Your posts can come back to haunt you

  • Thread starter Ivan Seeking
  • Start date
In summary, an employer could look for you if you reveal your true identity on the internet. Be careful about what you post, as it could reveal your personal information.
  • #1
Ivan Seeking
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
I have been meaning to mention this. There was a story on the news recently - I think local but maybe NBC network news - which claimed that employers are now looking for people's online activities. If you post under your real name, or if you reveal your true identify to a large number of people, a future potential employer, or even your current one for that matter, could be looking for you and what you say when you think that nobody important is paying attention.

Personally, I can't take a chance on Ivan causing problems with my business. I don't need problems like that in a competitive business world. I believe in what I'm doing here, but it would be much harder to justify if I knew that any customer might read what I say.

Also, I think it is nuts to give away personal information on the net; if for no other reason, identity fraud.
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  • #2
How could the employer even know if it was really the employe that wrote it or just someone using his name?

If a employer did this to me I would tell him he can take the job and shove it up somewhere. I wouldn't work for someone that invades my private life in that way.
  • #3
I don't use my real name anywhere online. My employer may not be terribly interested in what I write here or anywhere else but the students here might be interested.
I had my picture up on MySpace and one fo the students here somehow saw and started trying to talk to me. I sent him one message telling him that I could not talk to him at all because of the rules here at my job and haven't sent anything else since. He continued sending me messages for about six or seven months after that.
  • #4
Hopefully, any employer that did this would see I've been made a moderator at every forum I've ever posted at with any frequency and conclude that I must be doing something right.
  • #5
There was a bit of a flareup in blogdom a bit back over this issue-- see .
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  • #6
I really do need to change my name...
  • #7
hypnagogue said:
There was a bit of a flareup in blogdom a bit back over this issue-- see .
That was interesting.

Do you think "Ivan Tribble" might be related to "Ivan Seeking".?
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  • #8
Having your name on the Net won't allow anyone to steal your identity. I would even go so far as to say that no one cares, unless you work for the government and need a security clearance.
  • #9
So is that just a wild guess?
  • #10
The majority of businesses in the US are small businesses. I don't think they have the money or time to see what every potential hire posts on the internet.
  • #11
How about someone who posts under his colleague's name or even his/her employer's name? :-p
  • #12
I tell my employers,bosses what i think of them to their faces, though
ultimately my employers are merchant bankers and i doubt if they would
even know my name, my supervisor is a nice guy but is as usefull as a
chocolate fire guard, the factory manager could be replaced by a tape
recorder ,and i never see the engineering manager, he all way has some
thing more important to do even if there is a crissis at my branch.
So if you are reading this sirs, *you are a bunch of useless dick heads*.
  • #13
I like being anonymous, so I don't do anything on the web with my real name. Truthfully if my employers knew that I posted here, I wouldn't really care and I don't think I'd be judged negatively for it. But yeah , I agree that its nuts to give away personal information on the web.
  • #14
wolram said:
I tell my employers,bosses what i think of them to their faces, though
ultimately my employers are merchant bankers and i doubt if they would
even know my name, my supervisor is a nice guy but is as usefull as a
chocolate fire guard, the factory manager could be replaced by a tape
recorder ,and i never see the engineering manager, he all way has some
thing more important to do even if there is a crissis at my branch.
So if you are reading this sirs, *you are a bunch of useless dick heads*.

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

My supervisor is a plank. He is so thick. He phoned me to tell me some crap today, and after he talked for about 5 minutes straight, I just said "I don't care, it's my day off". He never knows what is going on. He must be brothers with your supervisor. He couldn't be with your factory manager, you can find a use for a tape recorder.
  • #15
I used my real name in some astronomy blog like 5 years back. Whenever I google my name, it comes up. I wish I hadn't done that, or could get rid of it now
  • #16
Why, do you think anyone actually cares physics is phun?
  • #17
I don't care if people know my real name, or address or telephone number. I am not worried about renewing my top secret security clearance and I keep all my money buried underneath the palm trees next to the swimming pool.

FAQ: Your posts can come back to haunt you

1. What does it mean when someone says "your posts can come back to haunt you"?

When someone says "your posts can come back to haunt you", it means that the things you post on the internet can have negative consequences in the future. This could include damaging your reputation, affecting job opportunities, or causing legal trouble.

2. How can my posts come back to haunt me?

Your posts can come back to haunt you in a few different ways. One way is if you post something offensive or inappropriate, it could be screenshotted or shared by someone else, potentially leading to backlash or consequences. Additionally, social media platforms often have the ability to archive or save deleted posts, so even if you delete something, it may still be accessible in the future.

3. Can my posts from years ago still come back to haunt me?

Yes, even posts from years ago can come back to haunt you. As mentioned before, social media platforms can save deleted posts, and people can still access and share old posts. Additionally, as you grow and change as a person, your opinions and beliefs may also change, making old posts potentially harmful or damaging.

4. Is there a way to prevent my posts from coming back to haunt me?

While there is no guaranteed way to prevent your posts from coming back to haunt you, there are some steps you can take to minimize the risk. Think before you post and consider the potential consequences of your words. Regularly review and clean up your social media profiles, deleting any old posts that may be problematic. And remember that privacy settings can only do so much, so be mindful of who you allow to see your posts.

5. What can I do if my posts have already come back to haunt me?

If your posts have already come back to haunt you, the best course of action is to take responsibility for your actions and apologize if necessary. You can also try to explain the context or meaning behind your posts, but be aware that not everyone may be willing to listen or forgive. In the future, be more cautious about what you post on the internet and remember that what you say online can have lasting consequences.

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