Recent content by Ringo Hendrix

  1. R

    Studying Specific guidance suggestions?

    Yeah, I probably need to work on that. Griffiths QM in places would have things along the lines of "this result can be derived from subject X but that's out of this book's scope"- and I could very well just accept it and could do better by just memorizing some of the rules and get on with the...
  2. R

    Studying Specific guidance suggestions?

    I'd like to specify to those I've mislead with the skimming line. I fully intend to gain a full knowledge. I mainly went through Riley- mind you, I'd spend weeks on some chapters, to enhance my math foundations and skills for when I go into a textbook next, which will be soon. Sometimes if I...
  3. R

    Studying Specific guidance suggestions?

    Intellectual curiosity, absolutely. Hobby would be underselling it. It's been there since I was 12, life's just got in the way. The career/paid job thing would be only if I happened upon it, so to speak.
  4. R

    Studying Specific guidance suggestions?

    Not a time issue per se. Personal and living situation issue.
  5. R

    Studying Specific guidance suggestions?

    University is simply not an option for me right now. Unless there were some online program where I could specifically study my interests. And perhaps intuition wasn't my best phrasing, right. I wrote that late last night, after working all day. By "gain intuition" I just mean to expand my...
  6. R

    Studying Specific guidance suggestions?

    Ok. Very long post incoming. I'm kind of in a conundrum where my context is important. I am self-teaching theoretical physics slowly but surely. My end goal is to be able to mathematically comprehend various quantum gravity theories such as LQG and String Theory. My calculus roots go back to...
  7. R

    I Calculating a particular amplitude with Feynman diagrams

    So I’m trying to compute the probability amplitude of an electron with momentum p1 and a positron with momentum p2 annihilating into a photons with momenta q1 and q2. My question is how do you use Feynman diagrams to calculate the first and second order expansions (seen in the third image)? I...
  8. R

    I Young physicist in seek of guidance

    Is there anyone on here who could help me fill in my gaps in quantum field theory up to renormalization? I know how to canonically quantize a theory and how to use scalars (spin 0), vectors (spin 1) and spinors (spin 1/2) but lack more advanced knowledge like renormalization which I could...