Recent content by Lactose

  1. L

    I Compute EOM for Spin Connection from Einstein-Palatini Action

    As it is often the case, once one poses the question, one finds the answer. For anyone interested in this, I give a quick summary now and try to write the full solution in the next few days. Indeed my first ansatz was correct, but needed refinement: So one first carries out the summation in...
  2. L

    I Compute EOM for Spin Connection from Einstein-Palatini Action

    I was trying to compute the equations of motion for the spin ##\omega_{\mu ab} ## connection from the Einstein-Palatini action $$S := \int d^4 x e^\mu{}_ae^\nu{}_b R_{\mu \nu}{}^{ab}.$$ I managed to get the variation wrt. the connection to the form $$ \varepsilon_{abcd}\varepsilon^{\mu \nu...