A question on algebras and multiplets

  • Thread starter metroplex021
  • Start date
In summary, the author states the following theorem: Given any set of operators which satisfy the Lie algebra commutation relations, there exists a Lie group which has these operators as its generators. Its multiplets are uniquely determined by the structure constants. However, the author is confused about this, for the following reason. As a general rule, there are a number of different groups corresponding to the same Lie algebra (which are identical locally but which may differ globally). However, the triplet irrep is an irrep of SU(3)/Z3 but not of SU(3). So how can the algebra determine the multiplets of a group corresponding to it, if different groups with the same algebra will in general have different multiplets? Any
  • #1
I wonder if anyone can help me with this question regarding algebras and multiplets. In a nice review paper (McVoy, Rev Mod Phys 37(1)) the author states the following theorem: ``Given any set of operators which satisfy the [Lie algebra commutation relations], there exists a Lie group which has these operators as its generators. Its multiplets are uniquely determined by the structure constants.'' He then goes on to say that it follows that ``given the generator commutators, and nothing else, we can directly work out the multiplets of the group and all their properties, with no further assistance.''

But I'm confused about this, for the following reason. As a general rule, there are a number of different groups corresponding to the same Lie algebra (which are identical locally but which may differ globally). SU(3) and SU(3)/Z3 is a case in point. But (as anyone who's familiar with the history of the Eightfold Way and subsequent quark model will be aware) the triplet irrep is an irrep of SU(3), but not of SU(3)/Z3. (The lowest-dimensional non-trivial representation of SU(3)/Z3 is the 8.) So how can the algebra determine the multiplets of a group corresponding to it, if different groups with the same algebra will in general have different multiplets?

Any help much appreciated!
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  • #2
metroplex021, I don't have the paper to refer to, but the author should have stated the theorem a little more carefully.
SU(3) and SU(3)/Z3 is a case in point.
And an even more familiar case is SU(2)/Z2 = SO(3). Given a Lie algebra there exists a unique simply connected Lie group, the universal covering group, in which all the irreducible representations of the Lie algebra are single valued. They are still representations of the other groups like SO(3) if you allow multi-valued representations.
  • #3
Thank you Bill_K, that is (again) really helpful. So just to be clear: the triplet rep of SU(3) *is* also a rep of SU(3)/Z3, but is a multivalued rep? Does that mean that the 8 is the lowest-dimensional, non-trivial *vector* representation of SU(3)/Z3?

It's funny - I thought the Eightfold Way originally chose the SU(3)/Z3 specifically to exclude (amongst others) the triplet rep; but now it sounds like SU(3)/Z3 does not after all exclude it but rather possesses it, albeit as a multi-valued rep. Are there any general arguments as why we should not expect to find multi-valued reps in nature?

Any references or thoughts on this would be massively appreciated! Thanks again!

FAQ: A question on algebras and multiplets

1. What is an algebra?

An algebra is a mathematical structure consisting of a set of elements and operations that follow certain rules and properties. It is a generalization of arithmetic and can be applied to different mathematical concepts such as numbers, vectors, or matrices.

2. What are multiplets in algebra?

Multiplets are sets of elements or objects that are related to each other through a specific algebraic structure. In physics, multiplets are used to describe the symmetries of a system, and in mathematics, they are used to study the properties of algebraic structures.

3. What is the difference between a group and a multiplet?

A group is a specific type of algebraic structure that follows a set of rules, while a multiplet is a set of elements or objects that follow those rules. In other words, a group is a type of algebra, while a multiplet is a set of elements within that algebra.

4. Can you give an example of a multiplet in physics?

Yes, a common example of a multiplet in physics is the spin multiplet of particles, which describes the different spin states of particles in quantum mechanics. It consists of elements such as spin-0, spin-1/2, spin-1, etc.

5. How are algebras and multiplets used in real-world applications?

Algebras and multiplets have a wide range of applications in various fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science. In physics, they are used to describe the symmetries of physical systems and to study fundamental particles. In engineering, they are used to model complex systems, and in computer science, they are used in coding and cryptography.

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