What's the next big technology?

  • Thread starter reddvoid
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In summary: Far better battery technologies would be great for renewable energy......but they're still a ways off. :(
  • #1
fire 100,000years ago
Sail 1200 BC
wheel 3500 BC
windmills 100 AD
steamengine 1800 AD
electricity and dynamo
integrated circuits
Whats next ?
Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #2

What a silly question. The answer is snarlgenpoogen of course.
  • #3

Agriculture - beginning of cooperative labour divisions and cities
Printing press 1450 AD - mass produced education
Antibiotics 1920 AD. Dramatic increase in lifepsan.
Computer 1950 AD. Massive impact on society.
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  • #4

i thought it was Dec 21 st 2012 - end of the world
  • #5

I expect to see a grand synthesis of all human invention. That is to say, a sailboat, controlled by electromagnetic integrated circuits, and powered by a fire in a steam engine attached by a wheel to a windmill that runs an electric dynamo.
  • #6

reddvoid said:
fire 100,000years ago
Sail 1200 BC
wheel 3500 BC
windmills 100 AD
steamengine 1800 AD
electricity and dynamo
integrated circuits
Whats next ?

Heterogeneous computing
  • #7

The Next Big Thing will be the Cerebrum Communicator, in development since 1967 by TPC (The Phone Company):

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  • #8

The future is here!
  • #9

I want a replicator. "Tea..Earl Grey...HOT!"
  • #10

  • #11

Pythagorean said:
Can't argue with that one.
  • #12

I think in the future humans will seek to harvest resources beyond those found on Earth - precious and semi precious metals, minerals, and "rare Earth's" which are used in electronics and technology are ever more scarce, I think eventually it will become economic to harvest these elements from the moon and nearby asteroids, perhaps even Mars and the darkside of mercury.
  • #13
Sticks followed by stones and that's if we are lucky.

Actually I think the next really big thing is pc / brain integration. Followed by sticks then stones.
  • #14

Evo said:
I want a replicator. "Tea..Earl Grey...HOT!"

Holodecks would be nice, too. :biggrin:
  • #15

jtbell said:
Holodecks would be nice, too. :biggrin:

Andriods as well. At least until they started wanting equal rights.
  • #16

JonDE said:
Andriods as well. At least until they started wanting equal rights.

Equal rights? They'll probably put humans in zoos.
  • #17

jtbell said:
Holodecks would be nice, too. :biggrin:
Ooooh, yes!
  • #18

wuliheron said:
Equal rights? They'll probably put humans in zoos.

or just assimilate us...
  • #19

jtbell said:
Holodecks would be nice, too. :biggrin:
Warp drives.
Laser guns. :biggrin:
  • #20
A portable, one-person version of the Cone of Silence:


Every person with a cell phone should be required by law to carry one of these.
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  • #21
jtbell said:
A portable, one-person version of the Cone of Silence:


Every person with a cell phone should be required by law to carry one of these.
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  • #22

jtbell said:
The Next Big Thing will be the Cerebrum Communicator, in development since 1967 by TPC (The Phone Company):


Told you so! :biggrin:

Intel wants to plug a smartphone into your brain (CNN Money)
  • #24
reddvoid said:
fire 100,000years ago
Sail 1200 BC
wheel 3500 BC
windmills 100 AD
steamengine 1800 AD
electricity and dynamo
integrated circuits
Whats next ?

A single invention that solves our energy problems, food problems, and Medicare/Social Security problems.
  • #25
BobG said:
A single invention that solves our energy problems, food problems, and Medicare/Social Security problems.
I have an idea for a single invention (realistic and attainable) that not only solves the above but also all environmental problems, overpopulation issues, poverty and all disease. Frankly it makes all other inventions obsolete.
  • #26
I've got it! An insect ball!

You spray the ball with instect attractant so the insects hover over your head instead of around your head!

Plus, the mast doubles as an antenna for your mobile computing and communications needs, plus can be used as a lightning rod while golfing!

  • #27
BobG said:
...plus can be used as a lightning rod while golfing![/PLAIN]

wait a minute...
  • #28
BobG said:
A single invention that solves our energy problems,


food problems,


and Medicare/Social Security problems.

Soylent Green
  • #29
BobG said:
A single invention that solves our energy problems, food problems, and Medicare/Social Security problems.
Medicare? You don't need a next big technology for that, just take an off-the-shelf model from any of the dozens of countries that employ a form of universal health care.
Ivan Seeking said:
Algae for biofuel would be good if it could be made to used large scale though other forms of artificial photosynthesis have more potential advantages.
  • #30
Hopefully sometime soon we will see one of the countless many new battery technologies that have come about in the past few years come into fruition. This would be beneficial not only for small scale electronic devices but also for electric cars.

Also, fusion power.
  • #31
fletch-j said:
Hopefully sometime soon we will see one of the countless many new battery technologies that have come about in the past few years come into fruition. This would be beneficial not only for small scale electronic devices but also for electric cars.

Also, fusion power.
Far better battery technologies would be great for renewable energy adoption.
  • #32
Ryan_m_b said:
Far better battery technologies would be great for renewable energy adoption.

I think that it would spawn a whole new range of technologies and could be a big game-changer in renewables and consumer electronics.

Now some of that battery technology needs to become financially viable so it can come out of R&D and into the market...

FAQ: What's the next big technology?

1. What is the next big technology?

The next big technology is difficult to predict as it is constantly evolving and new innovations are being introduced all the time. However, some emerging technologies that have the potential to make a big impact in the near future include artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, blockchain, and Internet of Things (IoT).

2. How will the next big technology change our lives?

The next big technology has the potential to significantly impact our lives in various ways. For example, artificial intelligence can automate tasks and improve efficiency in industries such as healthcare and transportation. Virtual and augmented reality can revolutionize the way we experience entertainment and education. Blockchain can transform the way we conduct financial transactions and manage data. IoT can enhance our daily lives by connecting and automating various devices.

3. What are the potential risks associated with the next big technology?

As with any new technology, there are potential risks that need to be considered. For instance, artificial intelligence could lead to job displacement and privacy concerns. Virtual and augmented reality may have negative effects on mental health and addiction. Blockchain faces challenges with scalability and regulation. IoT could pose security risks if not properly secured.

4. How can we prepare for the next big technology?

One way to prepare for the next big technology is to stay informed and educated about emerging technologies. This can involve attending conferences, reading industry publications, and networking with experts in the field. It is also important for individuals and organizations to be adaptable and open to change, as the next big technology may disrupt traditional industries and ways of life.

5. What impact will the next big technology have on the job market?

The next big technology is expected to have a significant impact on the job market. While some jobs may become obsolete, new jobs will also be created in emerging industries. It is important for individuals to continuously update their skills and adapt to new technologies in order to stay relevant in the job market. It is also the responsibility of organizations to provide training and retraining opportunities for their employees to keep up with the changing technological landscape.

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