Why uranium glass glows green if it's under UV light?

In summary, the conversation discusses the phenomenon of fluorescence in uranium glass when exposed to UV light. The more uranium oxide present in the glass, the more intense the green light will be. The fluorescence is due to the Uranyl cation UO#_2^+## and is a result of the first excited singlet to ground state transition, possibly involving a charge transfer transition. Further information on the relevant electronic structures can be found in the provided article.
  • #1

Why the uranium glass glows green if it's under UV light?

The most accurate thing I have found it's a brief history of uranium glass: somewhere it's said the more uranium oxide you put in the glass, the more intense will be the green light when exposed to UV light.

Thank you for your time.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
  • #3
This is called "fluorescence" and is due to the Uranyl cation UO#_2^+##. Maybe best known is the fluorescence of fluorescein, which is contained e.g. in bath soaps.
  • #4

Thank you for your answers.

My mistake, I will reformulate the question (for a deeper answer) which transitions (of which components) converts UV into green light in the uranium glass?

Thank you for your time.

  • #5
Fluorescence is usually observed for the first excited singlet to ground state transition. May be a charge transfer transition.
Edit: Here is an article which contains information on the relevant electronic structures:
The optical spectra are in deed due to electronic transfer of electrons located in p-orbitals on Oxygen to non-bonding f-orbitals on Uranium.
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  • #6
Thank you very much! :D


FAQ: Why uranium glass glows green if it's under UV light?

Why does uranium glass glow green under UV light?

Uranium glass contains small amounts of uranium oxide, which is a radioactive substance. When the glass is exposed to UV light, the electrons in the uranium atoms become excited and release energy in the form of visible light, giving off a green glow.

Is uranium glass dangerous to use or handle?

In its solid form, uranium glass is generally considered safe to handle. However, caution should be taken when handling broken pieces or grinding the glass, as the radioactive particles can potentially be released. It is also not recommended to use uranium glass for food or drink containers.

How can I tell if a piece of glass contains uranium?

There are a few ways to determine if a piece of glass contains uranium. One method is to use a blacklight, as uranium glass will glow green under UV light. Another method is to use a Geiger counter, which can detect the presence of radioactive materials. A third option is to look for a maker's mark or label indicating that the glass contains uranium.

Can uranium glass be used for everyday purposes?

While uranium glass was once popular for everyday use, it is now primarily used for decorative purposes due to its radioactive nature. It is not recommended to use uranium glass for food or drink containers, as the radioactive particles can potentially contaminate the contents.

How long will the glowing effect last on uranium glass?

The glowing effect on uranium glass will last as long as the glass is exposed to UV light. Once the light source is removed, the glass will stop glowing. However, the uranium glass will continue to emit low levels of radiation even after the light is removed.
