Recent content by lukasleopold

  1. lukasleopold

    Estimating sound pressure (in an MRI scanner)

    Thanks for the papers, they're very helpful! And yeah, as I said, the ethics people are needlessly pedantic about this, and won't take evidence from other studies as proof that our experiment will not be harmful. But I guess I have to work with the ethics commission that is given to me :wink...
  2. lukasleopold

    Estimating sound pressure (in an MRI scanner)

    Wow, thank you all for your answers! :) That sounds like a good idea! Concerning the falloff: So the sound source I use does not have to produce the same sound pressure as is experienced inside the MRI tube? And how do I calculate the falloff then? Just as the difference in dB at the two ends...
  3. lukasleopold

    Estimating sound pressure (in an MRI scanner)

    Hello, excuse me if these happen to be basic questions, but I'm a psychologist/neuroscientist in training without any particular experience in physics, and I am just confronted with a very specific problem. I need to measure the sound pressure experienced inside of an MRI scanner...