Recent content by millatime19

  1. M

    Thermodynamics questions about beer and carbonation

    Why does, when you hit two beer bottles together (one on top of the other) the bottom one overflows? Now I know that the CO2 is released when the beer hits the bottom of the bottle, causing a jump in pressure, but i really want to know why. I was wondering if anyone knows of any real equations...
  2. M

    Beer related physics, for a undergraduate project case this prank hasnt been played on you before
  3. M

    Beer related physics, for a undergraduate project

    hey all, I am not using the template, bc this isn't a standard problem. I am doing a few beer related physics tricks for my phy 252 research project at Arizona State, and I need help with one in general. Why does, when you hit two beer bottles together (one on top of the other)...