Why Does My TI-30Xa Solar Calculator Keep Failing?

  • Thread starter leroyjenkens
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In summary, the calculator is unreliable and the chair that the user is sitting in is also not very comfortable.
  • #1
I have this TI-30Xa calculator that is one of the most unreliable things I own.

When I first got it, I took it out of the package and turned it on and messed with it and then put it down. I show up to school to use it on a test and it's not working.

When I get home I had figured out that maybe the battery needed to be charged, since it's a solar calculator. So I leave it on my desk for a while and later in the day, it works. It's worked ever since. I've used it off and on, but I've made sure to keep it in the light so that the battery stays charged.
Well today I tried to turn it on to do some homework and it's not working again. I haven't used it much at all, so there's no way the battery is drained from usage. What's going on with this thing? Is Texas Instruments just a bad brand, do I have a defective calculator, or do solar powered calculators just suck in general? Should I just buy a battery powered one? And what brand?

Oh and the chair that I'm sitting in sucks too. I have nunchucks wrapped around the bottom of this chair to prevent it from sinking because there's a leak in the air chamber. God, nothing in my life works.
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  • #2

Maybe remove the batteries when you do not use the calculator for a while. Or buy better batteries :-p
  • #3

I just opened my calculator and took out one of the batteries and the battery had white powder on it, and some was in the hole where I took it out of. I blew on it and it all came out of the calculator itself, and I rubbed off the white powder from the battery itself, but the calculator still won't work. So I just have a bad battery? The other one was fine, but I'll just replace both of them.
  • #4

If you do not use the batteries for a long time, they may go bad and damage your device. Watch out with those evil chemicals !
  • #5

The battery is leaking powder,maybe a new pair work well.Smypathy you.