Recent content by RCulling

  1. R

    The conjugate of a Wave-Function

    Ok thanks a lot :)
  2. R

    The conjugate of a Wave-Function

    I'm trying to show that the amplitude (A) of the wavefunction for a particle in a box is: A = sqrt(2/L) : L is the length of the box. I'm using \psi(x) = Asin ((n*pi*x) / L) as the wave equation. To do this I'm trying to integrate the probabilty density function from 0 through to L...
  3. R

    Black Hole Plus Charge: Unsolved Mystery

    So we (the universe) observe no charged particles enter a black hole. All the "information of charge" or photons (the gauge boson of the electromagnetic force?) are trapped on the event horizon. So is the definition of the net charge of a black hole The net charge of mass trapped just...
  4. R

    Black Hole Plus Charge: Unsolved Mystery

    So black holes, nothing can escape.. not even light. Now let us imagine a black hole of arbritary size, and we throw a heape of charged particles (electrons say) into the black hole (negative net charge). Laws of physics state that charge cannot be created nor destroyed. So when this...
  5. R

    Hooke's Law on a Slope with friction.

    Ok thanks for the helping hints, i'll post back if i still can't get it - Cheers :D
  6. R

    Hooke's Law on a Slope with friction.

    Mmm energy conservation i get, I am just trying to figure out the work done? I've the force at the most compressed point, but it changes over the 0.2m it acts upon? - what am i missing?
  7. R

    Hooke's Law on a Slope with friction.

    Homework Statement Question is in attachment Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I mananged to find the acceleration up the slope but cannot get any further than this? - can someone please give me hint; push in the right direction Thanks :D
  8. R

    Gas Cycle Process; Adiabatic, Isovolumetric and Isothermal

    Ah ofcourse :| .. Sounds like me to over think the simple(correct) answer Thank you :) - i'll post on here if i can't figure the rest
  9. R

    Gas Cycle Process; Adiabatic, Isovolumetric and Isothermal

    The isotherm eqn; W = nRT*ln(vi/vf) where vi = v1 and vf = v3?
  10. R

    Gas Cycle Process; Adiabatic, Isovolumetric and Isothermal

    Homework Statement A monatomic gas has V1 P1 and T1 (volume pressure and temp) at state 1 The gas then goes through the following process adiabatic expansion to stage 2 (exapands to twice its volume) isovolumetric heating so it gets back to T1; stage 3 isothermal compression back to...
  11. R

    Do black holes truly never reveal their secrets?

    Yeah :P I used it because that's what Stephen Hawking and the others who he had a bet with used Tehehe
  12. R

    Do black holes truly never reveal their secrets?

    Thank you Skeptic and Dave that helped a lot :) Still find it very werid; but i geuss that is SR and GR.. not intuitive Cheers
  13. R

    Black Holes and the Mysteries of r=0: Understanding the Concept of Infinity

    1/0 is undefined, anything divided by zero is undefined. But, as AUK 1138 mentioned it is better said that as r tends towards a very small number ( i.e. gets closer and closer to zero ) the fraction will tend towarda bigger and bigger number ( i.e. tend towards infinity ). But at r = 0 the...
  14. R

    Do black holes truly never reveal their secrets?

    So we don't see anything fall in, but the mass of the black hole still increases? :S