Who Released 'Purple Rain' and Other Trivia Questions?

  • Thread starter Kurdt
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  • #1
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[Kurdt] 12:07 pm: 1. Who released the album 'Purple Rain' in 1984?
[cristo] 12:07 pm: prince
[marlon] 12:07 pm: prince
[Gokul43201] 12:07 pm: hendrix
[Gokul43201] 12:07 pm: oops!
[Kurdt] 12:07 pm: cristo: correct[/color]
[Kurdt] 12:08 pm: 2. Riga is the capital city of which of the Baltic Republics?
[marlon] 12:08 pm: latvia
[Gokul43201] 12:08 pm: lithuania
[turbo-1] 12:08 pm: Latvia
[cristo] 12:08 pm: latvia
[Kurdt] 12:08 pm: marlon: correct [/color]
[Gokul43201] 12:09 pm: I'm on a roll!
[Kurdt] 12:09 pm: 3. Which French leader died in exile on the island of Saint Helena in 1821?
[Gokul43201] 12:09 pm: napoleon
[Borek] 12:09 pm: napolen
[marlon] 12:09 pm: napoleon
[humanino] 12:09 pm: napoleo
[siddharth] 12:09 pm: napolean
[Kurdt] 12:09 pm: Gokul: correct [/color]
[Gokul43201] 12:10 pm: there goes my streak
[Kurdt] 12:10 pm: 4. A Pina Colada is a cocktail made from rum, coconut and the juice of which fruit?
[humanino] 12:10 pm: cocnut
[cristo] 12:10 pm: pineappl
[Gokul43201] 12:11 pm: pineapple
[marlon] 12:11 pm: cocos
[cristo] 12:11 pm: oy
[Kurdt] 12:11 pm: cristo: correct [/color]
[cristo] 12:11 pm: yay!
[humanino] 12:11 pm: lol... it's so fast
[Gokul43201] 12:11 pm: I bet i'd have gotten in forst if he typed in the E
[cristo] 12:11 pm: haha
[Kurdt] 12:12 pm: 5. Which jazz musician released the 'Take it Satch’ EP in 1956?
[Gokul43201] 12:12 pm: armstrong
[cristo] 12:12 pm: armstrong
[marlon] 12:12 pm: satchmo
[Kurdt] 12:12 pm: Gokul: correct [/color]
[Kurdt] 12:13 pm: 6. Which actor played the character Neo in 'The Matrix' trilogy?
[marlon] 12:13 pm: reeves
[Gokul43201] 12:13 pm: reeves
[marlon] 12:13 pm: keanu
[~christina~] 12:13 pm: keanu reeve
[humanino] 12:13 pm: Hubert Reeves
[~christina~] 12:13 pm: lol
[Gokul43201] 12:14 pm: hee hee
[marlon] 12:14 pm: hubert lol
[Kurdt] 12:14 pm: marlon: correct [/color]
[Kurdt] 12:14 pm: 7. By which name is the Mongol leader Temujin better known?
[Gokul43201] 12:15 pm: attila
[marlon] 12:15 pm: djengos kan
[marlon] 12:15 pm: djengis
[~christina~] 12:15 pm: Attilla the hun
[humanino] 12:15 pm: Genghis Khan
[~christina~] 12:15 pm:
[Gokul43201] 12:16 pm: no one has it?
[~christina~] 12:16 pm: I think humanino got it.
[marlon] 12:16 pm: yes, i do
[humanino] 12:16 pm: Marlon and I...
[Kurdt] 12:16 pm: marlon: correct [/color]
[humanino] 12:16 pm: but he spelled it wrong
[Kurdt] 12:16 pm: yeah I was just checking marlon's
[marlon] 12:17 pm: typo's not included dr h
[humanino] 12:17 pm: all right marlun
[marlon] 12:17 pm: lol
[~christina~] 12:17 pm: The spelling is different everywhere.
[Borek] 12:17 pm: next time I will answer in Polish
[Gokul43201] 12:17 pm: lol
[Kurdt] 12:17 pm: 8. Which is the smallest orchestral instrument in the string family?
[marlon] 12:17 pm: chridstina, i corrected that
[Evo] 12:18 pm: that was Gengis' nephew
[marlon] 12:18 pm: violin
[~christina~] 12:18 pm: ah
[Gokul43201] 12:18 pm: viola
[~christina~] 12:18 pm: violin
[Kurdt] 12:18 pm: marlon: correct [/color]
[cristo] 12:18 pm: i read that as "smartest"
[cristo] 12:18 pm: lol
[Borek] 12:18 pm: I was ready to write "skrzypce"
[Kurdt] 12:19 pm: 9. Shakespeare wrote the play 'Timon of…' where?
[cristo] 12:19 pm: athens
[Gokul43201] 12:19 pm: athens
[humanino] 12:19 pm: Athens
[Kurdt] 12:19 pm: cristo: correct [/color]
[marlon] 12:19 pm: stradford upon evon
[marlon] 12:20 pm: did he go to athens ?
[humanino] 12:20 pm: I'll shorten my connection cable
[Kurdt] 12:20 pm: 10. What was the name given to a hereditary commander-in-chief of the Japanese army?
[marlon] 12:20 pm: emperor ,
[Borek] 12:20 pm: shogun?
[Kurdt] 12:20 pm: Borek: correct [/color]
[Borek] 12:21 pm: lol
[marlon] 12:21 pm: good one
[Borek] 12:21 pm: complete guess
[Gokul43201] 12:21 pm: nice
[Kurdt] 12:21 pm: Ok we'll take a 5 minute breather and we'll have a score update
[Gokul43201] 12:21 pm: goodie
[Kurdt] 12:23 pm: marlon: 4, cristo: 3, Gokul: 2, Borek: 1
[Kurdt] 12:23 pm: so far
[Borek] 12:23 pm: geez, I though save will work with saving chat transcript, but it doesn't copy some names - Gokul and humanino end as [], while I am [Borek]
[Borek] 12:24 pm: I am missing questions because of spelling
[Gokul43201] 12:24 pm: back
[Kurdt] 12:24 pm: They get harder
[marlon] 12:24 pm: christina,let go...
[Gokul43201] 12:24 pm: me too...
[Kurdt] 12:24 pm: I hope
[Borek] 12:24 pm: I know the answer but in Polish
[Kurdt] 12:24 pm: ok everyone ready?
[cristo] 12:24 pm: yup
[~christina~] 12:24 pm: pfft..
[marlon] 12:25 pm: go for it
[Gokul43201] 12:25 pm: yup
[Kurdt] 12:25 pm: question 11
[~christina~] 12:25 pm: okays
[Kurdt] 12:25 pm: 11. In 1872, which American ship was famously found in perfect condition but abandoned in the North Atlantic?
[~christina~] 12:25 pm: titanic?
[marlon] 12:25 pm: yeah right
[~christina~] 12:25 pm: lol
[Janus] 12:25 pm: queen anne
[cristo] 12:26 pm: mary celeste
[marlon] 12:26 pm: flying dutchman
[Kurdt] 12:26 pm: cristo: correct [/color]
[Kurdt] 12:26 pm: it obviously wasn't that famous
[cristo] 12:27 pm: lol
[Borek] 12:27 pm: but he wrote the name I knew it
[marlon] 12:27 pm: google
[Kurdt] 12:27 pm: 12. What is the study of crops and soils called?
[Borek] 12:27 pm: rolnictwo
[marlon] 12:27 pm: agriculture
[humanino] 12:27 pm: agronomy
[Kurdt] 12:28 pm: humanino: correct [/color]
[Gokul43201] 12:28 pm: hey, only thing left to try is agrology
[Gokul43201] 12:28 pm: or agromatics
[Borek] 12:28 pm: rolnictwo=agriculture, so I was wrong
[marlon] 12:28 pm: agrologos
[Kurdt] 12:29 pm: 13. What 'H' can follow bluebell, grape and water to make the name of a flower?
[cristo] 12:29 pm: hanging
[marlon] 12:29 pm: hortensia
[humanino] 12:29 pm: hyacinth
[Gokul43201] 12:30 pm: nie
[Kurdt] 12:30 pm: humanino: correct [/color]
[Gokul43201] 12:30 pm: nice
[~christina~] 12:30 pm: I didn't understand that at all.
[Kurdt] 12:30 pm: 14. Which small landlocked country in Southern Africa is situated in the highest part of the Drakensberg mountains?
[Gokul43201] 12:30 pm: wait...
[Borek] 12:30 pm: don't feel alone
[marlon] 12:30 pm: no surprise
[Gokul43201] 12:31 pm: lesotho
[Kurdt] 12:31 pm: Gokul: correct [/color]
[marlon] 12:31 pm: wow
[Kurdt] 12:31 pm: 15. In which round did Tyson lose in his 1996 clash with Evander Holyfield?
[humanino] 12:32 pm: 6
[cristo] 12:32 pm: 3
[marlon] 12:32 pm: second
[Gokul43201] 12:32 pm: 8th
[Janus] 12:32 pm: 1
[Gokul43201] 12:32 pm: 12th
[Gokul43201] 12:32 pm: oops
[Kurdt] 12:33 pm: no second guesses
[Borek] 12:33 pm: 12th
[Gokul43201] 12:33 pm: ignore me...i'm just shooting in the dark
[~christina~] 12:33 pm: 5th
[Kurdt] 12:33 pm: The answer was the 11th round [/color]
[Borek] 12:33 pm: lol
[~christina~] 12:33 pm:
[Borek] 12:33 pm: thought you were googling
[Gokul43201] 12:33 pm: EVERYBODY knew that on
[Borek] 12:34 pm: point for Kurdt
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  • #2
[Kurdt] 12:34 pm: 16. From which language does the word “limousine” originate?
[marlon] 12:34 pm: french
[cristo] 12:34 pm: french
[humanino] 12:34 pm: french
[humanino] 12:34 pm: belgium
[Kurdt] 12:34 pm: marlon: correct [/color]
[marlon] 12:35 pm: marlon originates from belgium
[Kurdt] 12:35 pm: 17. Which group of islands were the first discovery for Columbus in 1492?
[Gokul43201] 12:35 pm: who'd have thunk it wud be the obvious one
[Gokul43201] 12:35 pm: the bahamas
[marlon] 12:35 pm: bermuda
[Kurdt] 12:35 pm: gokul: correct [/color]
[Kurdt] 12:36 pm: 18. What nationality was Marie Curie?
[humanino] 12:36 pm: french
[George Jones] 12:36 pm: french
[Borek] 12:36 pm: Polish
[Gokul43201] 12:36 pm: polish
[marlon] 12:36 pm: polish
[humanino] 12:36 pm: sure...
[Gokul43201] 12:36 pm: #$%^&*
[humanino] 12:36 pm: but when ?
[Gokul43201] 12:36 pm: skladowska
[Borek] 12:37 pm: when she was born
[Borek] 12:37 pm: Sklodowska
[Gokul43201] 12:37 pm: close...
[humanino] 12:37 pm: then polish... became french
[~christina~] 12:37 pm: german?
[humanino] 12:37 pm: the question was incomplete
[humanino] 12:37 pm:
[marlon] 12:37 pm: it's gettin sad
[Borek] 12:37 pm: She was always Polish, although she married Frenchman
[cristo] 12:37 pm: she was polish, and then took french citizenship
[cristo] 12:38 pm: thus Id say polish was the righ answer
[marlon] 12:38 pm: kurdt ?
[Kurdt] 12:38 pm: I got kicked
[marlon] 12:38 pm: polish indeed
[cristo] 12:38 pm: my bad
[Kurdt] 12:38 pm: I think Borek: got Polish in there first [/color]
[marlon] 12:38 pm: yep
[George Jones] 12:38 pm: yup
[Borek] 12:38 pm: I did
[humanino] 12:38 pm: technically, she is french now
[marlon] 12:39 pm: dr h...
[Kurdt] 12:39 pm: ok
[Borek] 12:39 pm: technically, she is dead
[cristo] 12:39 pm: lol
[humanino] 12:39 pm: lol
[marlon] 12:39 pm: she sure is
[Gokul43201] 12:39 pm: ha ha
[Kurdt] 12:39 pm: 19. Who is the unproven author of the “Iliad”?
[marlon] 12:39 pm: homerus
[Gokul43201] 12:39 pm: homer
[~christina~] 12:39 pm: Homer
[cristo] 12:39 pm: homer
[George Jones] 12:39 pm: homer
[humanino] 12:39 pm: homer
[~christina~] 12:39 pm: darn lag..
[humanino] 12:39 pm: bart
[marlon] 12:39 pm: lol
[Kurdt] 12:40 pm: marlon: correct [/color]
[~christina~] 12:40 pm: arg..
[Kurdt] 12:40 pm: 20. Which John Wayne movie won him his only oscar?
[marlon] 12:40 pm: longest day
[Borek] 12:40 pm: dylizans
[cristo] 12:40 pm: stagecoach
[George Jones] 12:41 pm: rooster cogburn
[humanino] 12:41 pm: true grit
[Gokul43201] 12:41 pm: true grit
[Kurdt] 12:41 pm: humanino: correct [/color]
[Gokul43201] 12:41 pm: finito
[marlon] 12:41 pm: google
[Gokul43201] 12:41 pm: ?
[marlon] 12:41 pm: imdb
[Borek] 12:41 pm: dylizans=stagecoach
[Kurdt] 12:42 pm: does anyone want a small break or shall we continue after a score update
[marlon] 12:42 pm: continue
[Gokul43201] 12:42 pm: how many to go?
[cristo] 12:42 pm: let's just continue
[marlon] 12:42 pm: how many questions in total
[Kurdt] 12:43 pm: 10 more questions
[cristo] 12:43 pm: BINGO
[marlon] 12:43 pm: go
[Gokul43201] 12:43 pm: ok, I'm good to keep rolling
[Kurdt] 12:43 pm: marlon: 6, cristo/Gokul:4, humanino: 3, Borek: 2
[Kurdt] 12:44 pm: 21. What is the capital of Chile?
[Gokul43201] 12:44 pm: santiago
[humanino] 12:44 pm: satiango
[~christina~] 12:44 pm: argentina
[marlon] 12:44 pm: lima
[Borek] 12:44 pm: santiago
[~christina~] 12:44 pm: cough
[cristo] 12:44 pm: santiago
[Kurdt] 12:45 pm: Gokul: correct [/color]
[~christina~] 12:45 pm: I seriously don't know real world facts..
[Evo] 12:45 pm: christina won 314?
[Evo] 12:45 pm: #14
[Kurdt] 12:47 pm: 22. Who was called the Serpent of the Nile?
[Gokul43201] 12:47 pm: cleo
[cristo] 12:47 pm: cleopatra
[~christina~] 12:47 pm: cleopatra
[Gokul43201] 12:47 pm: patra
[cristo] 12:47 pm: dammit!
[marlon] 12:47 pm: cleo
[christina~] 12:48 pm: at least I don't sound crazy now..
[marlon] 12:48 pm: patra
[marlon] 12:48 pm: lol
[Kurdt] 12:48 pm: Gokul: correct [/color]
[cristo] 12:48 pm: boo
[marlon] 12:48 pm: booooo
[Gokul43201] 12:48 pm: boo me
[marlon] 12:48 pm: boooooo
[~christina~] 12:48 pm: boooooooooo
[cristo] 12:48 pm: I am gna ryt in txt
[Gokul43201] 12:48 pm: yay, I feel on top o the word
[Gokul43201] 12:49 pm: like in lesotho
[Kurdt] 12:49 pm: 23. What was the nickname of Julius Marx?
[humanino] 12:49 pm: Groucho
[Gokul43201] 12:49 pm: groucho
[marlon] 12:49 pm: graucho
[Kurdt] 12:49 pm: humanino: correct [/color]
[marlon] 12:49 pm: dammit
[humanino] 12:49 pm: Karl
[George Jones] 12:49 pm: spencer
[humanino] 12:50 pm: lol
[Kurdt] 12:50 pm: 24. Which part of France would you come from if you were a Breton?
[Gokul43201] 12:50 pm: brittany
[humanino] 12:50 pm: bretagne
[Borek] 12:50 pm: bretagne
[marlon] 12:50 pm: bretagne
[cristo] 12:50 pm: brittanyt
[Kurdt] 12:50 pm: Gokul: correct [/color]
[humanino] 12:50 pm: pff...
[George Jones] 12:50 pm: eastern nova scotia
[Gokul43201] 12:50 pm: lolll
[Kurdt] 12:51 pm: 25. Electrum is the name of an alloy of gold and which other metal?
[Borek] 12:51 pm: silver
[Gokul43201] 12:51 pm: mercury
[turbo-1] 12:51 pm: palladium
[humanino] 12:51 pm: bCarmen
[marlon] 12:51 pm: ron
[marlon] 12:51 pm: iron
[Kurdt] 12:51 pm: borek: correct [/color]
[~christina~] 12:51 pm: silver
[~christina~] 12:51 pm: darn
[Borek] 12:51 pm: christina: correct
[marlon] 12:51 pm: sure
[~christina~] 12:52 pm:
[Kurdt] 12:52 pm: 26. Which Irish playwright declared that: "Work is the curse of the drinking classes"?
[turbo-1] 12:52 pm: Shaw
[marlon] 12:52 pm: ylisses
[humanino] 12:52 pm: Oscar Wilde
[cristo] 12:52 pm: oscar wils
[marlon] 12:52 pm: ulisses
[Kurdt] 12:52 pm: humanino: correct [/color]
[marlon] 12:52 pm: playwright ? wat's that ?
[Kurdt] 12:53 pm: someone who writes plays
[humanino] 12:53 pm: it's like playmate for writing
[marlon] 12:53 pm: ok
[Kurdt] 12:53 pm: 27. Of which Middle Eastern country was King Hussein I monarch until his death in 1999?
[marlon] 12:53 pm: maroc
[George Jones] 12:53 pm: jordan
[Borek] 12:53 pm: ethipoia
[Gokul43201] 12:53 pm: jordan
[Borek] 12:54 pm: should read the question before asking
[humanino] 12:54 pm: the Chicago Bulls
[Kurdt] 12:54 pm: George Jones: correct [/color]
[Borek] 12:54 pm: answring
[marlon] 12:54 pm: i hate geography
[Kurdt] 12:54 pm: 28. Juno was the Roman goddess of what?
[marlon] 12:54 pm: light
[~christina~] 12:54 pm: love
[turbo-1] 12:54 pm: fertility
[~christina~] 12:54 pm: darn..
[~christina~] 12:55 pm: wrong again
[marlon] 12:55 pm: google
[cristo] 12:55 pm: gods?
[~christina~] 12:55 pm: I woulds say it but...
[turbo-1] 12:55 pm: marriage
[Gokul43201] 12:55 pm: marriage
[Gokul43201] 12:55 pm: freak
[humanino] 12:56 pm: youth ?
[Borek] 12:56 pm: wiki: marriage and queen of the gods
[starkind] 12:56 pm: the home
[Kurdt] 12:56 pm: Gokul: correct [/color]
[marlon] 12:56 pm: sex
[Gokul43201] 12:56 pm: no, not me
[marlon] 12:56 pm: turbo was first
[Kurdt] 12:56 pm: he guessed twice
[Gokul43201] 12:56 pm: ok
[marlon] 12:56 pm: ok yeah
[Kurdt] 12:57 pm: 29. The Spanish Formula 1 Grand Prix is held on the outskirts of which city?
[Gokul43201] 12:57 pm: monaco
[marlon] 12:57 pm: valencia
[cristo] 12:57 pm: barcelona
[Gokul43201] 12:57 pm: ouc
[Kurdt] 12:57 pm: cristo: correct [/color]
[Kurdt] last one
[Kurdt] 12:58 pm: 30. Gatophobia is the fear of what?
[marlon] 12:58 pm: tada
[Gokul43201] 12:58 pm: ok
[marlon] 12:58 pm: cats
[humanino] 12:58 pm: cakes
[cristo] 12:58 pm: cats
[George Jones] 12:58 pm: gatorade
[Kurdt] 12:58 pm: marlon: correct [/color]
[Gokul43201] 12:58 pm: ha ha
[Gokul43201] 12:58 pm: nice
[marlon] 12:59 pm: gato is italian for cat
[marlon] 12:59 pm: so latin as well
[humanino] 12:59 pm: gato is the french for cake
[~christina~] 12:59 pm: spanish as well.
[Borek] 12:59 pm: cats was correct but gatorade was better
[Gokul43201] 12:59 pm: phobish as well
[humanino] 12:59 pm: agreed
[Kurdt] 12:59 pm: give me a minute and I'll work out the scores
[marlon] 1:00 pm: or christina ? yeah, she is the winner
[cristo] 1:00 pm: you beat me marlon
[humanino] 1:00 pm: winner of marlon's heart
[marlon] 1:01 pm: that, she already was
[George Jones] 1:01 pm: cristo won marlon's heart?
~christina~ slaps both marlon and humanino
[cristo] 1:01 pm: i wish
[George Jones] 1:02 pm: upside the ...
[marlon] 1:02 pm: don"t get that
[marlon] 1:02 pm: elaborate ? GJ ?
[Kurdt] 1:06 pm: Gokul:8 marlon: 7, cristo/humanino: 5, Borek: 3 and GJ: 1
[marlon] 1:06 pm: bsettle for me, sure man
[cristo] 1:06 pm: congrats gokul
[Gokul43201] 1:06 pm: ooh, close finish
[Gokul43201] 1:07 pm: Nice game kurdt - thanks
  • #3
Great job on the transcript Kurdt and thanks for the Quiz!

Congratulations to Gokul on another win!
  • #4
Thanks for running the quiz, and for making the transcript Kurdt!

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