What was the first joke ever told?

  • Thread starter lambda90
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In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of finding the first joke ever made. While some speculate that it may have been a religious joke, others believe it could have been a pun or a simple play on words. However, it is difficult to determine the first joke as it requires a certain level of language comprehension. The conversation also includes a humorous anecdote about a child's first joke.
  • #1
There had to be a first right?

Any ideas on what it could have been about?
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  • #3
Wasn't it when Hebrew/Christian God created light of day before he made the Sun? The cheeky bastard.
  • #5
Thag: My dinosaur has no nose.
Zog: But then how does he smell?
Thag: Terrible!
  • #6
Who knows what the first joke was, but I clearly remember my daughter's first joke.

She was in the back seat of the car, in her car seat. She was about 2.

She said loudly, "HEY!"

I said, "What?"

She said, "HEY!", and giggled a little.

I said, "What?", and she giggled some more.

I looked back to see what was going on, and she was pointing to a piece of hay stuck to her shoe.

But since puns require a fairly advanced grasp of language, I doubt the first joke ever was a pun.
  • #7
"Two Amoeba walk out of a bar"
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  • #8
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FAQ: What was the first joke ever told?

1. What is considered the first joke ever told?

The oldest recorded joke dates back to 1600 BC and was found on a Sumerian tablet. It reads: "Something which has never occurred since time immemorial; a young woman did not fart in her husband's lap." This joke is considered the oldest because it uses wordplay and toilet humor, elements that are still present in many jokes today.

2. Who told the first joke?

Unfortunately, we do not know who told the first joke as it was not recorded. However, many cultures have their own versions of the oldest joke, suggesting that it may have originated from a common ancestor.

3. Is humor universal?

While humor is subjective, studies have shown that there are certain elements of humor that are universal across cultures. For example, the use of wordplay, irony, and exaggeration are common in jokes around the world.

4. Has the oldest joke changed over time?

Yes, the oldest joke has evolved over time as it has been adapted and translated into different languages and cultures. The core elements of the joke, such as wordplay and toilet humor, have remained the same, but the specific language and references have changed.

5. Why do humans enjoy jokes?

There are several theories as to why humans enjoy jokes. Some believe that it is a way for us to relieve tension and stress, while others suggest that it is a way for us to bond and connect with others. Jokes also require cognitive processing, which can be stimulating and enjoyable for our brains.

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