How is a specific gene removed from DNA

In summary, scientists have discovered that by removing a gene called inaZ from Pseudomonas syringae's DNA, it can be sprayed on crops to prevent them from freezing during the winter. This is done using restriction enzymes to cut out the gene, which is then attached to a receptive vector through DNA ligase. The overhanging nucleotides on the gene and vector allow for easy binding, and as the bacteria replicates, the gene is duplicated. Other methods, such as introducing mutations, can also be used for genetic engineering.
  • #1
I was reading an article on Pseudomonas syringae and how removing a gene called inaZ from it's DNA will allow it to be sprayed on crops to prevent the crops from freezing during the winter. How is the inaZ gene removed from the DNA? I'm thinking that they use restriction enzymes that cut out the specific sequence of the gene, and then ...I'm not sure how the DNA is put back together. Does a DNA ligase just come around and bind the two ends together?

What restriction enzyme is used on Pseudomonas syringae dna?

Please correct me, thanks!
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  • #2
Once you know the sequence surrounding your favorite gene you can indeed find restriction sites surrounding it and excise the gene. You can then take this excised gene and ligate it to a receptive vector (like a bacterial plasmid).

Depending on which restriction enzymes you used originally (there are thousands of them) your gene will have overhanging nucleotides at its ends. Using these 'sticky' ends you match the gene to a vector with complementary sticky ends. A ligase is used to cement the phosphate backbone of the gene to the plasmid.

Your Gene

(Ignore the periods, the formatting will not work if I use spaces. N=any nucleotide)

Notice the overhang TA- and -CG.
The TA will naturally bind to a prepared vector with a AT overhang
The CG will naturally bind to a prepared vector with a GC overhang

So a vector (like a bacterial plasmid) is made to have complementary overhangs and the gene automatically base pairs with it.

Circular -NNN...TACANNNNCGA...GCNNN- Circular
Plasmid -NNNAT...GTNNNNGCTCG...NNN- Plasmid

(Again ignore the periods, treat them as blanks)

DNA ligase is used to connect phosphate backbone (not pictured on this simple example) and the ligase completes the circular DNA so that there are no nicks in the DNA (which would weaken it).

Now this plasmid carrying your gene can be recognized by the bacteria and as the cell divides the bacteria will duplicate the gene (and the plasmid) with each division. In a very short period of time you will have billions of these genes.

I'm unfamiliar with plant genetics, but like I mentioned above there a literally thousands of restriction sites (in animal genetics) so the enzyme used depends on the size of the gene fragment you'd like.
  • #3
Thank you! :)

p.s. If I cut out part of the gene, will the rest automatically bind if there are sticky ends and the base pair matches?
  • #4
There are a number of ways to modify genes in organisms, and the precise method to use depends on the organism being modified and the nature of the modification to the gene. Often, "removing" the function of a gene does not require physically removing the gene from the DNA of the organism. Rather, a simple mutation can be introduced into the coding sequence of the gene so that the gene product is not functional, or a mutation can be introduced into the regulatory sequences preceding the gene to ensure that the gene cannot be properly made. Such mutants can be created either by randomly mutagenizing the organism of interest and screening for organisms with a mutation in the gene of interest, or though more precise genetic engineering techniques. One common way of performing genetic engineering is through a technique called recombineering.
  • #5
Biosyn said:
p.s. If I cut out part of the gene, will the rest automatically bind if there are sticky ends and the base pair matches?

Yes, the base pairs bind readily due to hydrogen bonding but to form the phosphodiester bond, that is the flexible supportive backbone of the DNA molecule, you would need DNA ligase (and ATP).

ps Apparently, this thread is restricted to only Norse mythology themed profile names. So speak up Odin, Fenrir and Loki. I know you're out there :wink:
  • #6
MrRagnarok said:
Yes, the base pairs bind readily due to hydrogen bonding but to form the phosphodiester bond, that is the flexible supportive backbone of the DNA molecule, you would need DNA ligase (and ATP).

Got it! Thanks for your help!

ps Apparently, this thread is restricted to only Norse mythology themed profile names. So speak up Odin, Fenrir and Loki. I know you're out there :wink:

my ignorance has compromised my ability to understand what you mean :P
  • #8
Biosyn said:
my ignorance has compromised my ability to understand what you mean :P

People are only ignorant when they stop asking questions. :smile:

FAQ: How is a specific gene removed from DNA

1. How is a specific gene removed from DNA?

The process of removing a specific gene from DNA is called gene editing, and it typically involves using specialized tools such as enzymes or proteins to target and cut out the specific gene. This can be done through various techniques such as CRISPR-Cas9 or zinc finger nucleases.

2. What is the purpose of removing a specific gene from DNA?

Removing a specific gene from DNA can serve various purposes, such as correcting genetic mutations that cause diseases, studying the function of a specific gene, or creating genetically modified organisms with desired traits.

3. What are the potential risks of removing a specific gene from DNA?

The main potential risk of removing a specific gene from DNA is off-target effects, where the editing tool may unintentionally cut other parts of the DNA and lead to unintended changes or mutations. This can also cause unwanted side effects in the organism being edited.

4. Can a specific gene be removed from all cells in an organism?

Yes, it is possible to remove a specific gene from all cells in an organism. However, the success of this process may vary depending on the type of organism and the gene being targeted. It may also require multiple rounds of gene editing to ensure that all cells have been edited.

5. What are the ethical considerations of removing a specific gene from DNA?

The use of gene editing technologies for removing specific genes from DNA raises ethical concerns, such as the potential for creating designer babies or altering the natural genetic makeup of an organism. There are also concerns about the long-term effects and unintended consequences of gene editing on future generations.

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