] 10:45 am: hmm
[RetardedBastard] 10:46 am: Is there a half-time peroid Zapper?
[ZapperZ] 10:46 am: yes.
[siddharth] 10:46 am: also, will you switch the topic?
[Hootenanny] 10:46 am: Gokul has two as well
[siddharth] 10:46 am: or, only next week?
[ZapperZ] 10:46 am: No, this will be the only topic this week.
[Gokul43201] 10:46 am: I think marlon had 3
[Evo] 10:46 am: sorry, marlon 3
[Janus] 10:46 am: Marlon 3, Gokul43201 2 , tie for third
[cristo] 10:47 am: cristo third: alphabetical order
[ZapperZ] 10:47 am: OK, we will continue...
[ZapperZ] 10:47 am: 11. This Rogers and Hammerstein's musical is "OK". Name the musical.
[Gokul43201] 10:48 am: ann
[Kurdt] 10:48 am: south pacific
[Gokul43201] 10:48 am: ie
[Astronuc] 10:48 am: oklahoma
[Gokul43201] 10:48 am: annie
[ZapperZ] 10:48 am: Astronuc: correct [/color]
[RetardedBastard] 10:48 am: Kansas
[ZapperZ] 10:49 am: 12. "I Will Always Love You", written by Dolly Parton, became a hit in two different movies and sung by two different artists. Name the two movies.
[Gokul43201] 10:49 am: bodyguard
[marlon] 10:50 am: the bodyguard and i will allways love you ?
[cristo] 10:50 am: "i will always love you" and " the bodyguard"
[Hootenanny] 10:50 am: I will always love you & body gard
[ZapperZ] 10:51 am: Astronuc: correct [/color]
[Gokul43201] 10:51 am: no half-points?
[ZapperZ] 10:51 am: no
[RetardedBastard] 10:51 am: May we congratualte the winner, Zapper?
[Gokul43201] 10:51 am: kidding
[ZapperZ] 10:52 am: 13. In what song did the singer drove his chevy to the levee but the levee was dry?
[RetardedBastard] 10:52 am: american pie
[Gokul43201] 10:52 am: american pie
[George Jones] 10:52 am: american pie
[cristo] 10:52 am: american pie
[marlon] 10:52 am: american pie
[Hootenanny] 10:52 am: American Pie
[Ivan Seeking] 10:52 am: American pie
[Kurdt] 10:52 am: american pie
[Kurdt] 10:52 am: smeg
[ZapperZ] 10:52 am: RetardedBastard: correct [/color]
[ZapperZ] 10:54 am: 14. In what movie can you see Marlon Brando making you an offer that you can't refuse?
[marlon] 10:54 am: godfather
[Gokul43201] 10:54 am: godfather
[Hootenanny] 10:54 am: The Godfather
[Kurdt] 10:54 am: godfather
[George Jones] 10:54 am: godfather
[marlon] 10:54 am: 1
[siddharth] 10:54 am: godfather
[ZapperZ] 10:54 am: marlon: correct [/color]
[ZapperZ] 10:55 am: 15. This dark stage musical about a barber taking his revenge on people and using their dead bodies to make meat pies was recently made into a movie staring Johnny Depp. Who wrote this musical?
[Hootenanny] 10:55 am: sweeny todd
[cristo] 10:55 am: sweeney tod
[siddharth] 10:55 am: fleet street
[siddharth] 10:56 am: sweeny todd and the barber of fleet street?
[marlon] 10:56 am: sondheim
[RetardedBastard] 10:56 am: saddam or something
[Hootenanny] 10:56 am: Stephen Sndheim
[marlon] 10:56 am: stephen
[ZapperZ] 10:56 am: marlon: correct [/color]
[siddharth] 10:56 am: ah. should read the question
[Hootenanny] 10:56 am: I know
[Kurdt] 10:56 am: stephen sondheim
[marlon] 10:56 am: hahaaa i am on fiirreeee
[marlon] 10:56 am: movie sucked tough
[marlon] 10:56 am: though
[ZapperZ] 10:57 am: 16. Name the album that spent the longest time on Billboard's Album charts.
[George Jones] 10:57 am: dark side of the moon
[ZapperZ] 10:57 am: George Jones: correct [/color]
[Gokul43201] 10:58 am: the wall
[Ivan Seeking] 10:58 am: Dark Side of the Moon
[marlon] 10:58 am: thriller
[Gokul43201] 10:58 am: nice, gj
[marlon] 10:58 am: wow, did not know that
[RetardedBastard] 10:58 am: WTG George!
[Ivan Seeking] 10:58 am: still using the damned caps!
[ZapperZ] 10:59 am: 17. For what movie did Cher won the Best Actress Academy Award?
[Astronuc] 10:59 am: mask
[George Jones] 10:59 am: moonstruck
[Hootenanny] 10:59 am: moonstruck
[RetardedBastard] 10:59 am: moonstruck
[ZapperZ] 10:59 am: George Jones: correct [/color]
[Gokul43201] 10:59 am: gj again
[RetardedBastard] 10:59 am: rats, so close
[RetardedBastard] 11:00 am: George!
[Evo] 11:00 am: Astro, please use white font
[ZapperZ] 11:02 am: Ok.. let's continue.
[ZapperZ] 11:02 am: 18. In this Six Flags commercial, identify the name of the tune that Mr. Six danced to (link to follow):...
[ZapperZ] 11:02 am: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3264461806848876717
[RetardedBastard] 11:03 am: venga bys
[RetardedBastard] 11:03 am: boys
[cristo] 11:03 am: we like to party
[ZapperZ] 11:03 am: cristo: correct [/color]
[marlon] 11:03 am: vengaboys : we like to party
[cristo] 11:03 am: I've not even got sound!
[marlon] 11:03 am: lol
[ZapperZ] 11:03 am: Of course!
[siddharth] 11:04 am: even before the music loaded
[Kurdt] 11:04 am: I hate music and movies I always get my friend for these at the pub quiz
[ZapperZ] 11:05 am: 19. What is another name given to Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 6?
[Astronuc] 11:05 am: 1812 Ov
[marlon] 11:05 am: pathetique
[ZapperZ] 11:05 am: marlon: correct [/color]
[marlon] 11:06 am: don't we just luuve classical ?
[Gokul43201] 11:06 am: damn, I typed into the google search bar
[Kurdt] 11:06 am: only you marlon
[ZapperZ] 11:07 am: 20. While this tune is most popularly associated with Sesame Street and the Muppets, it actually was initially written by an italian composer for a Swedish soft-porn movie (horrors!). Name the composer (link to follow): ...
[ZapperZ] 11:07 am:
[Kurdt] 11:07 am: piero umiliani
[ZapperZ] 11:07 am: Kurdt: correct [/color]
[Gokul43201] 11:07 am: nice kurdt
[Kurdt] 11:07 am: I know my swedish porn
[George Jones] 11:08 am: mahna mahna
[siddharth] 11:08 am: lol
[marlon] 11:08 am: lol
[RetardedBastard] 11:08 am: these links won't even open for me
[siddharth] 11:08 am: yeah. usually, flash is disabled for me too
[ZapperZ] 11:08 am: At this point, may we have the current top 3 standings?
[Gokul43201] 11:09 am: Marlon, Kurdt & George?
[Janus] 11:09 am: marlon 5 george jones 3 five way tie for third
[marlon] 11:09 am: i think i got 6
[ZapperZ] 11:09 am: Let's wait for our official scorekeeper Janus to report the score.
[Janus] 11:09 am: Sorry, 6 for marlon
[RetardedBastard] 11:10 am: Well done, Marlon
[marlon] 11:10 am: Thanks
[Janus] 11:11 am: the five way tie is between kurdt gokul retarded bastard cristo and astronuc
[RetardedBastard] 11:11 am: Janus, with 2 points?
[Janus] 11:11 am: yes two points each
[Gokul43201] 11:12 am: How many more questions, Zz?
[ZapperZ] 11:12 am: OK... we will continue... there will be 5 more questions before our half-time break.
[Gokul43201] 11:12 am: Wow!
[ZapperZ] 11:13 am: 21. Although Carol Channing won a Tony for her stage role in "Hello Dolly", she was not picked to star in the screen version of the musical. Which actress/singer stared in movie version of "Hello Dolly"?
[marlon] 11:13 am: lol dollly parton ?
[Kurdt] 11:13 am: barbra sreisand
[Gokul43201] 11:14 am: barbara streisand
[Kurdt] 11:14 am: streisand
[ZapperZ] 11:14 am: Kurdt: correct [/color]
[George Jones] 11:14 am: of course!
[marlon] 11:14 am: did not know this movie
[ZapperZ] 11:15 am: 22. What British artist rode his "Cars" with his Tubeway Army while asking "Are Friends Electric?"?
[George Jones] 11:15 am: gary newman
[Kurdt] 11:15 am: gary numan
[ZapperZ] 11:15 am: George jones: correct [/color]
[ZapperZ] 11:16 am: 23. Name the singer who has performed the most number of James Bond movie theme song.
[marlon] 11:16 am: angela basset
[Kurdt] 11:16 am: shirley bassey
[George Jones] 11:16 am: carli simon
[ZapperZ] 11:16 am: Kurdt: correct [/color]
[Gokul43201] 11:16 am: tina turner
[marlon] 11:17 am: lol i am going kuuraazzyy
[ZapperZ] 11:18 am: 24. Who was Mutt Williams' father in "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Skull"?
[marlon] 11:18 am: connery
[George Jones] 11:18 am: indiana jones
[ZapperZ] 11:18 am: George Jones: correct [/color]
[George Jones] 11:18 am: google was my friend
[ZapperZ] 11:19 am: 25. Sheena Easton had a #1 hit in the US with her song "Morning Train". However, this song originally had a different name in the UK and many parts of the world. What is the original name of this song?
[cristo] 11:20 am: 9 to 5
[Gokul43201] 11:20 am: 9 to 5
[marlon] 11:20 am: nine to 5
[Gokul43201] 11:20 am: blast
[ZapperZ] 11:20 am: cristo: correct [/color]
[Kurdt] 11:20 am: smeg
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