Building a Time Machine: What You Need to Know

In summary, there is no known way to create a time machine, so you can pretty much do whatever you like. Better still may be to ignore HOW the machine works and simply say that it works.
  • #1
if i want to create a time machine ..., so what kind of knowledge that i should have to make the nearest possible..?
Physics news on
  • #2
Quantum Mechanics should suffice.
  • #3
There is no known way to create a time machine, so you can pretty much do whatever you like. Better still may be to ignore HOW the machine works and simply say that it works.
  • #4
Drakkith said:
There is no known way to create a time machine, so you can pretty much do whatever you like. Better still may be to ignore HOW the machine works and simply say that it works.

Yeah. Just say quantum entanglement. Or Doug Adam's Infinite Improbability Drive.
  • #5
come on...! just thought for fun... , time connect with space maybe black hole , worm hole, would help..
  • #6
chakra007 said:
come on...! just thought for fun... , time connect with space maybe black hole , worm hole, would help..

The fact that you thought that does not make it so. Things get wonky at the quantum level but there is no evidence that this could ever lead to a time machine for macro objects. As has been suggested, just SAY that it works (since in reality, it doesn't) ... this is science FICTION, after all.
  • #7
I have heard of a dissertation which discusses the purtubations in space time as two black orbit each other, slowly falling inwards towards each other. There is, at some point during this process, a path through space time that will take a traveller to a point in time before they begun the path. This dissertation was mentioned by DeGrasse in one of his popular lectures.
  • #8
Just run a quantum tunnel through the dark energy foam, then simply power it with Hawkins radiation. This should lead to the production of Cheddarcheeseite particles to make the whole process practical on a macro level.

A simplified version may be to simply mention the wibbley wobbley space time thingy and press on from there :)
  • #9
LPV, your forgetting that first you need to recalibrate the Heisenberg compensators to adjust for phase variance in the positronic decompiler. Otherwise your tensor field will overload with tachyon bursts coming out of all the spinning higgs dosimeters.
  • #10
I have gone right off dosimeters since that umm err incident with the Titanic
  • #11
You'll first need to construct your machine. Any design and material should do. You'll be traveling at the minimum of 18.5 miles per second, however, so keep this in mind. (The machine will also need to support your mass at this speed)

Watch "The Time Machine", "Back to the Future", "The Terminator", or "Napoleon Dynamite" for examples of working time machines.

Prepare for your voyage into the unknown, drink plenty of fluids, and say goodbye to your loved ones. Remember, everyone around you will have aged once you reach your destination.

Now sit down, close your eyes, take a deep breath and count to three.




Now slowly open your eyes. Congratulations my dearest friend, you have traveled 3 seconds into the future!
  • #12
If you wanted something relatively closer to real science than science fiction you could use the creation of two wormholes, have one moved away at a significant fraction of light speed for a time and then bring it back and you'd have a variant of a Roman ring.
  • #13
There's no way to make it nowadays.
  • #14
bethayonico said:
There's no way to make it nowadays.
Which means there will never be a way of making one.
  • #15
Jobrag said:
Which means there will never be a way of making one.
To be fair some speculative time travel devices like the Roman ring I linked above would only be able to send travellers forward and back by a set increment and never before their creation.
  • #16
Also the Earth moves so to travel time you would only be able to do it by years and well planned out calculations otherwise you would end up in space or in a house, rock.

FAQ: Building a Time Machine: What You Need to Know

1. How would a time machine work?

A time machine would work by manipulating the four-dimensional spacetime continuum. This can be achieved through various methods, such as creating a wormhole or using a device that can generate immense amounts of energy to warp spacetime.

2. Is time travel really possible?

While the concept of time travel has been explored in science fiction, it is currently not possible with our current understanding of physics. The laws of physics, specifically the principles of causality, make it difficult for time travel to occur without causing paradoxes. However, some theories suggest that it may be possible in the future with advancements in technology and our understanding of the universe.

3. What are the potential risks of building a time machine?

Building a time machine comes with significant risks, including the possibility of creating paradoxes and altering the timeline. Additionally, the immense energy required for time travel could have catastrophic consequences if not properly controlled. There is also the risk of encountering unknown and potentially dangerous entities or events in different timelines.

4. Can you travel to any point in time?

Theoretically, yes, a time machine would allow you to travel to any point in time. However, this would require precise calculations and understanding of the spacetime continuum, as well as the availability of enough energy to make the journey. It is also important to consider the limitations of the time machine itself and potential obstacles that may prevent travel to certain times.

5. What are some ethical concerns surrounding time travel?

There are several ethical concerns surrounding time travel, such as the potential for altering history and creating unforeseen consequences. Time travelers would also have to consider the impact of their actions on the future and the potential for disrupting the natural flow of time. There are also concerns about the exploitation of time travel for personal gain or power. Proper ethical considerations and regulations would need to be in place before attempting to build a time machine.

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