Recent content by Volt582

  1. Volt582

    Distance traveled by a Ball affected by friction after t seconds

    mhh ok... Then we will have to perform some more tests. Thanks anyway!
  2. Volt582

    Distance traveled by a Ball affected by friction after t seconds

    When I have a constant acceleration I should be able to calculate the distance... But how could you calculate the deceleration? And maybe another question: Do you think that air resistance should be accounted for as well when we are working with a golf ball on a carpet which is approximately...
  3. Volt582

    Distance traveled by a Ball affected by friction after t seconds

    Hi everyone, i have been trying to find an answer to this problem I have but couldnt find any good answers... (I dont know much about this stuff, but need a formula for a Project I am currently working on). So The problem goes as follows: Assuming we have a ball with a mass of m which is...