Expanding in powers of 1/z (Laurent series)

In summary, the textbook used in a course discusses expanding functions in powers of 1/z, which are negative powers of z. However, the speaker is unsure of how to expand functions in negative powers as it was not covered in previous courses. They wonder if there is a general method for expanding in negative powers or if there are similar methods for similar functions. The textbook only provides examples of the results of expansion in 1/z without explaining how it is done. The speaker also questions if this is a complex analysis course or if it has complex analysis as a prerequisite. However, they mention that they do recall seeing the Taylor expansion in an introductory course in astrophysics. Ultimately, the speaker's question has been answered and they understand that the
  • #1
The textbook used in one of my courses talks about expanding functions in powers of 1/z aka negative powers of z.

The problem is that I cannot recall that any previous course taught me/challenged me on how to expand functions in negative powers. For example, Taylor series only have positive powers.

Is there a general method of expanding in negative powers, like for Taylor series, or are there at best similar methods for similar functions?

I fear I have overlooked something elementary here, because I feel strangely clueless about this one (and Internet searches have made me no wiser). The textbook only gives examples of the results of expansion in 1/z, but never gives any details on how it is done.
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  • #2
Is this a complex analysis course, or is it something that had complex analysis as a prerequisite?

Practically, to calculate these you can often do standard Taylor series calculations
[tex]f(x)=\frac{x}{1-x} = \frac{1}{1-1/x}[/tex]

we know how to expand 1/(1-1/x) using the Taylor series for 1/(1-x)
[tex] f(x) = 1+\frac{1}{x}+\frac{1}{x^2}+\frac{1}{x^3}+...[/tex]
and this is valid as long as |x|>1
  • #3
It's a physics course without physics, if that makes any sense. To answer the question though, complex analysis is a part of the course rather then a prerequisite (e.g. it includes the most basic proofs/definitions for differention of functions of a complex variable).

I do recall seeing the Taylor expansion you introduced (in an introductory course in astropysics, as a matter of fact).

Anyway, I guess my question has been answered.

FAQ: Expanding in powers of 1/z (Laurent series)

1. What is a Laurent series?

A Laurent series is a representation of a complex function as an infinite sum of powers of a complex variable z, including negative powers. It is similar to a Taylor series, but allows for the presence of singularities.

2. How is a Laurent series useful?

A Laurent series is useful because it allows for the approximation of complex functions near singularities, where a Taylor series would not converge. It is also used in complex analysis to study the behavior of functions around poles and branch points.

3. What is the formula for expanding in powers of 1/z?

The formula for expanding in powers of 1/z is given by: f(z) = ∑n=-∞ an (1/z)n, where an are the coefficients of the series and z is a complex variable.

4. How do you determine the coefficients in a Laurent series?

The coefficients in a Laurent series can be determined by using the formula: an = (1/2πi) ∮ f(z)/zn+1 dz, where the integral is taken over a closed contour surrounding the singularity of the function.

5. Can a Laurent series represent any complex function?

No, a Laurent series can only represent analytic functions, meaning they are differentiable and have a unique complex derivative at all points within the series' radius of convergence. Functions with essential singularities, such as e1/z, cannot be represented by a Laurent series.

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