What do broad and strong emission lines mean and what are the main types of AGN?

In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of active galaxies and the concepts of "strong" and "broad" emission lines. The different types of active galaxies, including Seyfert, radio, blazars, and quasars are also mentioned. The unified model of AGN is brought up as a useful tool for understanding the variations between AGN. It is explained that this model is based on the size and position of the AGN, and that the differences between AGN are due to their orientation with respect to the observer. The concept of the molecular taurus obstructing the view of the AGN is also mentioned. Lastly, a link is provided for further information and illustrations of the anatomy of AGN and different models.
  • #1
Cosmic greetings,

I am reading up on active galaxies, and 'strong' and 'broad' emission lines are mentioned everywhere, yet no definitions given. Do they mean that the object is emitting energy across a large part of the spectrum, or that it's emitting a lot of energy?

Also, I am confused by the different types of active galaxies. I'm trying to work out the main ones though (I'm writing an essay and don't want to go into too much detail). Are they Seyfert, radio, blazars and quasars?

Thank you for your time!
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  • #2
i found that i grasped the different AGN much better when i understood the UNIFIED MODEL of AGN.
its a model based on the energy(mass) of the ANG and the postion that it is oberved in.

the narrow and broad lines will also become evident when you see how the unified model works..
(sorry i don't know how to post images)
  • #3
Thanks for the reply goldsax.

I can't seem to find a definitive explanation of the unified model. This is my understanding so far:

The unified model is the theory that all AGN have a black hole at their centre which is fuelled by its surrounding accretion disk, and that differences between AGN only arise because of their orientation with respect to the observer, due to obstruction by the molecular taurus.

Is that correct?
  • #4
cannot post any pics i have due to copyright ..

have a look at this link..good illustrations for the anatomy of AGN and different models

you will notice that the broad line region comes from close to the black hole where there is lots of energy( both thermal and velocity, up to 10000km/s!) the narrow lines are produced some distance away from the black hole where energies are lower.
  • #5

Broad and strong emission lines in active galaxies refer to the presence of intense and wide spectral lines that are emitted from the central region of the galaxy. These lines are produced by the hot gas and dust surrounding the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy. The broadness of the lines indicates that the gas is moving at high speeds, and the strength of the lines suggests that there is a large amount of energy being emitted from this region.

There are several types of active galaxies, including Seyfert galaxies, radio galaxies, blazars, and quasars. Seyfert galaxies are characterized by their strong emission lines and a bright, compact nucleus. Radio galaxies emit strong radio waves and have a large, extended region of radio emission. Blazars are a type of active galaxy with a jet of material pointing directly towards Earth, causing them to appear very bright and highly variable. Quasars are the most luminous and energetic type of active galaxy, often emitting high-energy radiation and displaying strong emission lines. These different types of active galaxies can also be classified based on their optical and radio properties, such as broad line radio galaxies and narrow line radio galaxies.

FAQ: What do broad and strong emission lines mean and what are the main types of AGN?

1. What do broad and strong emission lines indicate in an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN)?

Broad and strong emission lines in an AGN are indicative of high levels of activity and gas dynamics in the central region surrounding the supermassive black hole. This is often associated with the presence of an accretion disk, where material is falling into the black hole and emitting radiation in various wavelengths.

2. How are broad and strong emission lines produced in an AGN?

The broad and strong emission lines in an AGN are produced through a process known as photoionization. High-energy photons from the accretion disk or other sources in the AGN region can ionize gas particles, causing them to emit light at specific wavelengths. The broadness and strength of the lines depend on the amount and type of gas present, as well as the intensity of the radiation.

3. What are the main types of AGN that exhibit broad and strong emission lines?

The main types of AGN that exhibit broad and strong emission lines are quasars, blazars, and Seyfert galaxies. These are all highly active and luminous types of AGN, with strong emission lines in their spectra that are characteristic of their respective types.

4. Why are broad and strong emission lines important in studying AGN?

Broad and strong emission lines are important in studying AGN because they provide valuable information about the physical processes and dynamics happening in the central region. By analyzing the properties of these lines, scientists can determine the mass of the supermassive black hole, the rate of accretion, and the composition and distribution of gas in the AGN.

5. How can the presence of broad and strong emission lines help identify an AGN?

The presence of broad and strong emission lines is a key indicator of an AGN. These lines are not commonly observed in other types of galaxies, making them a distinctive feature of AGN. In addition, the specific wavelengths and patterns of these lines can also help differentiate between different types of AGN, aiding in their identification and classification.
