Recent content by iansmith

  1. iansmith

    Differences in tagging Gram-negative and positive bacteria?

    As far as the fluorescent protein, it should not matter. Look at this article for example: However, plasmids and promoter will matter. It has to do with plasmid compatibility and not every promoter will recognized or have the same activity.
  2. iansmith

    Can B.cereus and S. marcscens survive UV exposure?

    The equipment might be at fault rather than the culture. The germicidal power of UV lamps decrease over time and its usages. How old is the UV lamp? Also, how do you expose your bacteria? For example, when I used to TA student expose petri dishes but often forgot to remove the plastic lid. The...
  3. iansmith

    Plamids role in bacterial cell

    In nature, plasmids that are very small will only have one gene, which might be required for their replication, but very large plasmid can contain several genes, including genes that are required for their replication and partitioning into the daughter cells. For cloning vectors, most plasmids...
  4. iansmith

    Plamids role in bacterial cell

    Basically, expression of plasmid gene is mostly independent but it is partly dependent on the bacterial host expression apparatus. The plasmid genes have their own promoter but, in most cases, they need the bacterial host RNA polymerase for their transcription. Some plasmids have their own...
  5. iansmith

    What Journals are wisest to follow?

    Its probably better if you go to pubmed and do search a search with specific key words. You might want to limit you search to reviews at the beginning just to get a sense of the field.
  6. iansmith

    How Did Apes Across the Globe Develop Similar Beliefs in a Creator?

    This thread has no relevance to to biology sub-forum.
  7. iansmith

    What is the specific bacteria that helps rabbits digest cellulose?

    MonsieurWise, rabbits do have cellulose breaking bacteria but has zomgwtf mentioned the bacteria are located at the end of the digestive track rather than the beginning like ruminants such as cows. The cellulose gets partly broken down because the "set-up" is inefficient not due to their lack of...
  8. iansmith

    What is the specific bacteria that helps rabbits digest cellulose?

    I found a older paper mentioning the bacteria that digest cellulose from the rabbit ceacum however it does not mention the bacteria by name. For isolating bacteria, you can collect and use the feces as source bu I don't know if they will...
  9. iansmith

    Are microbiologist jobs very risky?

    I am a microbiologist and the short answer is yes but the longer answer is more nuanced. It really depends on the bacteria or viruses you are studying. If you are studying microbes that are associated with the environment or plants, you face a minimum of risk coming from the microorganism. If...
  10. iansmith

    Bacterial transduction(How can it occur)

    I am not sure what you are asking but here a shot a it. Bacteriophage can integrate their genome into a bacterium genome. In case the bacterium survives until the phage gets out. When the phage gets out, in some case, it will carry bacteria DNA and kill the bacteria in the process.
  11. iansmith

    What's your area and level of expertise?

    The bacteria I work with only infect pigs.
  12. iansmith

    Vaccine Developers: Exploring the Minds Behind Life-Saving Inoculations

    I tends to be microbiologist and immunologist that lay the first stones for vaccine developments. They are later helped by MDs and people working in pharmaceutical companies.
  13. iansmith

    What's your area and level of expertise?

    Just to update my entry. I now have my PhD and working on post-doc. The research for post-doc will focus on biofilm formation of pig pathogen that causes a pleuropneumoniae.
  14. iansmith

    Are Microwave Ovens Hazardous to Bacteria and Humans?

    Yes, if bacteria were able to replicate and produce toxins, there would be a potential risk if the food was consumed even if it was heated. However, some toxins and other compounds are sensitive to heat and consuming food that was heated will help prevent food poisoning if the food was warmed to...
  15. iansmith

    The Problem I Have with Evolution

    there's such a thing called adaptive mutation in bacteria and other organism but it's being debated whether or not it's true. Briefly, the hypothesis stated that under stress bacteria/organism enter an hypermutatible state which increase the mutation. Most of those mutation are lethal but a few...