Recent content by bohm2

  1. bohm2

    A The wave-function as a true ensemble

    "We argue that the ψ-ontic/epistemic distinction fails to properly identify ensemble interpretations and propose a more useful definition. We then show that all ψ-ensemble interpretations which reproduce quantum mechanics violate Statistical Independence."
  2. bohm2

    A Copenhagen: Restriction on knowledge or restriction on ontology?

    How would anybody be able to determine this one way or the other?
  3. bohm2

    I Epistemic view of the wave function leads to superluminal signal

    Can you do science without this assumption?
  4. bohm2

    I Epistemic view of the wave function leads to superluminal signal

    Were you looking for this:
  5. bohm2

    I Instrumentalism and consistency

    What is the reason for there being no reasoned mental images for the quantum world? Is it because of us or because of what's "out there"? Could one not argue that the deeper we probe nature, the stranger it looks not because of us; instead, it's because we are straying further away from our...
  6. bohm2

    I Instrumentalism and consistency

    I guess I find it hard to believe that objective reality consists of just observers (conscious agents) or just points of view with nothing else. And the problem of indistinguishibility would seem unbridgeable. How could you possibly determine which is the correct picture? Having said that (and...
  7. bohm2

    I Instrumentalism and consistency

    This is one problem with Quantum Bayesianism and relates to this thread: The Bayesian may try to avoid this but as Timpson points out, other problems follow:
  8. bohm2

    How the sugar industry shifted blame to fat
  9. bohm2

    Macro nutrients balance and heart disease

    This 2017 article is an excellent piece worth reading in full. I'll quote some of hi-lites, in case you have to be a health professional to access to link:
  10. bohm2

    Macro nutrients balance and heart disease

    These are some other studies that question the link between saturated fat and heart disease and/or mortality:
  11. bohm2

    B How does entanglement occur at such incredible speeds?

    Some authors have suggested that if the non-local effects observed in Bell-type experiments propagate at any finite speed, then non-locality could be exploited for superluminal communication (e.g. 'can't stay hidden'): Looking Beyond Space and Time to Cope With Quantum Theory...
  12. bohm2

    Possibility that all current interpretations of QM are wrong

    Retrocausal interpretations would meet these criteria. Such models are consistent with Special Relativity and restore locality to nonrelativisitc quantum mechanics. They also restore time-symmetry to microphysics. See: A live alternative to quantum spooks
  13. bohm2

    A Experimental tests on the reality of the quantum state

    Does this mean that we will one day have an answer to the old age question on the ontology of the wave function: Towards optimal experimental tests on the reality of the quantum state
  14. bohm2

    I Classicality in Bell's original reasoning

    How would you interpret experimental violations of Legget's inequality?
  15. bohm2

    I Classicality in Bell's original reasoning

    But KS theorem already rules out any models that are non-contextual. Surely Bell's shows something further?